Chapter 15: The Diggory Home

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The Diggory's Home had quickly become a second home to Rose, with it's large cozy cottage feel. There was a large paddic out back, with a smaller Quidditch pitch, a well maintained garden and a beautiful river behind it all. The front looked like any average cottage, 2 stories, stone walls that had vines growing all along the walls. The door was a lovely shade of light blue, there were at least four bedrooms, which impressed Rose. The house didn't seem as large until you entered the home, then it felt like a mansion. 

"So how did Korea go?" Rose smiled as she entered the home taking off her shoes instinctively at the door, "It went great. My Halmonee and I made bibimbap-A rice dish with sides and meat… I'll make it one day." Cedric had looked confused before he nodded carrying in her trunk up the stairs with her and placing it in a pastel green room, the walls were a soft pastel green, with a large window overlooking the garden and river. The bed was large and plush while the furniture had a delicate carving on it. Almost instantly Cedric and Rose rushed outside, grabbing brooms from the small shed and heading to the pitch. Rose hopped on the broom, her heart starting to soar the moment the broom rose in the air. She let out a loud noise of excitement as Cedric chased her around for a few laps before they started their usual practice. Cedric would hold a Quaffle, racing around trying to score while Rose would have it intercept it and score herself. Rose had just grabbed the ball from him as Cedric narrowed his eyes and shot after her, Rose twisted and turned flipping out of the way before she threw the quaffle into the makeshift hoop. Cedric laughed loudly and congratulated her as they sat on their brooms, "Nicely done! You certainly can fly fancy." Rose smiled as she looked towards him, "I've decided to try out this year." She grabbed the practice snitch out of the air as she smiled.

"Alice helped me realize I might as well. But I'm only getting a broom if I get on the team." Cedric whooped before he smiled brightly, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get back to practice!" Rose rolled her eyes before she grabbed the ball from him, "Bring it on Diggory." The two zoomed around the makeshift pitch for hours, both laughing and dodging each other. Rose had laughed when Cedric tumbled off his broom at a low altitude which made him shout before he face planted, "Dirt!" 

"Dinner's ready!" The sweet voice of Cedric's mother floated through the air alerting the sweaty and exhausted pair. Cedric was spitting out the grass clipping he got in his mouth while Rose flew down to put the brooms back. "Having a light salad Cedric?" Cedric shot her a playful glare before he stated, "I always wondered what it would be like to be a Unicorn." Rose laughed loudly as they placed the items back and slowly strolled to the house, "Got the diet down huh?" Cedric laughed before they entered the home, Cedric's mom instantly hiding a giggle at the sight of her son's dirty face, "Go wash up Cedric dear." Rose washed her hands and face making a mental note of showering after dinner. Upon entering the dining area she saw Cedric's parents talking, "Hello Rose! Are you ready for the train tomorrow?" Rose smiled softly as she nodded, "Absolutely. This year should be more exciting!" Amos Diggory looked towards Rose before he noticed, "I heard you say you were going to try out." Rose nodded softly starting to fidget with her fingers.

"Yes, I thought I should at least try." Amos looked towards her before he stated, "I think you'll do wonderfully. After all, my boy has been teaching you." Rose smiled as she nodded, Cedric came back thoroughly free of dirt from his face and hands. The whole group sat down to eat as Cedric discussed which elective courses he chose, "I thought magical creatures would be fun. As well as Ancient ruins." His mother asked him, "Why not Divination?" Cedric shook his head as he stated, "I don't really want to hear any predictions about my future. Plus I just don't think I would be intrigued." Cedric's mother smiled softly as the group lightly discussed some important matters about Cedric's trips to Hogsmeade, "You need to be careful. Don't miss any carriages." Rose looked up confused, "Hogsmeade?" 

"Oh, yes. Hogsmeade is a wizarding village near Hogwarts. Third years and up can visit the village with permission from their parents." Cedric smiled as he began telling Rose all about the village, "They had The Three Broomsticks, which is a pub run by Madam Rosmerta, Zonkos, a wizarding joke shop, Madam Puddifoot's tea shop, a popular date place-decked out in pink, kinda gross. And then there is the best shop there, Honeydukes. It's the best candy shop there is." Rose giggled as Cedric explained all sorts of sweets and how beautiful Hogsmeed was in the winter. "It's like that christmas card you sent, only more magical." Rose smiled brightly as she peppered him with questions, "How do you get there?" Cedric smiled as he painted the picture, "When it's deep winter you travel over the lake in open sleighs, if not you travel by carriage." Rose looked excited as she nodded, "I can't wait for when I can go."

After a delicious dinner and sweet pudding the two were sent off to shower and get ready for bed, Cedric finished his last essay while Rose sat on his bed, "You really shouldn't procrastinate Cedric." Cedric rolled his eyes as he tossed a piece of balled up parchment at her, which she laughed and dodged. "Shove off Rose." After Cedric complained some more about his paper, "Why on earth do we have to learn about goblin rebellions? We are wizards for crying out loud!" Rose and himself played a round of exploding snap, Rose promptly shouting every time a card exploded, "Boloks!" After being told to keep it down by Amos they decided to turn in for the night. Rose wished him nice dreams, "Of little snitches and soft dirt to land in." Before booking it to her room to avoid Cedric making her start to dream early, after she set out her muggle clothing she tucked in and dozed off, excited for the new school year tomorrow.

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