Chapter Forty One

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You stared at Jin in disbelief and shock. Was he lying? You weren't the daughter of the most dangerous Mafia boss... there was just no way... maybe the lab had messed something up, and it made your DNA be a match to this man...

"W-what...?" You managed to say in your shocked state.

"I'm not sure if you've heard of Kim Donghyun, but he is a CEO of the Kims corps, but he's a CEO to the public's eyes while underground he's the most feared mafia boss." You tried to run away from this mafia life. You ran away from Yoongi one because he hurt you so badly... and two because you couldn't handle seeing them go on missions and come back home only to be covered in blood of people they killed.

Ironic, wasn't it? You tried to run away from their lifestyle, but it turns out that you were born into it.

"But... if he's my father... how did I end up with the Lee's...?" Jin and the others still weren't too sure about how you had ended up with the Lee's. They still needed to do more research to be sure.

"Well... we still aren't sure about how you ended up with the Lees, but thirty years ago, Donghyun's mafia, also known as Crimson, was head to head with a rival mafia causing a war to break out. After everything ended, there was a rumor that Donghyun had a newborn baby, but due to the war between the two mafia's, Donghyun hid his second child. It was never confirmed to be true or not... but I think after your DNA results, we can confirm that that rumor is very much true..."

"We'll dig deeper into this. I know you want to know how you ended up with the Lees as much as the rest of us do." It was nerve-racking. It was the least that you could say. This whole time... your life had been a lie. You didn't know if you should be feeling angry or sorrowful. Your mind was a great mess.

You tried to be angry, angry that your birth father had given you away. But if Jin was correct... then you couldn't be mad at your father. He only gave you away because you were in danger.

"Jin... you seem to know a lot about my father... can you tell me more about him...?" He looked up at you and smiled, almost as if he was waiting for you to say that. His eyes held so many emotions; happiness, excitement... and love...?

"Of course." You got comfortable in your bed while Jin changed his position in the chair he sat on.

"Well, as you already know, your father is the top mafia boss. Our mafia is under his. You'd expect that we would be at constant war to get his title as the top mafia boss, but we have a close relationship with your father and his mafia."

"How?" You.

"Your father and Yoongi's father were best friends, and the rest should be self-explanatory, right?" You nodded.

"How is my father like...? Like... the way he acts." Jin thought about it before chuckling.

"Your father may be the top mafia boss, but he's a softie." You smiled as you tried to imagine your father as this big scary man, but as soon as he sees you, his cold facade breaks into a warm facade.

And that was how you spent the night in the hospital. Listening to Jin tell you about your father. And although you should be feeling a great resentment towards him, you didn't. Instead, you actually wanted to meet him.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You looked out of the window deep in thought. In a few days, you would be discharged, and you couldn't wait to leave this white room that you felt prisoner to, you would take Jungwon and leave... you weren't sure where to but as long as you wouldn't be found by Yoongi again.

As Jin had promised, he and the others have been looking for how you ended up with the Lees.

Jungkook has been swinging by and buying a lot of things. You knew he was trying to make up for what he did to you. It was sweet, and you knew he was really trying to patch things up between the both of you, but you would need more time until you could forgive him.

You had been ignoring Yoongi, and it seemed like he got the memo because he never once tried to talk or approach you. You were thankful, though, because you knew that if he tried to approach you, the anger in your heart would come out, and you would go off at him.

While you were still lost in your thoughts, the door opened, revealing Yoongi. You turned your gaze away from the window to see who it was, but as soon as you saw that it was him, you quickly turned your head back to the window. He let out a sigh and closed the door before walking up to your side.

The room fell silent as you ignored him and as he tried his best to come up with the best way to approach this.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this..." Your ears perked up as you heard the tone of voice he spoke in. It was soft and gentle...

"But I want you and Jungwon to move in with us." Hearing that made your heart drop. Why would he want you and Jungwon to move in with them? That place was hell to you, so why would you walk back into the lion's den when you had already escaped from it?

"I know you hate me, and you don't want to be near me. God, you can't even look at me right now... but I want to try and be the father that Jungwon needs...I want to try and be a family..."

Your heart swelled up hearing this. He wanted to try and be a family? But what about all the things he's done to you? Did he think that it could all just go away? You couldn't stand being with him anymore. You had given him all of you, but what did he do? Take it and throw it into your face.

You didn't want to be living in the same house as him... you tried to get away as far as you could from him... but there was this one thought in the back of your mind... Jungwon deserved to be with his father... he deserved to know who his father is and have the father figure he had missed out on for the past five years.

If it were for Jungwon... you would bear with it. You won't let your anger and hatred towards his father be the reason why he doesn't have a father.

"Okay..." He stared at you in shock as his jaw dropped. He didn't expect you to allow for this to happen. He had expected you to lash out at him and say hell no to the idea. But here you agreed to this. He couldn't help but smile, thinking that maybe he was getting his family back together.

"But..." He halted his thoughts as he heard you speak out.

"If you even try to do something. Jungwon and I are out." He nodded almost immediately.

"Okay, that's fine by me." He stayed calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was celebrating, he was getting you back, he was determined, and this time he wasn't going to be playing around this time. He was serious.

He had fallen in love with you. He hadn't realized it sooner, but he realized it now, and he was ready to make things right, even if it took him a hundred years to do so...


A/n: Do you think what Y/n did was right?

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