Chapter 6: Dead Rabbit and a Horrible Halloween

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Rose could hardly believe that a month and some change had passed already. Her classes and Cedric talking about Quidditch had distracted her, he was complaining about practice. As a matter of fact that's exactly what was happening as she ate her breakfast, Merlin hadn't shown up that morning with his usual rat. Today she had Charms with Harry, they were performing the same spell she had performed on the train.

"Mail's here." Rose looked up only to see Merlin sitting before her but this time he was not alone. There was an owl just as big as him and from what it looked like, it was carrying a package, "Hello there." Rose gazed at the owl as she tilted her head, Merlin looked at her before dropping something before her, it was a rabbit. Rose's eyes seemed to water as a girl let out a gasp, the owl flew towards the Slytherins while Merlin looked at Rose. Cedric stopped talking the moment he heard a sniff, "Rose- oh no..." Rose was quietly crying, the snowy white rabbit was stained red right in front of her, Merlin looked proud with himself and flew off, he didn't understand her reaction was bad. Instantly it seemed as if a teacher had sprung into action, Professor Sprout had walked to her, asking what was wrong until she witnessed the rabbit, "Oh dear." Rose managed a tiny whimper as now most of the table had looked towards her, Alice shook her head, "That Owl doesn't understand gifts." Merlin was back, this time dropping something on Alice's head, it appeared as if he heard what she said because a large wet plant had landed on her hair. Professor Sprout had banished the rabbit away and was gently leading Rose out of the hall, using her round body to block people from looking at her. Once she was out of the Great Hall Rose let out a quiet sob, "Oh, my poor dear." Rose felt awful, Merlin kept giving her terrible presents, "I-I know he wants to thank me..." Rose sniffed as Professor Sprout listened, "But... I don't like dead animals. I-it's so sad. And I don't want to hurt his feelings." Professor Sprout gently cooed over her, trying to calm down her little Hufflepuff, "It's alright, Sweetheart. He will learn." Rose cried as Professor Sprout transfigured a bobby pin into a handkerchief, handing it to her, "Don't worry Dear. You have the Halloween feast to look forward to. And if you're still upset just ask Squibbles for help." Rose sniffed as she nodded, as she looked towards her beloved head of house, her eyes were still watery as she was led towards Charms. Most of the class had already come in and they all saw her teary eyes, she quickly sat down as Flitwick discussed with Professor Sprout why she was late. Alice had gently patted her arm as Flitwick started the lesson, many students were trying to make their feather float, but Rose was helping the people next to her.

"Make the movement a little smaller." Alice looked as if she was confused, "How?" Rose took out her wand and made a small swish and flick, "Wingardium Leviosa." Her feather began to float up but Flitwick looked right towards someone else, "Well done! See here everyone, Ms. Granger has done it!" Rose looked over to see Hermione's feather was only an inch higher than her, she sighed as her feather went down smoothly. Alice looked worried for her friend before there was a loud bang next to her, Semus Finigan had blown up a feather. Alice immediately began to complain, "You can't even float a feather! Why do you always sit next to me?!" While most of the class was laughing with the two bickering Rose just looked at her feather she just waved her wand again whispering, "Inflamare." Her feather suddenly became engulfed flames in a quiet burn, she didn't notice Hermione watching her. Rose was quiet the entire time she walked with Alice who was still fussing at Semus. Rose listened as Ron complained, "She's a nightmare! Honestly!" Rose picked her head up instantly and watched as Hermione ran off crying. Ron only stated, "So? She must have noticed she's got no friends." Rose felt her blood boil as she whipped out her wand, Alice looked shocked as she pointed at Ron. Harry froze as he looked at Rose, he never had seen her so angry, "How dare you?" Ron looked surprised as he turned pale, "W-What are you doing?" Her eyes were narrow and her jaw was set, "If there is one thing I can't stand... It's pathetic bullies like you. You think you're so cool because you put down someone who can cast a simple spell." Ron looked angry as he retorted, "I didn't see you do it." Rose swished and flicked her wand quickly stating, "Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron went flying into the air, his books and bag hit the ground as students all looked at the sight, Alice was laughing loudly. Ron was terrified while Rose smirked, "Do you feel cool now? Or is it not cool because I'm teasing someone who can't even do a simple spell?"

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