Chapter 25: Another Attack

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"Who are you cheering for Rose?" Some students asked Rose, who looked torn before whispering, "Harry…" All the Hufflepuffs were cheering for Harry, while Rose just looked up from her second row seat. Alice sat in front of her, screaming her lungs out and cheering. Cedric sat next to her silently observing the match, "They're wicked fast. We'll need to work on our training." Rose just felt rain starting to fall, drenching her. 

"Go Harry!!! Go Go Gryffindor!" Alice was screaming loudly and booing at the new lead, "Slytherin lead: 60 points to 0." Rose was watching the chasers, focusing on their interactions. She could hardly believe she'd be playing next time, and though it wouldn't be between them yet she wanted to observe too. Alice yelped watching Harry dodge bludgers, "It was tampered with! It's following Harry!" Rose instantly looked up towards the two seekers, Harry was doing some sort of ballet dodging the bludger. Rose was holding her breath, she began to question her words. She watched the two seekers before seeing a glint of gold near Draco's head. It was obvious to her he was taunting Harry, she gulped some air and bellowed, "IF YOU WOULD STOP TEASING HARRY YOU WOULD CATCH THAT SNITCH." Cedric launched himself away covering his ear before he looked up immediately, his eyes locked on the golden glint. Rose screamed as Harry fell to the ground, instantly booking it towards the stairs. Alice and Cedric couldn't fight the flow of the students, and Rose managed to get on the pitch. 

"Your best yet I'd say." Rose watched Lockhart twirl his wand, before she witnessed the new rubber glove that was Harry's arm. Rose immediately raced through the group to Harry, she casted a charm Madam Pomfry taught her, creating a sling for the rubbery arm. Rose was silent on the trip to the Hospital wing, disappearing into the medical stores instantly, she didn't want to talk to Hermione, nor Ron. Madam Pomfry was speaking towards them at the other end of the hall. Rose retrieved Skeligrow and some Pumpkin juice, racing back towards the group. Madam Pomfry thanked her before disappearing to her office as Rose began to remove sheets off messy beds. However Rose's ears picked up the trio talking, "We'll ask when we've taken the Polyjuice potion." Rose froze as she realized what they said, she racked her mind for polyjuice potion information as she walked the large dirty hamper down the line to each bed. She barely heard the Gryffindor Quidditch team but certainly heard Madam Pomfry kicking them out. She felt a tap on her shoulder seeing a thoroughly damp and muddy Oliver wood, "Hello Rose." She set down the large bundle of cloth inside the hamper, "Nice game Oliver. Harry should be fine if that's what your asking." Oliver tilted his head before smiling, "Thank you for helping. Just wanted to say… Congratulations. For making a team." Rose smiled towards him before nodding, "Thank you. I look forward to battling on the pitch." Oliver smiled before bidding farewell, Rose carted the bin towards the entrance of the hospital wing as knocked gently, the dirty leines disappearing thanks to the houselves magic. She then walked to the cabinet and picked up fresh ones, walking towards each bed, physically tidying up the beds. Madam Pomfry was talking to Harry who seemed to be upset about his team and friends leaving. She held up a blanket she grabbed and walked towards Harry after finishing the beds, "You know, I was joking about the Hospital wing right Harry?" Harry managed a weak smile before he sighed, "What can I say? Can't stay out of here." Rose laughed softly as she placed the blanket on him, "Here, it's often cold in here. Sorry to say this, but if it hasn't started already, it's going to hurt." 

"Thanks, and it's definitely happening now. I heard you." Rose looked down before she sighed, "You're right you know. Draco… he's a little like Dudley. Knows what to say to hurt you." Harry placed his functioning hand on hers, "Don't believe him Rose. You're a wonderful witch, and a wonderful person." Rose felt heat appear in her cheeks, touched by Harry's kind words. She smiled holding his hand, "Thank you Harry. You should get some rest. If you need me I'll be in the hall." Harry nodded before he slipped to sleep, Rose smiled as she replayed what he said in her head, starting her chores again. She used her wand to clean the floor, covered in muck and mud. After that she made sure the bed pillows were fluffed, organized the new potions quietly before she became hungry. Her stomach alerted by unleashing a rude growl in the middle of Rose topping off the water jug. She looked at the empty hall, the only person inside was a sleeping Harry. Madam Pomfry went into her living quarters, which was connected through her office. She decided it would be okay to go to the kitchens for some frozen grapes, "I walked around all the time." She checked for her wand before smiling and exiting the hall. The dark halls casted an odd feeling for her, she felt uneasy, and wanted to quickly leave. She muttered quietly, "Lumos." The tip of her wand lit dimly, as she kept it pointed to the ground. The echoes of her footsteps made her spine shiver, she heard the snores of the portraits near her, her eyes darted around her. She thought she heard someone. Her footsteps were lighter, feeling as if she would take off running any second. Her lungs began to beg for more oxygen, she heard a weird noise, like hissing. Suddenly she heard a loud:

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