Chapter Fifty

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After the talk with Namjoon, he walked back inside the house, and you decided that it was time you went back inside too and cooked breakfast for everyone. It was the weekend, and normally everyone would wake up later in the day.

While you were cooking, Jin walked in all dressed up and ready for the day. The both of you cooked side by side, having small talk, but you knew your brother enough to see that something was bothering him. You wanted to ask him what it was, but you'll wait and see if he decides to tell you or not.

"Jin..." He looked up from the pot and looked up at you while your gaze stayed on the stovetop.

"Dad found out about..." You didn't look at him, but from your peripheral vision, you could see the panic that was settling in on his face.

"About what?"

"That Yoongi is Jungwon's father. If he found out about that, then... I'm afraid father will find out about..." He sighed and brought you into a hug.

"It's only a matter of time that dad finds out, and when he does, I'll talk to him, okay?" You nodded in his chest and hugged him tightly.

"Everything will be alright, Y/n ah."

You hoped so.

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"Jin, where are you going?!" You yelled after your brother, who had gotten up from the dining table and ran to the front door, and put his shoes on.

"Dad wants to see me." Your heart dropped in your stomach. Why did he possibly want to see him?


"Just to talk business, that's all." You let out a breath of relief and nodded.

"Alright, tell dad I said hi. And you better not come home late!" He smiled and walked over to you, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"See you later, sis." You walked him out of the house. You tried to think positively, but there was this feeling in your gut that something was wrong... very wrong...

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Jin pulled up in the driveway of his childhood home. He got out of the car and walked to the door, where he was greeted by a maid who informed him that his father was up in his office. He took his shoes off and walked up to his father's office as an unsettling feeling in him arose.

Once he stood in front of his father's office, he knocked on the door before walking in. He saw his father sitting at his desk with paperwork in his hands.

"Hi, dad." Donghyun looked up from the paperwork and took his glasses off.

"Ahh! Son! You're here. Come sit." He motioned to the couch. Jin nodded and sat on the sofa as asked.

"What did you want to talk to me about? You made it seem so urgent over the phone." Donghyun stood up from his desk and walked over to the couch, and stood in front of Jin.

"I would've talked to you over the phone, but this matter isn't something to discuss over the phone." Jin didn't understand why, but something about this whole situation was making him nervous. His father had never been so serious like this to him before.

"Alright... so what is it, dad...?" Silence filled the room as Donghyun looked at his son, contemplating on asking about this topic.


What is the relationship between your sister and Yoongi?"

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