Chapter Thirteen

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It had been a month of constant physical and mental abuse. Yoongi would beat you every night until you were weak and covered in bruises. He would use your body whenever he wanted and would leave you alone to cry to yourself when he was finished. You didn't want to admit it, but you didn't know how much you could take. You were becoming weak, not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

It's even got to the point where you feel like you're starting to lose yourself. But, as you're trying to stay strong to get through this hell, you didn't notice that bit by bit, was losing yourself.

After Yoongi beats you, you would wake up weak and sore, but this morning was different from other mornings. You woke up feeling extremely weak, and you could barely get out of bed and up on your feet. You thought maybe from all the physical abuse you were getting, and your body couldn't take it anymore and was slowly giving up on you.

You got ready to start the day and slowly walked to the kitchen, using the wall as support while one hand was rubbing your temple. You walked into the kitchen and saw Jin behind the stove cooking. When he noticed your presence, he looked up at you and smiled.

"Hey there. Good morning Y/n ah." You weakly smiled back at him and sat down on one of the stools.

"Are you okay...?" He asked while putting the spatula down and observing your face.

"You're getting extremely thin and pale..." You sighed and nodded.

"Where is everyone...?" You quietly asked. When you woke up, you had noticed how quiet the house was. Generally, by the time you woke up, the boys would be up and running, but you heard none of that this morning.

"They went out. They'll be out for a few hours, so it'll just be you and me for the meantime." You sighed relieved, that meant Yoongi and Jungkook would be gone, and you would be safe for a few hours.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, turning off the stove and plating the food.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He slid the plate of food towards you.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked, standing by the fridge with two cups in his hand.

"Orange juice, please..." He filled one cup with orange juice while the other he filled with water. He walked over to you and handed you your orange juice before sitting down next to you. The both of you started to eat in silence. You grabbed the cup of orange juice and took a sip, but as soon as the liquid was flowing down your throat, you gagged and covered your mouth, feeling like you were about to throw up.

You covered your mouth and quickly got up, running to the nearest bathroom. Once you reached the bathroom, you barged in and fell on your knees in front of the toilet, emptying your stomach contents.

"Hey hey hey, take it easy." Jin stood next to you and held your hair into a ponytail, softly rubbing your back as you continued to throw up. Once you were done, you leaned against the bathtub, wholly exhausted.

"Are you okay?" You nodded and wiped your mouth. You breathed heavily as you tried to gather your strength to stand up. Jin kneeled and grabbed you by the arms, helping you up on your feet.

"Come on. I think you should go lay down." He carefully helped lead you to your room and laid you in bed. He brought his hand up to your forehead.

"You're not hot or anything..." You closed your eyes.

"Jin, I said I'm fine." He shook his head.

"No, you're not..." You laid there letting Jin make his doctor's diagnosis. He sat next to you for a few minutes thinking when his eyes widened at the conclusion he had come up with in his head.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now