Chapter 36: Visitors and Flowers

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If there was one thing that Rose wished she could do, it would be to smack Peeves for singing over and over at her. He would come in and sing, "Oh Potter, You rotter. You destroyed our flower, causing people to cower. You've killed our Rose, and everyone knows. You stole our cutie, so the school lost its beauty." However the moment Madam Pomfry would shoo him away he would begin erupting in loud fake sobs, "Poor Rose! Gone too soon! Blast you Potter! Boo-hoo!!" He would make a loud scene until she couldn't hear them. He would do this every day, non-stop. 

Only thing that is kinda upsetting is hearing the others, Rose thought as she heard footsteps. She was growing used to people visiting her, Alice would come in, the first few times just to sob. Cedric would sit near her and quietly discuss anything and everything as if she was talking to him. Ginny entered only one time, crying as she whispered, "I'm sorry..  He made me. I'm so sorry." Rose wanted to hug her friends, tell them she was okay. Neville entered with Alice whimpering and sobbing sometimes, other times he would discuss herbology quietly. Sometimes Vincent would enter, with Goyle of course, and they would sit in silence. She only knew it was them because they would announce themselves. The footsteps continued towards her. A small clink sounded next to her, her flowers were being changed. 

"Hello dear, you're back again?" The person must have nodded because Madam Pomfry seemed content. Madam Pomfry was an angel in Rose's mind, ever since she was paralized she could hear how she was. She would speak to them as if they were awake, "Today it is white orchids with blue hydrangeas. And you have a visitor." Rose tried to keep her mind sharp by thinking of the meaning of each flower, but it was slipping her mind. Madam Pomfrey walked away, this person Rose didn't know. They would sit in silence next to her, possibly in thought. Rose didn't mind it, she felt rather comfortable with these kinds of visitors. This time there was quiet sniffs, sounding as if the person was crying. Rose wondered why they were crying, she worried about them, for no one else ever cried in silence near her. Rose wished there was something she could do to calm them down, but someone else came in, sounded like Alice, "What are you doing here?" There was a sharp scrape of the chair before a rushing sound of the robes as the person ran away. Alice shouted, "Come back here you coward!" Madam Pomfry could be heard storming over and shouting at Alice, "This is not the place to have your grievances! This is a hospital, Ms. Charmingale!" Alice muttered something that Rose couldn't hear but soon the silence became suffocating. Peeves came in again to do his usual cat wail and then he broke out into loud, fake ugly sobs, flying away down the halls. Rose wished nothing more to drift off and just awake as if she was never harmed. She was frustrated, I couldn't do anything, I feel so useless right now. Silent nights echoed loudly inside her mind, agonizingly slow she would slip into sleep, only to realize her nightmare was real. 

How long has it been? Rose sat again in silence, the soft footsteps of Madam Pmfry changing the flowers alerting her to the day. A small pop sounded as Madam Pomfry jumped, the thump sounded as if she jumped rather high, "Goodness! Dear Squibbles, be more cautious, you scared me." Squibbles' squeaky voice apologized before he stated, "Squibbles has brought Ms. Rose flowers. The houselves all wish her well." Rose felt her heart quiver as she was touched by the kindness of the house elves, "Oh how wonderful, will you change them for me?" The sound of crunchy leaves of the old flowers came from her vase as the pitter patter of feet could be heard climbing up top to her vase. She heard her bed creak as Squibbles must have sat down, "There are roses, lilies, lilacs and Vani added some mint leaves for some odd reason." She heard his tiny hand pat her stiff one, "You should be better soon. We all miss you so much. Squibbles misses you very much, Merlin has gone home to your family." Rose felt like crying, Squibbles was so sweet, touching her heart as he honestly spoke to her. 

Many days have passed, which Rose only knew due to the silent nights, and the changing of flowers. She had gone through three bouquets already, which was at least a few weeks. She heard Madam Pomfry discuss with Professor Sprout the mandrakes, as well as a quidditch match coming up. Rose listened to the news about students around the castle, for Alice came in to gossip to her. She talked about the rumor she heard, "Top secret, only few know. Percy is dating someone. Don't know who yet, but I'm on it." Rose wished she could roll her eyes, Alice began to speak again, "Apparently Malfoy's house was raided the other day, they had a bunch of things that are illegal. Also, there is a quidditch match tomorrow, so I'll come back to tell you about the results." Rose wished she could have played in Quidditch, apparently Hufflepuff lost to Ravenclaw due to being down a player. Cedric had come in with Alice, who was rather forward explaining their tragic loss while Cedric was telling her to not say it so blunt. He told her it was just because they hadn't trained hard enough, but Rose couldn't help but feel guilty. Soon Alice left, done with the gossip as she told her she would visit tomorrow. Silence filled the hospital wing again, but not for long. 

"Are you sure you want to be seen going in here?" Vincent could be heard asking, someone as Crabbe spoke to him, "Shh, he said he didn't want to speak when we got here." Vincent could be heard sighing, "I guess. Hello Rose, it's Vincent, Gregory, and another person." Chairs could be heard moving around as Vincent began to talk, "I know you'll be proud at least. I managed to get a full mark on a herbology test." Vincent was right, Rose was extremely proud. Vincent had often struggled in Herbology, Kinda funny. Neville and him are the opposite. She had tutored him before the incident but Gregory joined, "He helped me get a passing grade too Rose. Really it was you who helped." Vincent could be heard smiling as he talked, "Mother says she is extremely happy because I did so well. Even my father told me I did well." Rose could feel her chest swell with pride, Vincent often talked about his family. His father was on the wrong side of the first wizarding war, but his mother thought Vincent was dumb. Rose realized how lucky she was to have two parents who loved her. The third person was silent the whole time, not a single noise, while Vincent and Gregory began to speak about their other courses. Gregory suddenly spoke, "Snape has been extremely harsh lately. He barely shows anyone any favor now, plus all the papers have become longer and more difficult." Vincent began to talk now, "Well, maybe it's because exams are coming up. He still wants us to do well right?" Gregory hummed as he agreed before they sighed, "Well, we better go before curfew. See you later Rose." Rose heard the footsteps exit the room, soon she would be alone in the silence, slipping to unconsciousness. She wished she could cry, because at least it would be something against the silence. 

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