Chapter Twenty Nine

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It was quiet in Yoongi's office as he stared out the window, thinking about today's events. He had finally found you, and he had seen you with his own eyes. You looked the same even though you had become thinner than the last time he had seen you, probably from the stress and overworking.

He wasn't sure why he had acted the way he did when he saw you. He had changed in the past five years, but seeing you again caused his old self to resurface. The peace in the room was suddenly disrupted when the door flung open, an angry Jin walking in and standing in front of the desk looking down at Yoongi with his hands on his hips.

"You found her and went to go see her, didn't you?" Yoongi sighed and turned his head to look at his Hyung.

"My son... She has my son Hyung..." The oldest shook his head and sighed.

"And what about Y/n? She's your wife. I know you never turned those divorce papers in!" The younger male glanced at one of the drawers in his desk that held the divorce papers he had you signed.

Foolish, wasn't it? He filed for divorce, told you to sign them then leave, but he had never turned them in to make it official. So you were still legally married.

"...I...I don't want her..." Jin rushed to stand by Yoongi's side.

"Why are you so stubborn, Yoongi ah? It's been five years since she left, and you still haven't let any of us touch the things she left behind. Moreover, you never stepped foot into her room since she left. Are you still saying that you don't want her?!"

Since the day you left, Yoongi has locked the room you used to stay in up—telling the boys that no one was allowed to go in there. Yoongi never told anyone, but the others knew him well enough to know that it hurt Yoongi to let you go. That was the reason why he never stepped foot into that room because it still smelled like you and still had the few belongings that you had left behind.

"How long are you going to keep lying to yourself, Yoongi ah?" Not wanting to have this conversation anymore, Yoongi looked up at Jin and said,

"Get out."

"No! You still can't forget about Minju?!" Anger boiling up in Yoongi's chest at the mention of his sister's name, he stood up and glared at the eldest.

"Hayoon caused Minju to die! Did you forget that!?" By now, everyone else in the house had heard the arguing coming from the office. They all stood outside the door, quietly listening as the eldest and leader argued.

"Before it was Lee Hayoon. Today it's Lee Y/n! I will never let it go!" Jin let out a frustrated sigh looking at the stubborn leader whose chest was heaving up and down.

"Fine, then tell me. Since you found her, why did you let her go?" The room fell silent as Yoongi turned away from Jin. Being taken aback and feared that everyone would find out about his real intentions.

"That's none of your business."

"Yoongi, Minju has been gone for so long already. It's time to move on." His tone softened as he stepped back from him. Yoongi breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down before he lost it and created havoc.

"Get out."

"Yoongi!" He turned his head and glared at the eldest.

"I said get out!"

"Don't regret this." Jin stormed out of the office, leaving Yoongi alone as he had asked. He slumped back into his chair and ruffled his hair.

Ever since you left, no one talked about it, but everyone missed you dearly. Especially Jin. The member that you had grown closest to during your time here.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was another day of work, and it was time to go home back to Jungwon. After the incident in the alleyway, you never took the alleyway home as a shortcut anymore.

You stood outside your apartment, your hand digging inside your purse to find the keys to getting inside. Once you found them, you unlocked the door and immediately heard Jungwon crying. You rushed into the kitchen, and the sight in front of you brought horror to your face.

"Jungwon ah! Where did you scald yourself!" You lifted him and carried him, running out of the apartment and outside. You have to get Jungwon to a hospital before it gets worse. You ran out on the street with Jungwon in your arms securely as he continued to cry.

Taehyung, who sat in his car, saw this and immediately got out of his car and ran to you. You stopped and looked at him. You didn't want to ask for help, knowing that he would tell Yoongi that he had seen your child, but Jungwon had scalded himself and was in too much pain. He needed to get to a hospital fast.

"Can you keep a secret...?" Without hesitating, Taehyung grabbed your arm and pulled you to his car.

"I promise, but right now, saving the child is more important." So the three of you got into the car before Taehyung drove off to the hospital.

When you guys pulled up in front of the hospital, you opened the door and ran out with Jungwon in your arms.

"Doctor! Doctor! Come here quickly!" Immediately a nurse and doctor ran up to you, seeing the condition that Jungwon was in.

"What happened?" The doctor took Jungwon from your arms and laid him in a bed.

"My child Jungwon scalded himself. Please help him!" They rolled him into the ER, and you followed them until a nurse stopped you from going in.

"We'll take care of him, but you can't go in here. You should go pay the fee first." The door of the ER room closed. Tears welled up in your eyes as your legs gave up on you, causing you to collapse onto the ground. This was all your fault. If you didn't leave Jungwon alone, he wouldn't have scalded himself.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as the frustration grew. You felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up and saw Taehyung.

"Come on, let's go sit over there." He motions his head to the set of chairs. You nodded, and he helped you up, walking you over to the chairs. As soon as you sat down, you took your purse out and looked at the cash, but you didn't have enough to pay. You looked up at Taehyung, and he sighed.

"I'll go then." He walked away, leaving you alone. Five minutes later, Taehyung came back and handed you a water bottle before sitting down next to you.

"Y/n, please don't blame Yoongi. He had me following you because he is worried." You scoffed eternally and looked away. Yoongi? Worrying about you? Oh please.

"Do you know Khang Junsoo...?" The name sounded familiar, but you didn't remember where you had heard it from.

"I'll tell you then. Khang Junsoo wants to take over our mafia. He wants to use you to threaten Yoongi." You looked at Taehyung and shook your head.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung, but aren't you mistaken? In the eyes of Yoongi, I'm worth nothing. In his eyes, I'm nothing but the daughter of the man that killed his beloved sister."

"But Jungwon is Yoongi's child. You don't want Jungwon to be in danger, right?" You gulped. Taehyung now knew the name of your child, and you were sure that he would tell Yoongi.

"He's just changing his methods... to continue to torture me..." Taehyung stood up from the seat and looked down at you.

"You know how Yoongi's temper is. So it would be best if you gave him the child. It's better for you and the child." He took a card out of his pocket and handed it to you.

"Think about it. Here's my number." You grabbed the card.

"I'll wait for you in the car." You ruffled your hair, not sure of what to do anymore.

Taehyung took his phone out and dialed a number before bringing the phone up to his ear, waiting patiently for the other line to pick up.

"What?" The voice on the other line spoke.

"Yoongi Hyung, the child, got scalded, and his name is Jungwon." 


A/n: welp Taehyung broke his promise :)

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