Chapter Eighteen

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You were sitting on your bed, contemplating what to do. The boys were currently having a meeting, and you knew they wouldn't be out in a few hours.

Glancing over at your bedside table again, you saw the bottle of medication. Maybe it was a stupid thing to think about, but at this point, you didn't want to live anymore... What was the point of continuing to live? You were trapped in this house paying for something you didn't even do.

Finally making your decision, you got up from bed and grabbed the bottle of medication, and walked into the bathroom, making sure to close the door in case one of the boys decided to come to check up on you.

You opened one of the drawers and pulled out the knife you had secretly taken. You sat on the floor, your back leaning against the bathtub while you stared at the knife in your hand.

You rolled up your sleeves and held the knife near your wrists.

"I'm sorry..." You purse your lips together to silence the cry of pain as the blade made contact with your skin, sliding with ease. Blood started seeping out of the wound and dropped onto the tile flooring.

"I-... I'm sorry..." Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought about your family, your mom... your dad... Mrs. Khang... Ahnjong...

You knew they would be disappointed if they found out about what you did, but you just can't anymore. You can't take it anymore. You're tired of trying to be strong. You put on a strong facade in front of everyone but deep down, you're nothing but weak.

You've tried, you've tried to take the pain that was inflicted on you by Yoongi, but you don't know what hurts more. The physical pain he inflicts on your body or the aching sensation in your heart that he caused.

He was your first love... the first man you ever let into your heart, and he broke you...

Your unborn child that was killed before it even got the chance to see the world...

Holding the knife in your other hand, you slit your other wrist deeply, blood immediately seeping out onto the floor.

You hastily opened the medication bottle and emptied it, the pills in the palm of your hand. You brought your shaky hands up to your lips and consumed the pills. Hoping to die instantly.

You hugged your body as you laid down on the cold tile.

"I-... I'm sorry... E-omma... A-Appa... Tanjong... Jin... Jimin... Taehyung... I-..." You started coughing rapidly as your body grew numb and your vision blurred.

"I can't take this anymore..." Then, with one last shaky breath, your eyelids drooped closed, and the world around you became black.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Nurses and doctors hurriedly walked past them into the ER. Sounds of machines beeping and people chatting didn't seem to bother any of them at all.

Seven males were in the hallway, and the eldest was pacing back and forth, worried sick about the person in the ER. The younger males sat on the chairs, one of them in particular completely unbothered by all of this.

"I-... It's all my fault..." Everyone turned and looked at Taehyung, whose head was down with his hands covering his face.

"I... I gave that knife to her when I brought her dinner...I-" He cut off when his breathing became unsteady. Jimin placed his hand on his friend's shoulders, trying to calm him down, but how was he supposed to calm his friend down when he couldn't calm himself down?

"I should've known better to stay with her and watch her..." The hallway fell silent as the seven males were all lost in their thoughts.

"It's not your fault Taehyung ah." The eldest said, trying to reassure the younger male.

"If we were to blame someone, we should blame-" He looked directly at Yoongi, who happened to be looking at Jin too.

Jin was a patient person and didn't typically show his anger, but this time, he was done. He was done trying to be patient, and he was done hiding his anger. You were in the ER fighting for your life because of one man, and that man was Yoongi.

"Do you have a problem with me?" The leader asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I do! I do have a problem with you!" He took steps to Yoongi when he was stopped by Hoseok, who blocked his way. The rest of the boys were on high alert, ready to jump if anything were to happen.

"Because of you, Y/n is in there!" He pointed towards the ER room.

"Fighting for her life!" Yoongi laughed, causing Jin's blood to boil.

"She was the one that tried to end her life, not me." Jin shoved Hoseok to the side and was about to reach Yoongi when Namjoon placed his hand on his shoulder, trying to calm the oldest member down.

"Why can't you just let her go!? She's already been through enough being bound to you!" Just as the leader was about to answer, one of the younger males trying to calm himself yelled.

"GUYS!" Everyone's attention turned to Jimin, who had now stood up. He was tired and worried and scared about you. It wasn't the time to be arguing.

"THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE ARGUING! Y/N COULD'VE DIED! DO NONE OF YOU REALIZE THAT?!" Everyone became silent, realizing Jimin was right. If Jin hadn't gotten to you in time, you could've died. It didn't matter if Yoongi or Jungkook was the cause of this,

You could've died. 

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