Chapter Thirty Seven

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Kick after kicks, punch after punches caused a graveyard of bruises to litter Yoongi's body. Cuts littered his body with blood seeping out, and his blood splattered onto the concrete floor as he spat out blood from his mouth.

"Let him go!" You yelled out, struggling to free yourself from two men who were holding you back. Your heart aching at the sight of Yoongi getting beaten and his crimson red blood oozing out of his cuts and mouth.

"Stop hitting! Stop hitting him!" Yoongi groaned and held his stomach. Junsoo walked away and sat in the chair that he had once sat in before throwing the folder that contained the contract down at him.

"Will you sign it or not?"

"Let Y/n go." He said, his voice coming out hoarse. Junsoo got out of his seat and laid on his stomach next to Yoongi.

"Does it hurt? Min Yoongi, I'm telling you one last time. Sign the contract." Yoongi let out a chuckle which immediately confused everyone, his laughter slowly turning into a hysterical laugh. He looked up at Junsoo and smiled.

"Suck.My.Balls." Junsoo threw a punch at Yoongi's face before getting up and walked over to you. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, causing you to groan in pain.

"Everyone you love... always dies, don't you think...?" Yoongi's hands balled up into fists as he saw you in pain.

"And I forgot to tell you to! Did you really think that Y/n's father here killed your sister because he wanted to?" Your heart stopped at the mention of your father. It had been six years since you last saw your father and mother. But... were they your mother and father? You were sure that news of Yoongi divorcing you had gotten to them, but yet they never came to look for you.

"I was the one that told Hayoon to kill your sweet little sister..." Yoongi's knuckles turned white as anger coursed through his veins at the mention of his sister.

"And do you want to know why I had him kill her?" He pushed you away, causing your already weakened body to collapse onto the ground.

"I had him kill her because that little bitch sister Minju of yours chose... what was his name again...? Jungcock? Jungfuck? OH! Jungkook over me." Your breath hitched as you remembered what Jungkook had told you all those years ago when he had pulled you into an empty room and had you pinned against the wall.

He was in love with Minju, and she was in love with him too before she was brutally killed... was that really why she had been killed...? Because Junsoo was jealous over the fact that Minju had chosen Jungkook over him?

Jungkook, who hid in the shadows, balled his fists up in anger. He was about to expose himself when Namjoon grabbed his arm, keeping him in place. He was angry. The woman he had been so in love with was killed because of Junsoo's jealousy. Yet, as he felt anger, he also felt guilt.

Jungkook had been an ass to you this whole time for no reason. Yoongi, who was lying on the ground, also started feeling guilty. He had ruined your life, and he had destroyed you for his revenge, thinking that your father killed his sister for no reason when the culprit was Junsoo.

You were innocent in all of this... you just happened to be...

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now