Chapter Seventeen

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The room was filled with silence and tension as two particular men stared intensely at each other. It was supposed to be a meeting to discuss a new potential enemy. Yet, five of the seven men sat there observing the rising tension between their leader and the oldest member.

It has been a week since you've locked yourself in your room and a week since you've last talked to anyone. Jin's had been increasing day by day, and it didn't help the fact that the person he was angry at lived in the same house as him.

Yoongi noticed how Jin would look at him and act around him, and he knew exactly why, but he didn't care. He had other more important things to deal with. Being glared and stared at was normal to Yoongi.

The house that was usually always loud had become quiet, for the tension between the two oldest members had caused everyone to be quiet, afraid that they would upset the two eldest.

Namjoon let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. They had more important things to deal with, and he didn't need the leader and the oldest member of their gang to have staring contests at each other.

"Guys." Everyone turned their attention to Namjoon, who had taken his glasses off and rubbed his temples.

"I get it that there are some... problems going around in the house. I have given you a week to deal with it." He said, eyeing Jin and Yoongi. That was how they handled things when members had problems with each other. The ones that have issues will go out and sort everything out, but that wasn't the case this time.

Yoongi and Jin had brought their problems into the house and disturbed the peace, and Namjoon was fed up with it.

"All of us are not on the same page, but we need to be. We have problems within the mafia that need to be fixed. So I need you two to grow up and put your issues aside and handle this situation with us before it gets out of hand." Both men sighed, knowing Namjoon was right.

"And what exactly is the problem?" Yoongi spoke for the first time since the meeting had started. Everyone looked at their leader

"Khang Junsoo is the problem," Taehyung informed, causing the leader to furrowed his brows, confused. Why was Khang Junsoo a problem?

"Khang Junsoo... the leader of the Phoenix mafia?" Everyone nodded their heads.

"Yes, recently, he has been creating ruckus at our clubs," Hoseok said while standing up from his seat and stretched.

"We need to contain this before it gets out of hand... and I'm sure he has reasons why he keeps creating ruckus at our clubs," Namjoon informed. Jin, unbothered by this news, stood up from his seat and walked to the door, but just as he was about to walk out, Jungkook asked,

"Where are you going, Jin Hyung?" To the person that had made him worried sick for a whole week.

"Y/n." He said before walking out of the room, leaving the six men to discuss what to do about Junsoo.

Jin knocked on your door once before opening and walking in. He had expected to see you sitting by the window since that was usually where you would sit, but he was confused to see you not there—Scratch that. You were nowhere to be seen.

Maybe you were in the bathroom, he thought. So he walked to the bathroom that was inside your room and knocked on the door.

"Y/n? Are you in there...?" He asked and waited for a response, but of course, he didn't get one. Sure, you hadn't been talking to any of them like you used to, but you still spoke to them, keeping your sentences short.

He didn't know why, but something in his gut told him that something wasn't right. Something was... wrong... He immediately opened the bathroom door and walked inside, his heart dropping at the sight in front of him.

There on the floor, you laid lifeless with pills scattered along with the tile flooring.

"Y/n!" He ran to your side and held you in his arms, shaking you.

"Y/n! Wake up!!" He lightly slapped your face, but you were unresponsive. Jin hastily looked around the floor and saw the medication the doctors had given to you. Then, he felt something wet on his hands, he brought his hand in front of him and saw...

Blood... your blood...

"No, no, no! Y/n! Stay with me!" He shook your body as he started panicking.

"GUYS! YOONGI! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the house.

The six men who were still sitting in the meeting room looked at each other confused.

"HURRY! GET IN HERE!" Confused as to why the eldest was yelling for them. They all got up and hurriedly ran to where he was screaming from. Jimin got there first and ran into the bathroom, and gasped.

"Hyung! What happened!?" Jimin ran to Jin's side and shook your lifeless body. More gasps were heard when the rest of the boys stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"She tried to overdose. We need to get her to the hospital before we lose her!" Everyone scrambled around. Jin picked you up, and everyone ran out of the house and got into the van.

"Hang in there, Y/n..." 


A/n: Well... that took another unexpected dark turn... 

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