Chapter Forty Eight

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The room fell silent. The chattering from the boys stopped as they heard your father's question. You stayed quiet as your hands clenched tightly into fists. Everyone became tense from your silence, they knew what happened, but your father was completely oblivious to everything.


"I mean, he saved you, didn't he? Why don't you just marry him? So that Jungwon will have someone to call dad?" You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in to try and calm yourself before you explode and go off at your father. It wasn't his fault he didn't know what happened, and you didn't have the right to go off at him.

"Donghyun, with all due respect. I don't think that's a good idea-" Namjoon tried to explain but was immediately cut off by your dad.

"What do you think, Yoongi? Would you marry my daughter?" Everyone's head turned to look at Yoongi, who had been quiet this whole time. He looked at your father, unsure of what to say. Would he tell your father that you two were already married? Or should he just reject the proposal?

Yes, Yoongi wanted to be with you, and you two were technically still married. But he knew that you didn't want to be with him anymore, he had observed you for the past few weeks, and it had become clear to him that you didn't love him anymore... or so he thought.

"Donghyun, I don't think that's necessary."'

"But grandpa, he is my ap-" Before Jungwon could finish his sentence, Jimin had motioned a maid to take him away. This was no conversation for Jungwon to be in where he could easily expose the secret everyone had now been trying to keep from your father.

"Dad, I don't want to marry him." Your dad looked at you, shocked, seeing you so determined to end this 'proposal,' whereas Yoongi felt his heart sting from the words you've said. What did he honestly expect, though? For you to agree to the proposal?

"Oh, come on, honey, why not? I've watched him grow up, and I think he is suitable enough to be your husband." Anger arose in your chest, you had married him once, and he was nowhere to be a suitable husband. If husbands were supposed to be beating their wives, then what a fucked up world and society that we live in.

Seeing you become so upset and trying to hold your anger in, Yoongi felt the guilt creeping back into his heart. Here your father was praising him as if he was the greatest man in the world, which he wasn't. He knew well enough that he wasn't a good man. He was a mafia boss, for goodness sake. But even if he wasn't a good man and was a mafia boss, that didn't give him any right to lay his hands on you...

But of course, due to his blindness and rage for revenge, he had hurt you both physically and mentally instead of being the husband you had dreamed of.

"I said I don't want to marry him."

"But hone-" Not wanting to be in there any longer as you felt you were about to lose your cool, you stormed out of the dining hall. As everyone saw your retreating figure, your father let out a sigh and slumped back into his chair.

"Dad, she's been through a lot these past few years. You shouldn't pressure her into a marriage." Jin tried convincing your guys' father. Jin knew well enough by the way you were clenching your hands into fists under the table and the way you were constantly biting on your bottom lip, you weren't comfortable, and you were trying to make yourself sane so you wouldn't go off at your father and say things you may regret later down the road.

"I'll go check up on her." Jin excused himself from the table and left after you. The dining room fell silent as everyone had suddenly lost their appetite to eat.

After you had stormed out of the dining hall, you saw the porch and decided it was best to be outside and get fresh air. You stood by the fire pit, staring off into the far distance, although you couldn't see anything in the darkness. There was a gentle breeze tonight, and the stars and moon were out like always.

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