Chapter 35: Discovery

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Drip… Drip… Rose couldn't move, she couldn't see. Myrtle's sobs was echoing throughout the bathroom, water was rushing from the sinks. Rose wished she could cry out, or beg Myrtle for help, anyone in the darkness. The massive snake had disappeared from the sound of it, as one pair of footsteps was heard leaving. Rose felt helpless as she sat there, waiting for something to get her. 

What if the monster comes back? What if no one finds me? Rose couldn't help thinking, There were two people. Who was that with Ginny? Is she okay? Where did the guy go? Rose was just in her own world of darkness, she heard pounding footsteps. She hoped her heart was pounding, They are coming to get me, to finish me off. The footsteps grew louder before a loud bang sounded on the door, causing a loud scream from Myrtle. The door was being banged on, Myrtle shouted, "Go away! Leave us alone!" Myrtle is so brave, Rose thought as she reflected upon her actions. Had Myrtle not stood for her to look through her she would have been dead. Even now Myrtle was trying to protect her, shouting, "Stay out!" The banging continued before Rose heard a new voice, "Rose? Rose let us in!" Alice was at the door, Run! He might still be here! Rose wanted to cry out, but no sound came except for Myrtle crying, "Oh Alice…" The banging continued, "Myrtle! Myrtle let us in! Myrtle!" Myrtle just began to sob louder, Rose heard Cedric's voice next. He yanked on the handle, "It's locked!" Alice could be heard pacing, "Oh… I can't remember the spell Rose told me. What was it-" Cedric could be heard rattling the handle, "How do you expect to know? You were the one to panic during practice exams!" Now is not the time to argue… Rose thought before hearing a familiar dull voice, "Alohomora, might be what you're looking for Ms. Charmingale. Do tell me, why are you trying to get in the girls bathroom Mr. Diggory." Snape was outside, and from Cedric's response they were not happy, "We heard a scream. Rose is inside there-'' Snape could be heard, "Why not get a teacher then? Surely she's just inside-'' Alice had enough, "Just move. Alohomora!" The door unlocked with a click, the sound of rushing water rushing out the door. 

"Rose?" Footsteps entered the splashing water, Snape's voice came over, "Ms. Charmingale, how dare-" Alice's scream cut him off, rapid footsteps raced towards Rose, "ROSE! NO!" Rose felt a dull feeling of hands holding her shoulders, but that feeling disappeared as Alice's cries moved back, "Let me go! Rose!" Snape's voice was even, "Diggory, take Ms. Charmingale to find a staff, alert the ghost to get Dumbledore." Alice was shouting, "No! ROSE! This is your fault! If you had let me go to her-" Snape barely raised his voice, "Then you'd both be like this. Or worse." Cedric began to take Alice out as she began to swear at Snape, I didn't know she knew that many words.


Snape watched as Diggory finally pulled Charmingale away. He turned towards the petrified student, she was like a muggle wax figure. Her cheeks were blotchy and stained with tracks of dried liquid. Her eyes, wide with unspeakable terror and shock, were red and looked as if they had water ready to spill. Her mouth was wide in a screaming motion, ready to unleash the terrible sound trapped in her throat. 

"Why this bathroom?" Her feet were plastered to the ground, spaced apart ready to move. Her arms looked as if she was about to shield her face, one at her chest, and the other close to her face ready to rise and protect her. Her robes even seemed frozen, the bottom was damp like her shoes and socks from the water. He turned, seeing Mcgonagal and Dumbledore rushing to his location. McGonagal paled reaching for a wall to stabilize herself, "Another attack." Dumbledore nodded as he observed her expression, "She knew what attacked her. How I can not say." McGonagal looked upset as she whispered, "Who is going to tell Pomona? Who is going to tell Poppy?" Dumbledore sighed as he motioned to carry her, they began to take her body to the Hospital wing. Thankfully kids were back in the classrooms.

"Not Rose. Oh please tell me this is a nightmare." Madam Pomfry began, her eyes teary as Rose's body was set on a bed. Rose's hair was splayed on the bed, her face still screaming in terror. New footsteps rushed inside, Filch and Professor Sprout arrived. Filch began howling about how everything is ruined, questioning why she was in the same place as Mrs. Norris. Sprout was just sighing sadly as she held back tears, "Squibbles will be heartbroken. Does her friends know?" Snape nodded, "They were the ones to find her." Dumbledore watched her still body, "Well… we better carry on. I'm sure most of the school knows now." 

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