Chapter Ten

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It had been a week since you got married to Yoongi, and it has also been a week of constantly getting tortured.

Yoongi would wake you up super early in the morning to cook him breakfast. When you did make him breakfast, he would take one bite and throw the plate away, saying the food was disgusting... it did hurt whenever he said that, but you didn't show it. You knew the food was good. Although you grew up having maids and cooks, you instead cooked yourself than have others cook for you.

Yoongi would make you sleep in bed with him, but when he came home and saw you sleeping on the bed, he would ask why you were sleeping in his bed and kick you off the bed... leaving you to sleep on the cold floor without any pillows or blankets.

Sure, you were getting tired; physically, mentally, and emotionally. But, whenever you were sure that he was asleep, that was when you would silently cry to yourself.

Jungkook had kept his promise of making your life ultimately hell. He had lied to Yoongi, causing you to get beat and earn bruises all over your body and scars on your back.


You were in the kitchen with Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung. Jimin and Taehyung sat on the stools, talking to each other while you helped Jin cook dinner.

On the other hand, Jin created small talk with you, while you only gave short responses. Jin still tried to approach you after the last conversation you had with him in the kitchen. At first, you kept pushing him away, but you gradually started letting him in. Maybe it was a dumb move on your end, but you could see he was genuinely trying to befriend you and help you out anyway.

In the short time, he had managed to become the member that you were close to. Jimin and Taehyung did apologize to you and such, but it was still slow on your end, accepting all of them. But you were sure of one thing, though. You would never accept Yoongi.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was calm and peaceful until Yoongi and Jungkook came running into the kitchen. You glanced at Yoongi and saw how he was directly looking at you, his eyes filled with rage while Jungkook looked at you with a smirk which instantly went away when Jin asked what the hell was going on.

Ignoring Jin, Yoongi marched over to you, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling on it.

"Yoongi! What are you doing!" Jin yelled, running to your side about to pull you away from Yoongi when he shoved Jin back harshly.

"How dare you throw yourself on Jungkook, you whore!" You blinked, confused. What did he mean by that?

"What the hell are you talking about, Yoongi?!" Yoongi's grip tightened around your hair, and you were sure he was pulling hair right out of your scalp at this point.

"Jungkook just told me that this morning when he was walking down here, SHE threw herself on him and tried seducing him!" You looked over at Jungkook and saw him smirking at you. He had lied. He purposely lied because he knew Yoongi would do this.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I was with her this morning!" Jin had finally managed to pull you away from Yoongi and made you stand behind him.

"So are you saying Jungkook lied to me?! Why would he even do that! I trust him more than I trust this bitch!" He pointed his finger at you. You lowered your head as you thought about how low Jungkook had swooped just so that you could get into trouble.

Yoongi shoved Jin aside, grabbed your wrist tightly, and pulled you along with him in a quick movement.

"Come here, you bitch, I'll show you who you belong to and what happens when you try to seduce one of my members!" But before he could entirely pull you out of the kitchen, Jin stood in front of him.

"Yoongi, don't do this. She did nothing wrong!" Yoongi snarled and pushed him aside, continuing to drag you out of the kitchen. You turned around and looked at Jin, who was giving you an apologetic look, and mouthed, "I'm sorry..." You smiled and mouthed back, "It's okay."

Yoongi pushed you into his bedroom and locked the door behind him. You fell onto the floor. You breathed heavily as you readied yourself for what was to come.

"Come here, you slut." His hand wrapped around your neck and pulled you up on your feet. Your hand automatically went to his hand, trying to pull them away from your neck.

"You'll learn your place after this!" You fell onto the ground again and heard him unbuckling his belt. You looked up and saw him taking his belt off and holding it in his hand.

"You're mine!" He threw his hand back and whipped you with his belt. Your body jerked as his belt made contact with your back. It hurt, but you won't make any noise because he will get satisfied for breaking you if you did.

"Only mine!" Another whip to the back.

"Let's set some rules, shall we?" He grabbed your jaw harshly to make you look up at him.

"Rule number one: You do not speak unless permitted to." He let go of your jaw and straightened up, ready to whip you again.

"Rule Number Two: You do not speak to my men! You filthy whore!" He whipped you twice this time, and tears welled up in your eyes as the pain was starting to become unbearable.

"Now count!" Another stinging sensation on your back as the belt made contact with your skin.

"O-one..." You whimpered with your head down. You balled your hands into fists as he whipped you again.



"Four..." Tears flowed down as you thought about your life. What did you do to deserve this... you were just a flower shop owner... and now here you were married to a man you thought had loved you and was getting beat and tortured every single day...

A whimper escaped your lips as this whip, in particular, hurt more than the rests.

"F-Five..." He dropped the belt and pulled you up by the arms, and pushed you onto the bed.

"Now, let's make sure you never think of trying to seduce one of my men ever again."

-End of Flashback-

After abusing and using your body again, he left you bruised, naked, and you curled up in a ball crying.

Jin had entered the room with a first aid kit and tended the cuts on your back.


"I'm sorry Y/n..." Your back faced him as you stared out of the window.

"What are you sorry for...?" You asked, your voice coming out weak. You were tired from the abuse and were about to pass out at any given time.

"I couldn't stop him... and because of that, you got hurt..." The room fell silent for a moment. You heard him open the first aid kit and gently tended your cuts.

"It's not your fault... so don't blame yourself..." That was the last thing you said to him before you fell unconscious. 


A/n: Well... I don't know about you but at this point I am starting to hate Jungkook... 

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