Chapter Thirty Eight

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What was this feeling that he had in his heart? Why did it hurt to breathe? Why did it feel like his world had suddenly fallen apart seeing you lay lifeless in Jin's arms? He thought you would be fine on your own, he thought that you would've ran to safety, but he had thought. He should've ran to you and protected you; he should've held you in his arms to shield you from harm's way, but yet he didn't do any of that.

And because he didn't, you were gone, and he didn't even get the chance to tell you sorry he was for hurting you all those years ago. He didn't even get the chance to tell you that he loved you. He always thought of what would be the saddest way a person could die.

And now he had his answer. It was dying in someone's arms and not being able to say your last words. That was what had happened to you. You were in so much pain you couldn't even speak...

Anger courses through his veins as he went on a killing rampage, killing men left and right. But he suddenly stopped when a gun was pointed directly at his head, he looked up, and his anger only increased.

Junsoo stood there, a gun in hand, pointing it at Yoongi's head with a wicked smirk. He was the one that pulled the trigger, killing you.

"Get on your knees." He demanded, but Yoongi didn't comply.

"I said get on your damn knees!" Junsoo was about to shoot the gun when dozens of armed men came running inside.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND DROP YOUR GUNS!" This new group of men all yelled, their guns pointed at Junsoo and his men. Junsoo's men dropped their weapons and held their hands up in the air.

"What are you doing, you idiots!? Shoot them!!" Junsoo yelled, but his men ignored him, knowing that they were now outnumbered. Finally, Yoongi, who had enough of this, snatched the gun out of Junsoo's hand and pointed the gun at his head. Junsoo looked at him, fear in his eyes.

"Any last words?" Yoongi asked, a smirk on his face.

"I-...plea-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Yoongi pulled the trigger, blowing Junsoo's head off. Yoongi looked at the new group of men that stormed in and instantly realized which group they belonged to.

"Help me!!" Jin, who still had you in his arms, yelled out to no one in particular. Yoongi dropped the gun and ran over to Jin's side, his hands going up to your face and slapping your cheeks,

"Hey hey hey! Y/n! Baby!! WAKE UP!" He desperately begged for you to open your eyes so that he could see those beautiful eyes of yours.

"Yoongi, she's still alive, barley, but we need to get her to the hospital! FAST!" Yoongi nodded and carried you in his arms. Jin and Yoongi ran out of the warehouse and got into one of the cars before driving off.

"What do we do now?" Jungkook, who was drenched in blood, asked no one in particular.

"We hope and pray that she makes it through," Namjoon said, ruffling his hair.

"It was good that you and Jin called in reinforcements, Namjoon."


"We have reinforcements on the way." Everyone looked at Namjoon and Jin, confused.

"What do you mean reinforcements are on their way?" The second hand in command asked.

"We called Donghyun and asked him for help. We have a good relationship with him and his mafia, and there is no way the six of us can go against God who knows how many men are in there."

-End of Flashback-

"Is Jimin outside with Jungwon and Ahnjong?" Hoseok asked no one in particular.

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