Chapter 31: Valentines Day and Scales

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Rose had gone back to Hogwarts and was told her activities had ended. No longer did she and Neville have to go to the greenhouses, nor did she have to work at the Hospital wing. Now she was back to being followed around by at least one person a day, all privacy disappeared. Ginny had become quiet again, and soon there was a normal routine to do homework. Every day was the same, she would get up, go to class, and then do homework till dinner. All while someone stayed with her. 

"Rose?" Rose blinked looking towards Cedric who looked confused, "Sorry, what was that?" Cedric laughed as he sat next to her on a february evening, "I asked if you were ready for your transfiguration test. You've been staring at that page for ten minutes." Rose rubbed her face, "Sorry Ced. I'm just tired." Rose sighed as she stated, "I learned the mandrakes are doing very well." Cedric smiled before he sighed, "I know you're nervous about Justin and Colin. At least everything is going okay." Rose nodded before she stretched, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight Ced, hope you dream of unicorns." Rose laughed as Cedric lightly swatted at her, "Oh shove off Rose." Rose lied in her bed staring at the scale she found outside of myrtle's bathroom. Her head spun with questions about it, What color would you call this? How big is the creature this is from? Rose's bigest question she had though, Why is this so familiar to me?

The next day was rather unique, it was Valentines day. Rose had awoke to a small amount of cards before her, much to her shock. Cedric, Alice and herself had each given each other one, however, Rose had four. The first two were Cedric and Alice, one was from Lockhart which grossed out both Alice and herself. The second one was confusing, it was unsigned. 

To the kindest witch around. 
When you're near, music sounds. 
For you I would walk a mile,
Just to see your smile. 

Rose felt butterflies again, racing to her friends, "You have a secret admirer! How romantic!" Rose and Alice giggled together as Cedric snickered, "What dork wrote that? Around and sounds?" Rose turned pink as she walked towards the Great Hall, "I think it's romantic." Cedric rolled his eyes about to speak when all three gasped, the great hall was decked out in pink. Pink heart confetti was falling from the ceiling, Guilderoy Lockhart was wearing robes of pink to match. Rose had bacon and heart shaped pancakes, giggling with Hannah while Alice and Cedric were aghast. 

"Happy Valentine's Day! And may I thank the 46 people who have sent me cards!" Rose smiled towards Lockhart as she watched him swell with pride, "Yes, I've taken the liberty to arrange this little surprise for you all. And it doesn't end here!" Lockhart clapped and dwarves entered the hall. They wore wings, halos and a few other things. Rose was laughing at Snape's face when Lockhart told them about love potions. Soon Rose and her friends went towards Potions for the day, but Rose was not learning much. The dwarves barged in class throughout the day, much to the teacher's annoyance. Rose turned pink when two Dwarves fought over who gave her the card first in charms. Neville and Ginny had sent her a card. Rose also was embarrassed when Fred and George bid her a happy valentines day in the hall stating she must be the future queen of hearts with the amount of dwarves following her. Lockhart would laugh excitedly in his class everytime a dwarf came inside. Rose tried to hide her face when one walked to her and set down another card, "Looks as if Ms. Park is almost as popular as I!" Alice laughed at her as she walked towards her next class seeing Ginny. 

"Hello Ginny!" Ginny smiled waving at her before Harry was called out by a dwarf. Ginny looked mortified as the bag Harry carried was split in two. Draco appeared, Rose giggled towards the singing telegram as she stated to Ginny, "Whoever wrote that is brilliant!" However Ginny looked terrified, Rose paused and went to ask if she was okay. Draco had been casted on by Harry, and Ginny was told, "I don't think Harry liked your card very much!" Rose began to swell like Percy as Ginny hid her face and entered her class. She stormed towards Draco while Alice tried to grab her, "Rose-" Draco turned towards her, "Hello there, enjoy the show?" Rose glared at him before she stated, "Mad you didn't get anything Draco?" Ron snorted with Alice as Draco looked embarrassed and angry, "Like-" Percy Weasley had interupted, "Class! Now!" Rose turned away from Draco, and was followed by another dwarf, "Oi! Rose Park!" 


Rose had received 70 cards, and 5 of them were singing ones. Rose was tired of pink by the time dinner rolled around, Lockhart had seemed to be thoroughly pleased with himself. Rose began to eat spaghetti when Peeves flew down clearing his throat, "Princess Rose?" Rose turned around seeing Peeves with slicked back hair, "Hello Peeves?" Peeves smiled offering her a Rose, "A rose for Rose." Rose was wary of taking things from Peeves after christmas, "is this a trick?" 

"Peeves would never trick Rose! He pours his heart out and Rose breaks it." Rose felt upset as Peeves looked sad. She took hold of the rose quickly, "Oh Peeves, don't be upset. I'm sorry." Peeves began to laugh as the rose multiplied when she grabbed it. A small pile formed around her, all of the roses various shades of pink, "Roses for Rose!" Rose sighed as she fell for his prank, Peeves cackled merrily as he burst into his jester uniform and flew away. Cedric snickered as birds flew around Rose's head tweeting endlessly. Rose sat annoyed as the birds proceeded to tweet for fourteen minutes, nothing Rose could try would work to get rid of them. Rose entered the common room to a valentine's day treat from the houselves, little trays of chocolates, small cakes floated around. Rose was finally relieved when the birds finally disappeared, once the night settled students began to walk their way to the dorms. Rose again palmed the scale, the cool vivid green scale heavy in her hand. Alice was giggly and fell asleep holding a card someone sent her. Again she stared, searching through her mind. 

"Who are you from…" Rose stared at the scale, her brain was foggy, as she sighed softly. When she tried really hard to remember, she remembered the sound of witches and wizards. She sighed as she set it down again, taking the dragon scale necklace she made for Hagrid. Squibbles was going to bring it to Hagrid for her, potions homework had become rather tough. After Rose had argued about Colin with Snape things were different between the professor and herself. He would begin to avoid her hand when it raised, and question her when he thought she was not paying attention. Alice was angry about this treatment, calling him a two faced snake when they went to the next class. Rose closed her eyes as she drifted to a restless sleep. 

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