Chapter Twenty Six

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You laid your son in bed and covered him with a blanket before going back to the dining room and sitting at the dining room table. You stared out of the window as you thought about everything that happened...

A/n: Let's take a look into the past, shall we? :))


"Ahnjong..." You called her name as tears fell down your face.

"Y/n? Why are you crying? What happened? Is something wrong?" Sobs escaped your lips as you told her everything that had happened, from Yoongi playing you, luring you into his revenge scheme to abusing you, to you trying to end everything, and to Yoongi being nice to you and taking care of you all for it just to be thrown back into your face.

"Where are you, Y/n? I'll come to get you." You looked around the street until you found the street name. You told her where you were and waited for her to come to pick you up.

About an hour went by when you saw her car pull up and her running out of the car and embracing you in her arms. You hugged her tightly as tears fell down your face.

"Shh... it's okay, honey..." She caressed your hair as you continued to sob into her neck. After your crying had died down, you pulled away from her.

"Thank you for coming... I didn't know where I could go or who I could call..." She smiled and wiped your tears.

"It's fine, Y/n. I am your friend, and I will do anything to help you. Come on, let's go home."

-End Of Flashback-

Ahnjong had taken you to her home down in Busan and let you stay there for as long as you needed until you were back up on your feet. She helped you find a job at the company she worked at. Although the job was cleaning the building and such, you didn't mind, and you were still grateful that you had a job and could make a decent amount of money. It took you a while, but you managed to get enough money to buy an apartment.

You glanced over at your son, that was peacefully sleeping. He had a cute button nose, just like his father...

Sadness filled your heart as you thought about his father... had been five years since you left that house, you never looked back, but you couldn't help but wonder how was he now?

Had he moved on and found someone better? As foolish and dumb as it may sound... you still loved him deep down inside of you... Although he did so many bad things to you... he gave you the greatest present that you could ever ask for... your son...


It had been about three weeks since Yoongi came into your room drunk and did those things to you. Although he said that he wasn't drunk, you knew that he wasn't sober either.

You had noticed that you were beginning to feel tired more frequently, although you would get a perfect nine hours of sleep every night. In addition, you felt weaker and couldn't carry things such as a bag of flour for Jin whenever you helped him cook. You had started becoming concerned because there was only one reasonable explanation for the constant tiredness and weakness.

It was late at night, and everyone was asleep. You slipped into the bathroom, making sure to lock it in case Yoongi suddenly decided to barge in at any given moment and pulled out the three boxes of pregnancy tests that Jin had bought previously.

You grabbed one pregnancy test out of each box and did the test. You waited for three minutes before looking at them. And the results caused your legs to give up on you.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now