Chapter 37: Bittersweet Silence

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Rose was alert in her mind, someone had been petrified, two people. As soon as she heard the commotion, teachers gasped and whispered. By now it was silent, Madam Pomfry had left, but there was quiet footsteps coming over. They were rushing, and there was a crinkle of paper, from what she could hear, it was a student. They went near someone, placed what sounded like crinkled paper somewhere. They came closer to her, their footsteps were louder. From the sound of her hair being tucked behind her ear they knew her, but then they ran out again. Rose didn't have to sit in silence for long, "This will be a bit of a shock. There has been another attack. A double attack." Mcgonagal was speaking, and Rose knew who it was the moment someone spoke.

"Hermione!" Ron groaned, Rose was rather irritated, she began to zone out. Yippie, I'm trapped in the Hospital wing with Hermione. Rose began to grow rather bored, her mind too tired to overthink and worry. She already knew the school might close down, and as much as she didn't want to lose her wizarding world, she wanted to just move. Visitors had no longer been allowed to come. Now there was silence all day and night, no Alice to talk about gossip, no Cedric to explain some random joke. No Vincent to talk about his grades as Greggory gave some words every now and then. Gone was the mysterious student, who sat silently with her, gone was Squibbles, gone was Nevilie. Rose was dreadfully lonely, she wished she could talk, wished she could cry. The worst part, Madam Pomfry had told the people, "We're taking no more chances. No, I'm sorry. There's every chance this attacker might come back to finish them off." Rose thought of the horrifying basilisk, the boy who had such a cruel laugh, as well as Ginny. Ginny was pale when she was attacked, her eyes were glassy. She is possessed. Rose worried as she thought about them, But who was that man? Rose questioned every day if it would be her last. Would the basilisk come and eat her? Would the boy come and force Ginny to kill her? 

Hours melted into days, which melted into weeks. Rose was trapped in her mind, she was bored, sad, scared, and now she was becoming more and more nervous. What if I never get better? Rose thought about her family, her great grandmother's devastated crying came to mind. Her mother and father sobbing echoed in her ears, her cousins screaming as they're held back by their parents. Rose felt a lump in her throat, but then Rose paused. She felt a lump in her throat. Rose realized liquid had gone down her throat, her toes were tingling. Rose could feel the tears falling down her face as someone spoke to her, "It's alright dear. You're okay." Rose began to feel her lungs take a deep gasp of air, her vision began to slowly come back, blurred and watery. Professor Sprout, Professor Snape, and Madam Pomfry were standing over her. Rose heard her voice croak, "I-I'm alive?" Madam Pomfry's eyes began to water as she looked in sadness. Rose heard her mother's sobs in her ears, though she was nowhere to be found. Her hands began to tremble, her breath caught in her chest before she grabbed the closest person and began to sob loudly. 

"M-Ms. Park!" Rose began to sob, hiding her face in the robes, ignoring all of the calls of the teachers. Her sobs echoed through the silent and empty Hospital wing, she was the last one to get the potion. Rose was inconsolable, nothing Madam Pomfry or Professor Sprout did could stop her sobs. She was shaking before someone touched her head, "Give us a moment." Rose was shaking as she sobbed, she had grabbed onto Professor Snape. The two walked away as Snape told her, "Release my Robes." Rose let go of his robes slowly, trying to stop herself from hiding her face again. Snape was looking at her as he sat in the chair, "What did you see?" Rose thought back to the Basilisk, "It was a-a Basilisk, Professor. A-and… Ginny Weasley, she was controlled by a… a boy? He was tall, brown hair-" Snape spoke, "His name is Tom Riddle. He was a memory inside of a diary. He is also… well, forget that." Rose froze looking confused, "T...Tom Riddle? Is Ginny okay?" Snape sighed as he looked at her, "Worry about yourself. Potter has handled the situation again. I need to speak to you later about storming out of my room." Rose frowned towards him as she started to speak, but she paused looking in his eyes. 

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