Chapter Four

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You and Yoongi had been dating for about three months now, and if you were honest, those three months were maybe the best time of your life. He would buy you things at random times; he would bring you flowers even though you own a flower shop. He would walk you home sometimes, and he would take you out on dates. He made you feel so loved and special. You felt so lucky to have him as yours. 

Since it had been three months since you two started dating, Yoongi thought it would be a good time to introduce him to your family. You didn't know it before, but one month into the relationship Yoongi had revealed to you that he no longer had parents saying they died in an accident. He also told you about his sister, who was brutally murdered. It crushed you knowing that he was alone with no family, so you tried your best to be the family he needed. You didn't ask for any details knowing it was a sensitive topic, and you respected his space.

You were standing outside as you waited for Yoongi to arrive. Your mom and Mrs. Khang already knew about your relationship with Yoongi, and they were perfectly fine with it, but you were worried about how your dad would react since you haven't told him, and you knew how protective he was over you. You patiently waited until you saw Yoongi's car pull up into the driveway. You smiled and ran to his car. He parked the car and quickly got out, pulling you into a hug and kissing you on the cheek.
"Hi, Babe." You smiled and kissed him back on the cheek. Yeah, you may have guessed right. We haven't had our first kiss yet. You two just respected each other's space, and so you two never got physically apart from hugs, holding hands, and kisses on the cheek.

"Let's go. Are you nervous?" He laughed and shook his head before holding your hand in his.

"I'm not, are you?" You shyly nodded your head.


"Umm... I've already told my mom and a maid that is like my second mother to me about us, but I haven't had the chance to tell my dad..." He looked at you, confused.

"Is your dad home then?" You looked up at him and squeezed his hand.

"He is."

"Then how did you get him to stay? I'm sure since your dad is a CEO, he doesn't have a lot of free time." You run a hand through your hair.

"I told him that a friend was coming over, and I wanted him to stay to meet that friend..." You confessed, causing Yoongi to raise an eyebrow.

"A friend? I am nothing but a friend, babe." He teased. You rolled your eyes before pulling him with you to your house. You opened the house and led him inside and to the living room where your parents and Mrs. Khang were. You nervously and awkwardly walked in. Yoongi is your first boyfriend, so everything you've done so far has been your first. Yoongi slightly stood behind you while you cleared your throat, catching your parent's attention.

"Eomma... Appa..." You looked at them and saw your mom and Mrs. Khang eyeing Yoongi with an impressed smile on their faces. Next, you looked at your dad and saw him standing there tense and confused. Finally, you felt Yoongi squeeze your hand as if telling you, 'you got this.'
"I'd like you to meet Yoongi... my boyfriend..." Your mom and Mrs. Khang let out a squeal while your dad continued to stare at Yoongi. Yoongi stood next to you and bowed respectively at them.

"Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Min Yoongi." Your mom immediately walked over to you two and cupped Yoongi's face in her hands.

"Aigo, you're so good-looking. No wonder why my daughter fell for you." You looked at Yoongi and saw his cheeks flushing red, causing you to let out a small giggle.

"Ah, thank you, Mrs. Lee." Your mom gave him a disapproving look and shook her head.

"Oh, please don't be so formal! You can call me auntie!" He nodded. Your dad walked over to us and stood beside your mom, still eyeing Yoongi. He seemed really tense, maybe because this was the first time you brought a boy home to introduce to them.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Yoongi held his hand out to your dad for a handshake. Your dad held his hand out as well, and they shook hands, but there seemed to be an unexplainable tension between them.

"Nice to meet you too, son." They both stared at each other in the eyes. You glanced down at Yoongi's hand and saw how his veins were popping, which confused you. Their handshake lasted longer than a handshake should typically last. Finally, your dad pulled his hand away and laughed.

"Honey, why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?" You gulped and wiped your palm on your jeans.


"Because you're scary, and she's intimidated by you. You're so protective of her, man!" Your mom said, smacking your father on the shoulder. The room suddenly filled with a fit of laughter.

"I'm glad you finally found some Y/n ah." Mrs. Khang said from the corner of the room. You smiled and thanked her.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You guys ate together as your parents got to know Yoongi a bit better. Your parents had asked Yoongi what his job was, but he didn't tell them, saying it was classified like you. You noticed how tense your dad was throughout the whole thing and saw how his laugh and smile were more forced than natural. You also noticed how Yoongi kept clenching and unclenching his fists, causing his veins to be visible. You wondered why it was so, but maybe it was because he was nervous.

After eating, you and Yoongi were about to leave to go hang out a bit more

"It was nice meeting you, Yoongi." Then, finally, your mother said goodbye to him.
"It was nice meeting you, son. Take care of my daughter." Your father said out with gritted teeth. You and your mother hugged before you and Yoongi left the house and got into his car.
"Where are we going?" He let out a sigh and relaxed in his seat.

"I have a place; it's one of my favorite places to be."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
You guys arrived at the said place. You both got out, and you gasped at the sight in front of you.

 You both got out, and you gasped at the sight in front of you

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"Yoongi, it's beautiful here." He smiled and held your hand.

"Are you okay with jumping the fence?" You nodded. He boosted you up, and you climbed over the fence. He climbed over the wall as well and held your hand, leading you to the edge. You laid your jacket out on the ground for the both of you to sit on.

"I get why this is your favorite place, it's so beautiful here, and you see the whole city." He sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to his chest.

"Yeah, I think your dad hates me." You furrowed your brows and looked up at him.

"Why would you say that?" He shook his head and ruffled his hair.

"Did you not see the way he was looking at me the whole night?" You sighed and nodded your head.

"I'm sure he liked you, Yoongi. It was just that I didn't give him the heads up about you, and he was probably just still in shock." He sighed and nodded. You leaned you onto his shoulder again, holding his hand tightly in yours as you both sat in silence, looking at the city night.

"Y/n...?" You hummed.

"I... I think it's time I tell you what I do for a living." Sure, you wanted to know what his job was, but if he felt pressured to tell you, then he shouldn't have to.

"Yoongi, you don't have to tell me because you feel pressured." He shook his head and lifted your head to look at you in the eyes.

"It's not because I feel pressured to. We've been dating for three months now, and I think it's time you know the truth." You nodded and waited for him to tell you.

"Remember when I stumbled into your flower shop bleeding?" You nodded again.

"Well... the reason why I was injured... was because I got into..." He looked away from your eyes, taking in a deep breath as if to prepare himself for the worse to come.

"A mafia fight..." You furrowed your brows confused. Why in the world would Yoongi get into a mafia fight? Was he crazy to get him involved with the mafia?!

"Why did you get into a mafia fight Yoongi?" He softly pulled his hand out of your grasp."I got into a mafia fight... because...

...I'm a mafia leader..." 


A/n: Welp we've found out that Yoongi is a mafia leader now, but why do you think him and Y/n's dad were so tense around each other? 

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