Chapter Twenty Seven

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You stared at him in pure shock, but it soon faded away and turned into fear. He was here standing in front of you... he had found you... and you were pretty sure you knew why he had found you.

He smiled and took a step towards you, making sure to leave some space in between. If he were honest, he was happy to know that you still remembered him.

"Hey, Y/n... long time no see..." You stared at him quietly, not sure of what to say or even do.

"It's good to see that you still remember me..." Sweat started to form in your palms as you grew more nervous. They had found you...

Without thinking twice, you ran out of the meeting room and made your way back to the first floor, bumping into Ahnjong on the way.

"Y/n? Did something happen?" You shook your head and wrung your hands together. Taehyung had found you, and you were sure it was because of Yoongi's order... you had to get away, you and Jungwon...

"I-... I'm fine..." She sighed and held your hands tightly in hers.

"You should go back and rest. I'll talk to boss about it." You hesitated, you didn't want to go back knowing that Taehyung could still be in there, but you couldn't just leave your job like that.

"It'll be fine. Go home and take care of Jungwon."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was late, and you roamed the streets with your hands full of groceries. You knew that you shouldn't be on the streets when it's dark outside, but you didn't have enough money to get a ride back home.

As you were walking, you saw a shortcut in an alleyway. Sure it was probably stupid to think about going through an alleyway to get home faster, but Jungwon had been alone for hours now, and you needed to get back to him.

Holding the grocery bags closer to your body, you walked into the alleyway. You were extra cautious of your surroundings. You stopped walking and looked behind you. You swore you heard something, and you had a feeling that someone was following you, but looking around, you saw no one. Picking up your pace, you continued your way home.

But it wasn't until you heard footsteps running up to you from behind and a pair of hands grabbing your arms. A bag suddenly went over your head, blocking your vision. You dropped the grocery bags and started screaming, trying your best to break away from whoever it was that was trying to kidnap you.

"Someone help me!" You screamed out to no one in particular.

"Shut up!" One of the two men hissed, dragging you along with them. You started to panic. What do you do?! You had to get away from these people! You couldn't let them take you! Jungwon was at home waiting for you.

You halted your steps when suddenly the hands that were on you were gone, and a series of groans were heard. You hastily took off the bag and looked around. The two men were lying on the ground in pain. You slowly looked up and saw Taehyung standing there, his hands clenched into fists as his chest rose up and down.

In a panicked state, you got off from the ground and sprinted home, not once looking back into the alleyway.

Taehyung glared at the two men who were lying on the ground in pain. He had followed you after you left your job, and he was glad that he did. Although Yoongi tasked him to find you, they had no intentions of taking you back,

There was someone else trying to take you and use you as leverage.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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