Chapter Forty Nine

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It had been two days since the dinner at your dad's house, and if you were honest, you were slowly going crazy. So much had happened that night; your father suddenly making a wedding proposal for you and Yoongi, to Jin speaking in riddles.

You had been trying to figure out what Jin meant that night.

"But just like the stars that never change formation and the moon that will always shine brightly in the sky... sometimes you fight what you are, and sometimes you give in to it. And some nights, you just don't want to fight yourself anymore, so you pick someone else to fight."

Your head had started to hurt trying to decipher his words. Along with that, your father had pulled you aside and talked to you that made you worry about the future.


After Jin left, you stayed outside deep in thought when you felt another presence behind you. You turned around and saw your dad walking up to you.

"Hi, sweetie..." He had his hands tucked away in his pockets.

"Hi, dad."

"Listen... I'm sorry about what happened... I overstepped the line. I should've stopped when I knew you were getting uncomfortable." You smiled and hugged him.

"It's okay, Appa..." He sighed and hugged you back.

"I remember when I first held you in my arms twenty-six years ago... it was one of the happiest days of my life; don't tell your brother that." The both of you laughed.

"You were so precious, your eyes glimmered, and as your father, I knew that I had to protect you no matter what... we suddenly were going to war against a rival mafia... and it had only been six days since you were born... it was hard for me and your mother, your mother cried so much when I had to take you from her arms and out of the house." Tears started to well up in your eyes as you imagined your mother crying her heart out while kneeling on the ground as your father took you away that rainy night.

"After I left you there, the war started, and we won... but I had lost your mother... her last wish before she... died was that we find you. After the war, I looked for you everywhere, but I always ended up in a dead-end. When your brother came to age and learned the truth, he spent all of his time looking for you. That's why he joined Bangtan. Did you know he turned down his position as the leader of Crimson?" You nodded, clearly remembering the night five years ago... you remembered how Jin had told you about how he was the heir of a CEO and was next in line, but he had turned it down, you just never thought that Jin would have turned that down because he wanted to look for you...

If it were to be like those cliche mafia stories, the sons of the mafia's, their lifetime goal was to become the next leader of the mafia. But Jin had turned it down so easily because he was desperate to look for you... his sister.

"After your mother died, our life became dark and gloomy... you and your mother were the light of our world... losing your mother, and you was like losing a part of ourselves." He pulled away from the hug and looked down at your tear-filled eyes.

"It may have taken twenty-six years... but I am so glad that your brother found you... I'm so glad that you don't hate me for giving you away... and I'm glad that I finally have my family back." You smiled as the tears flowed freely down your face. Your father smiled back and wiped the tears away with his thumbs.

"I love you, Appa..." He caressed your cheek before kissing you on the forehead.

"I love you too, sweetie... your mother must be so happy seeing that our family is finally back together." You pulled away from each other and looked up at the night sky, hoping that your mother was up there looking down on all of you.

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