Schedule for Hufflepuff Princess & Author's Note

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Hello my lovelies!

I've been asked a lot about my update schedule for this story. So I thought it would be best to put it here for you guys!

Hufflepuff princess update Schedule:

2nd of every month

Also, I need to be serious for a bit so bear with me.

I love seeing your comments on my notifications, it makes me excited to see your theories, and reactions. HOWEVER, it is NOT a place to post rude things. Do NOT post things such as "ew" with no remarks, or just saying it's stupid in the comments. This is not only extremely rude, but it could also lead to not many people wanting to continue the story.

It is ALSO not motivational as well as upsetting to see these coments on my notifications. I put my heart and soul in these stories so it hurts to see these things. From now on I will delete them when I see them. For repeaded offenders I will mute you from my stories.

I'm sorry it came to this but it is not okay to bash people's stories when they work hard on them. And that goes for EVERY story here, not just mine.

Feel free to talk with me in this section's comments, I will reply to you.

~ S.R

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