Chapter 42: Marge and Letters

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Rose had a quiet couple of days before she was dressed and ready. She had only two days to deal with Marge, unlike poor Harry who had to deal with her the whole week. Today was Harry's birthday, and Rose, hiding it behind her back, had a gift for him. She looked at her long hair and lip tint, before deeming herself presentable. Soon she crossed the yard and walked inside the house, Marge was not here yet, but she would be soon.

"Auntie! I'm here! I'm going upstairs to use the bathroom really quickly." Petunia, who was cooking and preparing tea, called back her greeting. Rose took this chance to walk up the stairs and knock on Harry's door. She heard Harry sigh, "What?" Rose whispered in the door, desperate not to be caught, "Harry, can I come in? It's me, Rose." The door opened quickly with a relieved looking Harry, "Rose, come in." He let her in as she heard the door click and she smiled, "Happy Birthday Harry. For you." Rose handed Harry a card and a gift, Harry looked utterly speechless and greatful. He took the present and sat on his bed opening it, Rose observed his room. She had never been inside, and it looked rather plain, his walls were bare, no gryffindor flags, nothing to show him as a wizard. Rose questioned if Harry pretend he wasn't one whenever he left Hogwarts. But Harry was awing over her gift, Rose turned to him, "It's a scarf I found. It has the hogwarts colors, black, green, red, yellow, and blue. It's from this department store I was in. Also, it has a matching pair of black gloves." Harry smiled as he looked at her, "Thank you Rose." Rose smiled brightly to Harry, "Of course, I have to head down before Petunia calls for you." Rose headed to the door before she paused, "Hey Harry?" Harry looked up from hiding his present, "Yeah?" Rose looked at him, "I know this is going to be hard. Just know I'll try and keep her attention." Harry smiled before he nodded, "Thank you." Rose smiled before she walked to the bathroom and flushed the toilet, before washing her hands and going down stairs. There Dudley was being polished with a bow tie and his blonde hair flattened. Rose had helped gather tea cups and place them inside the living room. Soon Petunia cried for Harry and then, Marge was here. Rose felt her stomach twist as she heard her voice, "Where's my Dudders?? Where's my nephie pooh?" She was exactly like Vernon, large, beefy, and downright plain. Her dog, Ripper, was an old bulldog with a foul temper. The only reason why they got in an argument the first time was because Ripper liked her, and Marge made a comment about supper already being made. Soon Rose heard her name come from Marge's mouth, "Well Hello there Rose! Ready to be cordial correct?" Rose felt her jaw tighten but she only nodded with a sickly sweet, "Yes Ma'am. I hope your train ride was not too upsetting for Ripper." Marge began to complain about the people on the train to everyone as Ripper lapped some tea, "You think they have never seen a dog before!" Rose knew she would have a headache by the time she woke up Friday morning. Harry came from upstairs as Aunt Marge was discussing random things, Ripper looked up at Harry and growled. Finally Marge had seen Harry, "So, still here are you?" Harry muttered rather annoyedly as he sat next to Rose, "Yes." Marge snarled to him, "Don't say yes in that ungrateful tone! It's damn good of Petunia and Vernon to keep you! Wouldn't have kept you myself! You would have been straight to an orphanage if you'd been dumped on my doorstep." Rose felt her stomach tense as she tried to calm herself, she despised Marge fussing at Harry.

"Don't you smirk at me! I can see you haven't improved since I last saw you! I hoped school would have knocked some sense into you. Where did you send the boy again Vernon?" Rose looked rather confused as Vernon spoke, "St. Brutisis. It's a first rate institution for hopeless cases." Rose turned her head towards Vernon, her hands were trembling slightly. How can they be so cold? Calm down Rose… calm down. Rose took a breath as she sipped her tea, "Heard the news marge? What about that escaped prisoner?" Now Rose was listening, "I'm sorry? What escaped prisoner?" Petunia mistook the shaking in her hands for fear because she had gently patted her empty one, "It's alright dear. We are safe here." Marge nodded, "Rather untidy he is. He looks like an urchin, his messy hair and gaunt face." Rose listened intently, "What did they say his name was?" Marge shrugged, "Something Black. He had a funny name, rather stupid name really." Rose was calm as she nodded her head and Petunia soothed her though she didn't need it, "They will catch him. Don't you worry." However Marge continued talking, "If they don't kill him first. They said he was armed with a gun." Rose seemed to freeze, Harry felt her stiffen next to her as Petunia instantly was looking at her. Rose whispered, "W-What?" Vernon must have seen Petunia's face, as he changed the subject yet again. However, Rose was being distracted by Petunia, "It's alright Rose. He wouldn't come here." Rose nodded quietly as she became silent for the rest of the conversation. That night, the nightmares had returned.

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