Chapter 33: Ginny Weasley and Discoveries

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Rose awoke a few days later with Alice and herself in a wonderful mood. Saturday had come at last, and they were determined to open the box her mother sent that night. Plus, Rose knew today was the day Squibbles was going to bring them sweets to try out. Rose had just finished throwing on her sweater from Mrs. Weasley when Alice pulled her, "There are chocolate chip pancakes today! We've got to get there first!" Rose laughed as she ran out of the dorm with Alice, most of the school had relaxed a little. Attacks had all but stopped, resulting in great moods as the Mandrakes grew older. 

"Rose!" Rose paused with Alice on her way towards the Hufflepuff table, the same boy from slytherin approached her. She smiled and bid him a cheerful, "Good morning, good to see you up! How have you been?" Alice was quiet as she said the boy looked like a cute chipmunk while the boy smiled, "Very well. I was wondering, would you like to join my sister and I for breakfast?" Rose looked surprised and turned to Alice, who whispered, "Go ahead. I've sent Merlin to wake up Ced anyway." Rose smiled and whispered, "Thanks. See you after breakfast?" Alice winked as she turned to leave, "Definitely Rose." Rose smiled and turned to the boy, "Sure, sounds like a nice idea." Rose smiled as she walked across the hall to the Slytherin table, her mind going back to the first time she sat at the table. Rose sat next to a few slytherins who all greeted her friendly, soon everyone started to eat while students her age were asking what she chose for electives. While she got in a discussion with Blaise Zambini some footsteps behind her seemed to pause. Blaise smirked before he began discussing again. 

"So you choose Divination? Why?" Rose shrugged before she nibbled on some pancakes, "Well, I was stuck between Ancient Runes and Divination. Alice was going to take it and I decided to join her in that class because maybe I'll learn something. I mean, I don't quite believe in that but it will be interesting. What about you Blaise?" Blaise shrugged, "I guess I can sign up for that class. I already chose the Care of Magical Creatures class." Rose smiled as she looked down to eat some bacon, "Looks like we'll be in class together." Blaze nodded before he smirked, "What about you Malfoy? Have you finally decided on your classes?" Draco rolled his eyes, Rose glanced towards him seeing Vincent share a secret smile with her. Draco glared towards him before stating, "If you are so desperate to know, Zambini, I have decided." Blaise raised an eyebrow, placing his fist on his chin, "Really now? What classes have captured Malfoy's attention?" Draco glared towards his playful attitude, "If you must know, I'm taking Divination and Care of Magical Creatures." Rose suddenly had a smile across her face as she bit into some bacon, Vincent smiled towards her as Draco glanced towards her. Blaise looked satisfied with the answer before discussing random lessons from Potions and Transfiguration. Rose turned towards the boy and spoke to him about classes and things to look forward to in the next school year, "You'll transform animals into water goblets. It's kind of difficult, but I'm sure you'll do well with enough practice." Vincent decided to join the conversation, "Of course, Rose had always done well. She did it on the first try." Rose turned pink before she turned to Vincent, "Because I practiced the movements when I studied." The first years all laughed and whispered to each other as Blaise looked intrigued towards Vincent, "When did you start talking so much?" Vincent became quiet as Rose turned towards Blaise, "Well that was rather rude. We could say the same for you Blaise. He's most likely talking because he's comfortable, you shouldn't question people like that." Vincent looked stunned towards Rose as Blaise looked shocked as Draco coughed quietly hiding a laugh. Blaise huffed slightly flustered before he mumbled, "I guess you're right. Excuse me Crabbe." Vincent smiled as he nodded before turning to Rose, "What about that Lockhart guy? Quite the character huh?" Rose sighed as she placed her hand under her chin. 

"I mean, I thought he was cool at first. But it's rather obvious he doesn't know anything huh. He wouldn't know the difference between a venomous and nonvenomous snake- wait a minute…" Rose suddenly had a sinking feeling in her stomach, "Rose? What's wrong?" Rose felt her chest tighten before looking towards the worried face of Vincent, "I need to go to the library. I forgot to do an assignment for potions." Vincent smiled as he laughed quietly while Blaise smirked, "Always the studious student, take care Rose." Rose smiled and nodded before getting up and walking out towards the Library. Blaise turned towards Draco to tease him, but paused when he saw Draco's concerned expression. Ginny followed behind her, looking anxious to be away from Percy. 

"Hello Rose, how are you?" Rose turned towards Ginny and smiled before she realized she could talk to her about her discovery. Rose took a breath before she entered the library, "I think I've figured something out." Ginny looked intrigued, "What is it?" Rose looked at the books labeled about magical creatures before grabbing the book she remembered. She stood next to Ginny, "I found something at the door of Myrtle's bathroom before I went home." Ginny looked confused before Rose looked at her, "It was a scale. Vivid green, and I knew I had seen it before." Rose began to pace as she flipped through the pages, "I think I know what the monster is, Ginny. And if it's what I think, then a theory is brewing." Rose paused whispering, "There! Draco showed me this page at Flourish and Blotts, when we were in Diagon Alley." Ginny looked rather nervous but Rose looked at her, "Don't worry Ginny. I'm sure we'll figure this out. If my ideas are correct, then it's not a slytherin after all." Ginny whispered frantically, "W-What do you mean? 'Not a Slytherin'?" Rose didn't look up from her page, "Well, yes Slytherin is not being attacked. However, if it was a Slytherin the students wouldn't be as on edge like those first years I sat with. Someone would have told them they'll be safe. I believe it's someone else, from a different house." Ginny paled before she stuttered, "W-What is the c-creature?" Rose sat on the floor and read aloud, "Basilisk have vivid yellow eyes and bright green scales. They are large creatures that can grow to almost fifty feet long." Rose looked up before she whispered, "Ginny, the monster is a basilisk. Whoever is controlling this snake speaks Parseltongue." Ginny froze as she stated, "Do you think it's Harry?" Rose shook her head, her mind dead set on the facts. 

"No. Yes Harry spoke parseltongue, but I truly don't believe it's him. Listen to this Ginny, this is what Draco read to me, 'The Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death.' Ginny, people haven't died because they are looking through objects." Rose felt the pieces click together, "Mrs. Norris was water, Myrtle saved her without knowing. Collin had his camera, he most likely wanted to take a photo thinking it was me or Harry. Justin saw it through Sir Nick." Ginny was stunned in silence, and Rose sighed, "I'll need to find a time to tell Dumbledore. Ginny, don't tell anyone what we figured out. It's dangerous. Make sure to have something on you to protect yourself." Ginny nodded and soon Rose put the book back and walked out of the Library. Ginny was quick to run off to Gryffindor dorms. Rose saw Alice who stuck by her side with Cedric, "We have a quidditch match soon. Your first! Are you excited?" Rose agreed all too excitedly, "Absolutely! I mean, I'm nervous, but it will be so much fun." Rose smiled before she turned to them, "You know… my birthday is soon." Alice and Cedric laughed as they looped their arms with her, "We already know." 


Moved the schedules to an earlier time as well as the events of Ginny stealing the diary also pushing back the quidditch match

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