Chapter 12: The end of a Year

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In no time flat Rose was back on the train, talking with Cedric and Alice. They talked about their christmas holidays, as Rose explained her presents to them and even talking about her fight with the crabs on christmas eve. 

"Rose, your necklace is so pretty." Rose smiled as she looked at her new locket, "My Halmonee gave it to me." She looked at the beautiful encrusting again, her smile shining as much as the red gem, "It means so much to me." Cedric smiled as they all started to talk about Quidditch, "So that's why I prefer Ireland. Bulgaria is far too flashy for me." Alice whipped her head around, "Bulgaria is not flashy! They have the best seeker in the world, Viktor Krum." Cedric rolled his eyes as he started up, "Oh shove off. He's my age, that I'll give him, but Ireland has brilliant players. I bet they could do circles around him." Alice glared him down as Rose started to laugh, the two bickering loudly before the Trolly witch came by, "Anything off the trolly dears?" Rose watched as Alice hopped up ordering practically everything before Cedric asked for some cauldron cakes. Rose still had quite a bit of treats, from Hagrid's rock hard fudge, to the cookies from Squibbles. She was taking a bite of the pepper imp fudge when she let out a squeak. Alice and Cedric both started to snicker. 

"Oh shut i-*squeak*" A roar of laughter echoed throughout the compartment as Rose squealed repeatedly. A large smile crossed her face before she squeaked again. The loud laughter drew people towards their compartment, some Hufflepuffs waved as they went to the restrooms to change into their robes. The two began to bicker again about their favorite teams, "Bulgaria is obviously superior." Cedric quickly fired back, "As if! Ireland would beat them hands down!" Rose smiled before she stood up, "I'm going to go find Vincent, I want to keep a promise." The two nodded before Alice stated towards Cedric, "Clearly you should stick to being pretty, since you can't tell a great Quidditch team in your face." Rose smiled missing Cedric's response, though the slight inclination of his tone showed she hit a nerve. She happily walked down the train giving little waves towards people who smiled. 

"H-Hello Rose." Rose looked up before she locked eyes with Neville Longbottom, "Neveil! It's so good to see you again. How was your christmas?" Neville smiled towards her before he stated, "I-It was good." Rose looked towards the empty compartment he sat in, "Neville, do you have anyone to sit with?" Neville turned bright pink before he shook his head looking upset, "N-No… People think I'm t-to clumsy… and ditzy." He looked sad before Rose instantly hugged him, "You can sit with my friends, we love the company. And, You don't have to worry about embarrassing yourself. We would never judge you." Neville looked towards her as if he was about to cry, "Really?" Rose smiled as she nodded happily, "Of course! Though be warned, they are arguing about Bulgaria and Ireland. Don't be scared to tell them to quiet down though. I'm sure there is something you'll agree with them on." Neville nodded before Rose told him the compartment number and walked away from his figure walking with a little more pep in his step. Rose walked down the train before seeing an all too familiar sight of the three boys in green robes. A gentle knock alerted them towards her presence, "Hello everyone!" The blonde turned his head first before standing up, "Rose, How was your christmas?" Rose smiled before she happily stated, "It was great, I got a new necklace. How about all of you?" Vincent talked about getting new socks and random wizarding objects that Rose hardly understood. Greggory seemed to have gotten the same thing while Draco began to boast about the new quill set, a signed Quaffle from Bulgaria team, and some new dress shoes, which he promptly showed to Rose. As Rose nodded that the shoes looked very nice she turned to Vincent, "Pass me your bag." Vincent looked confused before Rose smiled brightly and tapped her wand to it, "Capacious extremis." She smiled before handing Vincent the bag, "Thanks for helping me get the book." Vincent looked at the bag before smiling, "Yeah, what are friends for?" Rose smiled before she looked at all three of them, "I have to go, but see you guys later on?" The trio nodded before Rose happily ran towards her compartment. "Thank you Neville!" Rose popped her head into the compartment seeing the group laughing, Neville had a small little giggle that made Rose giggle. 

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