Chapter Thirty Nine

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Yoongi walked into the quiet room with a heavy chest as he looked at you lying so lifeless in bed. It pained him greatly to see you like this. Even after all the things he had done to you, you were still able to smile and brighten up everyone's day... that was one of the reasons why he had fallen in love with you in the first place...

You had made his seemingly dark life bright... but he had ruined it all when he married you and ruined you.

He sat on the chair next to your bed, your hand in his. The moon that shined through the window shone on your face, making cuts and bruises visible. The small rise and fall of your chest, along with the beeping from the heart monitor, reassured him that you were alive and that you were going to be okay. He lowered his head as his thoughts started to get the best of him.

It had been two days since that eventful day, and you still hadn't woken up. Everyone had come into your room to check up on you... except for Yoongi... he was scared to face you because he was sure you would hate having the first thing you see when you wake up be Yoongi's face... he was afraid to see you so lifeless...

Everyone took turns coming to watch you, but Yoongi had stayed outside of your hospital room for the past two days... everyone tried convincing him to come to see you... and he finally did...

"I'm... I'm sorry, Y/n ah..." His voice came out quiet and so broken as he squeezed your hand.

"I... I know I don't deserve you... nor do I deserve your forgiveness..."

"But... please wake up soon... if not for me... wake up for Jungwon..." He looked up at your pale face; it honestly scared him, seeing how skinny you had gotten in two days.

"I... don't know if you still love me... if you did, you would be a fool..." He let out a painful chuckle.

"I don't deserve your love either... after everything that I've done to you..." He wiped the tears on his face, but it seemed like he was crying a never-ending river of tears.

"I was too dumb to realize it back then..."

"But... I love you, Y/n...please wake up soon... so that I can make everything up to you... so that I can love you right... so that we can be a family. A family that you always wanted..."

"You did a good job raising Jungwon on your own... but please wake up so that we can raise him together..." He looked at your face, expecting you to wake up, but of course, he was only left with a disappointed feeling in his heart, seeing that you weren't awake...

With a sigh, he got up from the chair and was about to walk away when he felt your hand gripping onto his hand that still held yours. He turned back to look at you, confused. He sat back down on the chair and leaned forward to look at you.

"Y/n...?" You had gained consciousness, but you had heard Yoongi talking to you, so you pretended to be still asleep. In all honesty, you didn't want Yoongi to be the first person you saw when you woke up, but of course, he would be the first person you saw.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open, and you looked directly at Yoongi. Normally, your heart would've fluttered, and you would have blushed seeing how close he was to you, but this time, none of that happened. Maybe it was because you had finally moved on from him... or maybe because nothing but hatred against this man was left in your heart.

You had once loved him so much... but maybe it is all gone now...

A person can only take so much...

"I'll go get the doctor. Stay here!" You let go of his hand, and he quickly ran out of the room to find a doctor. You tried to control your shallow breathing because it hurt like a bitch to breathe.

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