Chapter Forty Three

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You stared at your father and Jin. Your eyes widened in shock with your mouth hanging open. What did your father mean by that...? Could it mean...Your father seeing your shocked state, laughed and pulled away from Jin.

"Jin is my son. Which means he is your older brother." Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to form words. You looked at Jin, who was looking at you with so much love in his eyes. It wasn't romantic love, though... it was the love between siblings...


"Have you guys found anything?" You asked Jin once you walked into his bedroom. His room was a mess, you could say, clothes everywhere, papers scattered along his desk, and his bed was unkempt as well.

You tried to help them the best you could, but this was still fairly new to you. It had only been a few weeks since you found out that the people you had thought were your parents weren't your parents at all.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, we haven't gotten a solid lead at all. Since everything was kept out of the books were left in the dark." You sighed.

"If and when we find information, you'll be the first to know, okay?" You nodded and walked out of his room. Once Jin was sure that you were gone, he took out his phone and dialed a number, and brought the phone up to his ear.

"Hello? Son?" His father's voice spoke over the phone.

"Hi, dad."

"Why did you call me? Did something happen?" Jin smiled, knowing the news he was about to tell his father would bring so much joy to him.

"Dad, I found her... I found my sister..." The other line went silent as your father processed this information.

"Your sister... you found our princess...?" Jin nodded as if his father could see.

"I did, dad."

"Oh my god. How is she? Where is she? I need to see her right now!" Jin laughed, hearing his father bombard him with questions about your whereabouts.

"I'll take her to come to see you, don't worry, dad."

"Make it fast Seokjin ah! I need to see my daughter!"

-End of Flashback-

"'re my brother...?" He nodded. You walked to him and wrapped your arms around him tightly. You had never expected Jin to be your brother. Maybe that was why your father's facial features seemed so familiar, as if you had seen them before... when you took another look at Jin, you saw it... Jin was the one that had features similar to your father... your guy's father.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled into the crook of your neck.

"What are you sorry for?" Tears welled up in his eyes as guilt ate him up. He had been looking for his sisters for years. When he had grown up and learned of his lost sister, he did everything to find her. Still, he always came to a dead-end, and he now found out that his real sister... was with him this whole time... guilt ate him up knowing all the things you had gone through...

"I... I couldn't protect you..." He whispered into your ear, making sure your father didn't hear you guys. Although he didn't say it, you knew what he was talking about.

"It's not your fault Jin... I'm so glad that you're my older brother... even if we didn't know it back then... you were always so kind to me... you always took care of me..." You pulled back from the hug and cupped his face in your hands. You wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now