Chapter 27: Snakes Vs Dr. Snow

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Rose was yawning as she leaned against the wall near the great hall. Yet again she was up, Merlin trying to comfort her as she would silently unleash her fears. The sight of Alice walking towards her made her instantly place her smile back, "Hello Alice! Ready for Dueling Club?" Alice smiled towards her, hooking her arm with Rose's. 

"Absolutely. Are you staying for Christmas this year?" Rose shook her head with a large smile, "No, I'm going back to Korea. My Great Grandmother is determined to make this Christmas even bigger." Alice giggled as Rose began to tell her all about the latest adventures, "She is taking some sort of water sport she saw in an american show. Driving my family crazy." Alice laughed loudly as she walked into the great hall, the long dining room tables disappeared, a large stage in the center. Rose and Alice met up with Justin, who greeted them ratherly cheerfully. The trio giggled together as they sat at the front of the stage, Rose was in the very front, where Lochart looked to her. He flashed a pearly white smile, wearing robes of deep plum and a glove on his hand that held his wand. Rose grew far more excited to see Professor Snape stand with his arms crossed. Alice complained with Justin as they were a bit back from her, Lockhart began to speak, "Gather round, Gather Round. Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent." Hannah Abbot was hanging on to every word as Rose looked towards Snape, Lockhart was talking as he stated, "You'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him." Rose giggled as she watched Lockhart twirled his wand flamboyantly in a bow, as Snape jerked his head. 

"As you see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combatting position. On the count of three we will cast our first spells, neither of us aiming to kill." Rose smiled excited to watch Snape's duling technique, "One," Rose whispered towards Hannah, "This is going to be so exciting." Rose smiled, "Two," Rose turned towards the stage again, "Three." Rose was in awe as Snape blasted a spell, "Expeliarmus." Lockhart flew back dropping his wand, Rose applauded loudly locking eyes with Snape who held a small smirk. Lockhart was trying to cover his behind as he spoke to Snape, before quickly changing his tune, "Enough demonstrating. I'm going to come amongst you now, Professor Snape. If you would help me?" Snape walked towards the trio, splitting Justin away from them as Alice was paired with Hannah, "Ms. Park, You can partner Ms. Parkeson." Pansy glared towards her, as Rose sent a simple smile, they stood near each other, "You're going to get it, Mudblood." Pansy muttered under her breath towards her, "Face your partners, and Bow." Rose took a bow before holding her wand over her head, locking eyes with Pansy. Snape stood next to them as Rose took a breath, "One. Two. Three." Pansy shouted loudly, "Rictusempra!" Rose immediately moved her wand shouting, "Protego!" Pansy looked outraged before she casted another spell, "Petrificus Totalis!" Rose dodge it before shouting loudly, "Expelliarmus!" Pansy was blasted to the floor, Rose catching her wand and pointing her's towards her. Snape instantly casted, "Finite incantatem." Rose looked around, still holding Pansy's wand, everyone was battered and bruised except for Rose. Snape walked towards her, taking the wand, "How did you know that spell?" Rose looked towards him before stating, "I read it in one of the books I got this summer." Snape nodded before muttering, "Two points." The battles were pushed away, Justin, Alice reunited with Rose. As they watched the two students stand there. 

"Draco and Harry will kill each other." Alice looked nervous, looking at Rose who watched with bated breath. Lochart was speaking to Harry, "Whoops! My wand is a little over excited." Rose shivered as she saw the two, "Three. Two. One. Go!" Rose watched Draco cast, "Serphantsorcia!" A huge black snake came from Draco's wand. Rose felt her body freeze as she stared at the angry snake, her heart was pounding. Lochart casted a spell launching it into the air before it slammed down onto the stage. It went straight towards Rose, she erupted in a scream. It held its fangs towards her, Justin launched himself in front of her. However, before it could hurt someone Harry erupted in a bunch of hissing. The snake went still, staring at Harry. Rose began to cry seeing Harry smile towards Justin and herself, Justin instantly stuttered, "What are you playing at?" Rose felt her legs give out, as Justin caught her, carrying Rose away as Alice ran with them. 

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