Chapter Fifty One

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Pain erupted in his chest and heart as he heard you say those words. He had hoped that after his confession last night, you would at least think about it and open your heart back up just a little bit for him again. But he had hoped for it to happen.

A painful smile showed on his lips as he thought back to what his mother used to tell him when he was younger.

"It's okay to have hope. It's what makes us human. But just don't get disappointed when things don't go the way you hope for it to go."

Ironic, wasn't it? Humans hope for things to happen in their lives, but when it doesn't go the way they want, they're mad at the world and everyone. But Yoongi wasn't angry or upset; he was ashamed; the feeling of shame and guilt had become his best friend, and he was honestly getting used to the feeling.

Having you live with him was perfect, but seeing you and not being able to hold you in his arms, to love him as he wishes, is what kills him. Was this what Eve felt when god had told her and Adam not to eat the forbidden fruit? Temptation. He was tempted to ignore the rules you have set into place. He was tempted to hug you and shower you with his love.

But he knew that if he were to give in to the temptation, then he would lose you forever, but seeing you get dragged away right now brought pain to him. The bruises and cuts on his face didn't hurt. The pain didn't compare to the pain that was coming from his heart.

He wanted to be mad, he wanted to be mad at Jin for telling the truth, but he knew he didn't have the right to be angry. He had already learned his lesson of hurting others just so that he could cope with his pain, he had already hurt you once, and god knows what he will do with himself if he hurt you again or any of the boys.

Everyone watched in silence as you were dragged into your father's car despite your protest of staying. Yoongi was happy that you wanted to stay, but he also knew for a fact that you didn't want to stay because of him.

After the car pulled out of the driveway and drove away, they all turned to look at their leader and eldest brother.

"What do we do now?" Hoseok asks but is sadly only faced with silence. What could they do now? They couldn't do anything at that. They couldn't cross your father more than they already had. If Yoongi were to cross your father again... it would mean the end of him and everyone in the mafia.

"There's nothing that we can do..." Hopelessness. That is what he felt. Hopeless. He couldn't do anything now; there was nothing he could do or say to get you back. He was sure that if he even dared to step foot on Donghyun's property, he would be shot in the head.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You sat in the living room, your heat down while your hands wrung together as you grew anxious the longer your dad stayed silent. Your mind was running a marathon with so many thoughts in your mind. You wanted to be mad that Jin told your dad the truth, but you knew that for Jin to tell your dad the truth meant that he had no other choice. He couldn't dodge it.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?" He finally asked. Why didn't you tell him? You honestly were starting to ask yourself that too.

"Because I knew you would act like this..." You simply replied.

"How would you have wanted me to act then, honey? He hurt you, and as your father, it angers me. Wouldn't you feel and do the same if it was Jungwon?" He was right there, he is your father, and you were his child. It was normal as a parental instinct to be enraged when your child gets hurt.

"I'm... I'm sorry, dad..." He sighed and shook his head.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, dear, but I just don't understand how you could still be living with him after all he's done to you." For the first time since you stepped into the house, you finally dared to look up at your father.

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