Chapter 10: A Festive Train Ride

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"Oooh." Rose felt a large fluffy weight on her chest, as Merlin had propped himself on her. Rose's eyes opened to see her massive owl setting down a present on her as she looked at him, "Good morning Merlin." The owl happily nuzzled his beak against her finger as she sat up, a small present landed from her chest into her lap as Merlin hopped to the side of her bed. Rose looked at the present before her, it was a freshly made bun wrapped in a napkin for him to carry it with. 

"Thank you Merlin." Rose gently and quietly cooed over him as he looked pleased. Rose smiled as she pulled back her curtain around her bed, seeing a sleeping Alice had forgotten to close her curitan. Rose opened the book Crabbe had handed her before she took a breath and pulled out a bag her mother had given her, she gently tapped the bag and muttered, "Capacious extremis." Rose put down her wand before she grabbed a large text book that seemed too large for the bag. She slowly paced the book in, pausing where the top usually showed. She took a breath and she tried to push it farther in before she had a massive smile, "It worked." Rose placed the other book inside her bag before giggling, "Merlin, can you wake up Alice for me? I need to go to the library to drop off these books." Merlin gave a tone of agreeance before Rose got dressed and quickly ran off towards the library with her bag. 

Rose ran down the hall before she turned the corner to see Professor Quirrel, "Hello Professor!" The DADA professor looked towards her, "Hello M-Ms. Park." Rose smiled before she happily stated, "Merry Christmas sir." Professor Quirell nodded stumbling, "Y-You too." Rose began to skip past before she heard a low voice, "That's what he's protecting?" Rose turned and looked at him, "What?" He turned around sharply looking startled, "P-Pardon?" Rose looked at him feeling very uncomfortable, "Who's protecting what?" He tilted his head before Rose watched him adopt a concerned expression, "Are you s-sure you're fully recovered f-from that t-t-troll?" Rose looked at him before stating, "I guess I'm still getting better. Take care." Rose instantly began to run away, she felt uncomfortable and even raced inside the library. Madam Pince looked surprised to see a student inside the library the day of the train leaving. Rose handed in her books, "Sorry to come in so early. But I wanted to turn in my books early before I left." Madam Pince smiled as if she was thrilled someone remembered their books. Rose smiled as she was given five points for turning in her books early, "Most people forget their books. Thank you for remembering." Rose smiled and nodded before quietly exiting the library. She was quiet as she walked down the silent halls, few people were in the great hall as Rose looked inside the hall, she saw people playing wizard chess, and other students excited and talking about going home. Rose noticed the black greasy hair of Snape as she walked over, walking past the two players, and smiling.

Snape looked up towards her before tilting his head, "I'm surprised you have not gone to the platform yet. Surely you are ready to go to Korea." Rose smiled before she reached in her bag, "I wanted to give you this professor. You see, my mother sent me these from Korea. They are the flower heads. Perfect for the potion you mentioned in class two days ago." Snape looked at her as she gave him a bag of ten flower heads, the petals not even bruised. He accepted the gift before looking at her, "How did you know I only needed ten?" Rose felt a nagging feeling in her head, as if something was trying to read her, she smiled, "You stated that the potion required ten flower heads, while you explained the properties of a bezoar against the common poisons." Snape nodded before he sat back, shooting a terrifying glare towards Quirrell, who had been watching their interaction. Rose decided to confess, "He is quite odd isn't he? He seems almost… two-faced." Snape looked to her as he shook his head, "What gives you that impression?" Rose was about to say what happened in the hall when Alice's voice bellowed through the hall, causing Quirlle to fall from his chair. Rose whipped around, "IF YOUR BLOODY OWL PUTS ONE MORE WET PLANT OR ANIMAL ON MY CHEST IT'LL BECOME A BUTTON ROSE!" Rose excused herself bolting towards her, "You make Merlin a button and I'll transfigure every object in your room to a toothpick!" Alice looked shocked as she had Merlin following her, who looked proud at his mom for defending him. Rose called Merlin towards her as he landed on her arm, he was slightly heavy, but still happily held up, "Now, I know you wanna give her gifts too. But she doesn't appreciate the wet ones." She gently patted him as Alice looked appalled at not being comforted, in a joking manner she stated, "You don't care for your best friend!!" 

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