Chapter 29: Merry Friends

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The Hufflepuffs were in a hustle this morning, almost everyone was scrambling to leave Hogwarts. Squibbles had already collected most of her items in her suitcase for her, as well as holding up a lovely present wrapped up neatly. Rose smiled as she looked at the package in a sleepy stupor, "What's this for?" Squibbles chuckled as he smiled towards her, "A present miss. From Squibbles Miss." Rose looked touched as she knelt down and gently took the present, "Thank you Squibbles, I'll take excellent care of it." 

"Squibbles also helped make you a gift for your grandmother." Squibbles pulled out a beautiful necklace, it was rather simple, but the large centerpiece was a preserved mountain aven in what looked like clear resin. Rose looked as if she was going to have tears fall down her face as Squibbles erupted in nervous babbles, "D-Does miss not like it? Has Squibbles done too much? Is Miss upset-" Rose pulled Squibbles in a hug as she whispered, "Thank you, it is so kind of you. This means so much to me, she'll love it." Squibbles hugged back as his ears twitched, "I'm glad miss. You need to get ready, the train leaves in three hours." Rose thanked squibbles, placing the necklace inside her jean pocket before she put them on. Squibbles had disappeared the moment she said thank you with a sharp pop. Once Rose was prepared for the trip she picked up her bag and waved her wand levitating some of her books and sitting down on the bed. She looked at her books she loved to read, one being the dragon book Hagrid gave her for her birthday.  Rose picked up the book and sat it in her bag before turning to the door and smiling, "Off we go." Rose walked out of the dorm room to see a few students waiting in the common room. Earnie was as usual among the crowd as they saw Rose and greeted her. Rose managed a smile and wave before being followed to the great hall, Many students waved merrily towards her, Peeves was flying about in his usual cheery self, this day he was trying to tease the Weasley twins, who were happily joking back with him.

"Rose, Wait-" Rose turned around seeing the slytherin boy she helped, "Hello, how are you today?" The boy looked down before whispering, "F-Fine. Erm," the boy held out a small box, "This is for you. My mother wanted me to give it to you as a thank you." Rose looked surprised as she picked it up gently, "I only did what was right." The boy turned red as he stated, "Please? You were the only one to help." Rose sighed before she nodded, "Thank you. Merry christmas." The boy smiled before running off as Rose walked towards her table, the breakfast was rather large today, as it was the banquet. Alice was happily getting some biscuits in gravy, while Cedric went for a traditional breakfast. Rose began to grab some toast, bacon, eggs, and grits, agreeing with Alice to share two waffles. Everyone was in happy spirits to be headed home for the holidays, and while some students like Rose were silent in thought, others were merely talking about exchanging gifts. Alice and Cedric were explaining their gifts destinations, "So I know Rose already sent her's, but mine are going to be sent when I get to the wizarding village. That way you get a postcard too." Cedric rolled his eyes as he stated calmly, "Oh boy. A postcard." Rose joined as she smiled as happily explained, "A postcard would be cool, you could collect them!" Cedric sighed as he looked tired before the Fat Friar appeared, "Rose dear? I've been told to give you this." Rose turned to see a beautiful gift that held a small bow on it, "Oh, why thank you friar." Rose opened the box before a new loud bang sounded, this time snow fell around Rose as she shivered. Alice began to laugh loudly as she pointed to her head, "Looks like Peeves gave you a new crown, and a cloak to match!" Rose became a violent shade of red as she felt the snow melting when it touched her skin. Peeves was heard cackling as he bellowed, "Merry Christmas, Rose! The Hufflepuff Princess!" Tons of students turned towards the table, all laughing as a tiny cloud of snow floated above Rose. Fred and George began to cheer, "Long live Princess Rose!" As Rose looked ready to explode like confetti, Cedric began to laugh before flicking his wand towards her before the cloud split and began to make a small blizzard on him. 

"Merlin's beard!" Cedric complained as he began to shiver, but now Rose felt rather warm in the cloak as she began to laugh with Alice. As Rose pulled the cloak closer to herself the snow disappeared above her and Cedric as Peeves groaned, calling out, "Dumbledore is a Dumble-bore!" In a matter of minutes Rose and her friends were on their way out towards the train, but Rose paused as she walked past Myrtle's bathroom. Something glittered on the ground before she picked it up, it was large and iridescent. The scale was the size of three of her fingers together, and a vivid green. Rose looked towards her friends who had slowed down before she raced towards them, "Look what I found." The moment they found their train, Neville said he would be joining them later, "That's pretty, where did you find it?" Rose looked at the scale, "It was at Myrtle's bathroom. It looks familiar to me." Rose stared at the scale, examining the edges before placing it in her pocket. Soon they were greeted by Neville who brought in Ginny, the trio had changed to five as this time Cedric, Alice, and Rose brought some Christmas crackers to play on the train. Rose had grown used to loud bangs and the magical wonder of the wizarding world.

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