Chapter 9: Winter and Dr. Snow

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Christmas was around the corner, Alice and Rose had both been packing to return home. Alice was going with Hanna Abbot to have a snowball fight with some of the Ravenclaw girls and the twins. Rose had been asked by Professor Flitwick and Professor Mcgonagal, to help decorate the Great Hall for the holidays. The two split up as Rose entered the Great Hall, her smile turning into awe, there was at least 11 trees in the Great Hall. Professor Flitwick was standing on a stool waving her over, "Ms. Park!" Rose smiled as she briskly walked towards him, there were colorful decorations on one of the massive tables. He welcomed her warmly as he motioned towards her to pick up her wand, "I'll show you how to cast a few charms to decorate things." Rose nodded as she learned to cast large golden bubbles to adorn one of the massive trees. Flitwick was complimenting her wand movements as the string of bubbles decorated one of the large trees. Rose had a large smile hearing the massive doors open, Flitwick spoke to Hagrid with a cheery tone, "Ah Hagrid, the last tree! Put it in the far corner would you?" Flitwick motioned towards the fireplace as Rose smiled, but it melted away only slightly, "We could use Ms. Granger's excellent wandwork." Hermione had left while Rose went towards Hagrid to help him. Levitating the decorative baubles towards the half-giant who easily reached the top.

"Are you alright Hagrid?" Hagrid seemed upset to her, he looked to her before nodding, "Of course. Just said somem' I shouldn't 'ave." Rose nodded her head softly as she smiled, "Well, we all do that sometimes Hagrid. You shouldn't beat yourself up." Hagrid look towards her before he shook his head, "But it was stupid to do." Rose paused her wand as she looked at the tall giant, looking like a fierce little screech owl compared to a massive eagle owl, "Hagrid. You're not stupid. It takes great skill to take care of all the grounds. Plus you have such a kind heart, don't call yourself stupid. You are not stupid." Rose looked at him with a small smile, "You're one of the smartest people I know." Hagrid looked absolutely flattered and shocked at her, "You really think so?" Rose smiled proudly, "I know so." They began to decorate the tree together, Hagrid explained about all his favorite things. Rose told her about how she was excited to go home, but would miss Potions. Hagrid chuckled, "If only 'arry felt that way. He's determined that Professor Snape is bad." Rose shook her head, "He thinks all the wrong people are bad. He refuses to take his time to understand people." Rose seemed adamant at the idea, Hagrid looked at her as she complained, "He believes that toerag Ronald is a nice guy. Even though it was his bullying that got Hermione and I locked in the bathroom with a Mountain troll."

"I didn' know 'at." Hagrid looked surprised towards her, "Ron bullied you?" Rose shook his head, "No, he had bullied Hermione." Rose continued to cast some bubbles onto the tree before she decided to discuss her potions class. She was explaining how excited she was to start learning some more potions when a voice came over them, "Ms. Park." Rose turned to see Professor Snape, "Hello Professor. Are you here to help with the decorations?" Snape looked towards her before stating, "No. I've come to fetch you." Rose looked confused as she looked towards him, "Fetch me, Professor?" Snape motioned for her to follow, "Headmaster Dumbledore wishes to speak with you." Rose instantly seemed nervous, following Snape, Why does he want to talk to me? What did I do? Snape looked at her before he stated, "You're not in trouble." Rose looked surprised as she wondered if he could read her mind. Rose followed him towards a massive statue of a griffen, it was majestic and beautiful to her. At the same time she felt nervous, she was about to meet the most powerful wizard of them all. She stood next to Snape on the stairs with the mighty stone creature, "Sherbert Lemon." Rose could hardly contain her giggle at the monotone voice with a silly phrase. The griffen hopped to the side, a wall opening and Snape leading her inside. The moment they stepped in the wall shut, they both rose in a spiral as Rose felt very confused. There was a lovely Oak door and as she entered the room she stopped, it was a large office full of trinkets before her. She looked to see a large bird, it was fiery red and absolutely stunning. It gave musical chirps before she watched it fly towards her, Snape moved away from her as the beautiful red and gold bird stared into her soul. It radiated warmth, making her nerves ease as she giggled, "Hello."

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