Chapter Twenty

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After your emotional breakdown, you had fallen back asleep. All seven males stood silently in the room as the words of the doctor echoed in their minds.

"She can get discharged in a few days, but a word of advice: make sure you keep a close eye on her after this. She was able to try to end her life once, and she can try to end it again." life once, and she can try to end it again."

"Yoongi..." Jimin hated seeing you like this. It hurt him seeing you so lifeless and so done with everything. When he first met you, you were strong and had this kindful aura. You also had this shimmer in your eyes.

You were strong and very vocal and didn't mind stating your mind, just like how you had shamelessly defended your love for Yoongi when Jungkook was questioning it. However, in the end, it all was fake.

He missed you... the old you... he missed how you were always so talkative and bright, cheering him up when he was tired and down. He wanted the old you back, and that was only possible if...

"Please let her go... You've heard the doctors... she may try to kill herself again... and we all know why she tried to kill herself..." Yoongi clenched his fists at the thought of letting you go. There was no way he would let you go. You were bound to him for life now, and he didn't plan on letting you get out of his sight.

Besides, he wasn't done messing around with you yet.

"No." Everyone looked at the leader in shock. Was he really that heartless and blind that he didn't see how you were suffering?

"Yoongi plea-"

"I said no." And with that, he stormed out of the room, leaving everyone quiet in shock and worry. They were worried for you and your health. It would only be a matter of time before you tried to do something again...

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You were on the roof of the hospital, sitting at the edge as you looked around the courtyard of the hospital. When you had woken up, you saw none of the boys, and you felt suffocated staying in that small white room, so you decided to come out and get some fresh air.

It was summer, almost fall, and some trees had begun to start changing colors. You loved fall; it was one of your favorite seasons you didn't know why. Maybe because of how the world smelled after it had rained, or how the leaves changed into such beautiful colors.

"Y/n?" You turned around and saw Hoseok standing there. You let a small smile. He walked over to you and sat with you on edge.

"Why are you out here...?" You've realized that this was the first time you've ever got to talk to Hoseok alone ever since you got into that house.

"I... just wanted some fresh air..." So you were sure that he thought you had come up here to try to kill yourself again. I mean, look at you, you're on the roof sitting on the edge of the hospital building.

You tried to kill yourself once, but that was a fail sure; you wish you did die, but it was also an eyeopener. Maybe there was a reason why Jin had come to you and saved you in time, and maybe there was something that you haven't experienced yet that you had to, perhaps it just... wasn't your time yet...

If that were the case, you'd try your best to live. Sure your life has turned to hell because of one man, but maybe everything will turn out to be better.

"Y/n... we may not all know each other that well... but personally speaking, I care about you, and I don't want you ever to try doing something like that ever again." He spoke to you, sincerity in his voice.

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