Chapter Four: Rats and Potions

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The morning was quite an interesting one, Merlin happily flew towards her sleeping figure dropping something right on her lap. With a partially heavy thump on her Rose stirred slowly as she sat up and yawned. Alice was looking towards Rose and Merlin as she started to laugh, "Morning Sleeping Beauty." Rose laughed and waved her off before she looked at what was in her lap, "Merlin?! Why did you put a rat on me?!"

A few minutes later after some screaming and Rose apologizing to Merlin for not appreciating his thoughtful gift. Even though the rat was still alive. Alice was looking at Merlin who was staring back as Rose took a shower, "Don't think about leaving me a rat. I'll turn you into a tea cozy." Merlin seemed to ruffle his feathers before he started to clean them, Rose had hidden the rat under her pillow. Alice and Rose happily walked out of the room together, Rose still held the rat before pausing, "Um... Excuse me?" Alice looked at her confused as she started to speak into the air, "Squibbles?" There was a loud Pop, before Squibbles had appeared before them with a happy smile, "Hello Ms. Park!" Rose smiled looking relieved as she knelt down, "I'm afraid I have to ask you for something. I hope you don't mind." Alice looked shocked at the sudden appearance of Squibbles and how easy Rose seems to be.

"No trouble at all! That's what Squibbles is here for, miss!" Rose smiled sweetly as she held out the poor little rat, "Merlin, my owl, gave me this little guy. Could you please release him back outside? The poor thing must be terrified." Squibbles nodded politely as he gently took the rat, "Yes Miss! Squibbles will put this rat back, sweet Ms. Park cares for every creature." Squibbles seemed to have teary eyes before he disappeared again and Rose looked towards Alice who laughed, "What?" Alice smiled as she pulled Rose with her, "Of course I get the sweetest girl around for a roommate." Rose blushed the color of her name as they walked to breakfast, they were both rather hungry after using so much energy with the rat fiasco. There were students all at the different tables, some of the hufflepuffs were at Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw respectively. Some Gryffendors were at other tables speaking with each other as they excitedly discussed classes. A few Ravenclaws were already writing and reading their textbooks, Rose smiled as she caught sight of Cedric waving at her and Alice, "Over here!" Rose and Alice laughed as they ran over and were going to discuss classes, "What was all the screaming about this morning?"

"You see, Merlin left Rose a present." Alice snickered as she explained the rat while Rose sighed and put food on her plate, "It was thoughtful, but not in the best item wise." As Rose began to eat her toast and cheesy eggs Alice snorted, "Oh yeah, nothing more thoughtful than a live rat on you in the morning." Rose glared at her over her eggs as Cedric laughed, "Well at least he decided to give you something." Rose nodded as she was suddenly surprised, hundreds of owls were flying inside the Great Hall. Cedric smiled quite joyfully, "Ah, Mail." Alice smiled as her own screech owl landed next to her holding a small package, "Mum sent my favorite headband. I had forgotten it in the rush to pack." Cedric had opened a letter as he stated his father had forgotten to give him his signature for a trip to some sort of wizarding village. Rose smiled quietly before Merlin landed with something in his beak again, this time it appeared to be a wild-flower. Rose softly laughed as she gently petted the owl's cheek which Merlin happily leaned against his eyes half closed. Alice looked towards Merlin before comparing the size of the owls, "Rose, Your owl is massive!" Rose looked towards Merlin after gently tucking the flower in her hair, "He's just a big sweetheart, aren't you Merlin?" Merlin gave his deep 'ooh's again before he flew away towards his home with the other owls. Alice smiled as they looked at their schedules, Cedric peered over her head, "Looks like you'll have Professor Quirrel first. And Professor Sprout afterwards, she's the head of Hufflepuff house." Rose smiled as she nodded, she was so excited to start her classes.

The first week flew by, she got to meet all her Professors, and was already learning so many things, she had two more classes this Friday. Breakfast was the same as always, this time when Rose awoke to Merlin the rat was dead. Rose softly sighed as she sat down for breakfast with Merlin looking at her, "Merlin, please don't give me dead animals..." Alice was quite angry with Merlin, he had left her a live one right on her chest. Squibbles had been all too happy to help Rose with the two rats, even offering a tissue for Rose as he thought she would cry. She managed to hold back the small tears in her eyes at the sight of the mangled body of the rat and Merlin's proud expression. The mail had arrived again Cedric had received a letter from his father, and Alice had been sent a small parcel of a muggle candy that Rose quite enjoyed so Alice happily shared hers. Cedric looked towards Rose and Alice with a sad look, "You have potions with Professor Snape right? He's the least favorite Professor of Hogwarts." Rose frowned as she scolded him lightly about his judging, before she happily went back to her food. Rose was excited for Potions actually, after reading her whole textbook she could hardly wait. Alice seemed convinced by Cedric and half of the Hufflepuff table that Potions would be awful. Rose went through her morning class of History of Magic, which had her only ghost teacher, Rose felt quite bad for always feeling like she was going to doze off. Finally, she was going to Potions in the dungeons.

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