Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Jungwon, eat the bun." You slid the plate towards him, only for him to slide it back to you.

"No, Eomma, you eat it." You smiled and compiled.

"Okay, Eomma will eat it." So you ripped off a piece of the bun and ate it.

"mmM... It tastes so good..." He reached out for the bun, which you handed to him. He broke the bun in half before ripping a small piece off to eat. You grabbed the bowl of rice porridge and scooped up a spoon to feed Jungwon.

But as you looked at him, you noticed the sadness once again swarming in his eyes, causing your heart to clench painfully.

"What is it, Jungwon ah...?"

"Eomma... I want to go to school like the other kids in this building..." You sighed and placed the bowl back on the table. You wanted to send Jungwon to school, but things were complicated...

"Jungwon ah be good when Eomma gets paid. I'll take you to school, okay...?" His eyes brightened, and he smiled.

"Really...?" You nodded and caressed his cheek.

"Yeah, after Eomma gets paid, I'll also take you to Mcdonalds, buy new clothes for you, and make you your favorite food."

"Make sure to cook a lot of meat then!" He loves meat just like his father...

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Junsoo sat in his office. His chest was heaving up and down in anger as he glared at his men.

"Can't even do a fucking simple task!" His voice roared out as his hands clenched into fists.

"If she runs, what will I be able to use against Yoongi!" His men bowed.

"Sorry, boss... this won't happen again..."

"I need his mafia to gain more power..."

"We'll bring her here, sir..." They once again bowed to their boss and were about to walk out when.

"Wait... are you sure that Kim Taehyung was there...?" He looked up at his men, who nodded.

"Yes, sir, I saw him." Junsoo motioned for them to leave before a dark chuckle escaped his lips.

"So I was right... Min Yoongi does care..."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You were in the ladies' room, cleaning the stalls when the door creaked open, and Ahnjong came running in.

"Y/n ah!" You got up and turned to look at your friend.

"What is it, Ahnjong?"

"Someone is here looking for you again. I sent them to the same waiting room as last time. Go on before you make them wait too long." You gulped and nodded. You prayed that it wasn't those men from last night. You prayed that it wouldn't be Yoongi... if it were Taehyung again, you would perfectly be fine with that...

You slowly made your way to the meeting room, sweat filling your palms which you constantly wiped your hands on your jeans. Finally, you opened the meeting room door and walked in. your breath hitching in your throat as you saw the person comfortably sitting in one of the chairs.

"I'm pregnant..."

"Abort it..."


"You think I love you...? I only married you because you're here to pay for what your father did..."


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