Chapter 18: Mudbloods & Ghosts

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The night before the weekend Rose sat with Cedric. They began to discuss the tryouts that was moved ahead of time, "Are you sure about this Cedric? Do you really think I should try out? I mean, we've only been training for a few months." Cedric looked at her about to say something sarcastic when he noticed the smallest movement in Rose's legs and hands, she was shaking. Cedric looked to the fire, which had been charmed not that long ago to be cool. 

"I think you'll be the best chaser Hogwarts has ever seen. I know you might be nervous. You know I was too." Rose looked to her whispering, "I feel like I'm going to throw up when I set foot on the pitch. What if I make a fool of myself? W-what if I-" Cedric took her hand as he smiled, "If there is anything I know about you Rose, it's that you could never make a fool of yourself. It's okay to be nervous, but you have to grab that feeling and let it push you towards your goal." Cedric smiled before he sighed, "Rose… I know something is different with you lately. What's going through your mind?" Rose looked away as she mumbled, "I'm okay." Cedric rolled his eyes as he stated, "Rose. I know you are bugged by something. Just tell me." Rose felt the familiar sense of dread as she struggled to decide before she whispered, "The hat told me something… when I hat stalled. And… I'm wondering if it might be correct." Cedric looked confused before he stated, "What houses was he debating?" Rose looked to him before stating, "Hufflepuff and Slytherin. He said… 'If only you weren't muggle born.' Why is it so bad I'm muggleborn?" Cedric looked upset as he gently stated, "Some wizarding families… well… um." Cedric seemed to stumble on his words, "Rose. Salazar Slytherin didn't want students such as yourself at Hogwarts. There has never been a muggleborn in Slytherin. The fact you're at their table is something that's never happened." Rose looked down as she whispered, "So I don't belong? Anywhere?" Cedric looked towards her before he stated, "That's a lie Rose. You belong in both worlds. You are a brilliant witch Rose, some wizarding families focus on the family tree of others. Some wizards are Pure-blood, not a drop of muggle blood in their veins, while others are Half-blood, like Justin, he has a muggle mother and his guess is a wizard father." Cedric took her hand as he stated, "You shouldn't let yourself be brought down Rose. You belong here. You are the best student I know. You'll blow all the team's socks off when you play chaser." Cedric smiled as she sniffed and smiled, "Thanks Ced." Cedric then told her, "If you ever hear someone say this term, they are being very rude and foul. They call Muggleborns Mudbloods. Which means Dirty blood." Rose looked shocked before she stated, "That's awful! How can people say that!"

"Some people learn from their family. Never let them say that to you. You are not that, you are a witch." Rose nodded before she stood up with him, "Let's go to the kitchen and get some cookies before bed." Cedric smiled as he followed her, "Race you there." 

Next morning:

Rose yawned loudly as a mass of feathers rested against her. A small giggle echoed though the bed chamber, the conversation ringing in her ears from last night. As she slowly got out of bed, careful not to awake her dearest owl. The soft snores of Alice alerted her to the time of day. She got dressed and decided to head to an early breakfast, but something made her want to go to the Quidditch Pitch. 

"Maybe I can practice." Rose changed her clothing as she put on her gloves and ran towards the pitch. She opened the broom cupboard as she hopped onto the broom and flew towards the massive field. She paused when she saw the brilliant green robes walking towards the pitch while Scarlet robes were headed to the ground. Her hair blew gently around her as she hovered above the teams, the chilly morning air making her feel energized. She noticed the boy she helped earlier, the sound of a camera clicking, "I booked it!" Rose looked down as she slowly descended hearing the obvious captain being furious. She heard the sound of Fred, "Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" Rose smiled brightly as she raced lower to see Draco, "Sweeps the board with them." Rose landed as she saw Draco, "Draco!" Draco turned who was beaming brightly. The team was laughing before Rose heard Hermione's Voice, "At least no one had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Rose looked shocked before she heard Draco, "No one asked your opinion. You filthy little Mudblood." Rose looked shocked, chaos broke loose as Rose became shell shocked. Draco had just said the foulest word, right in front of her. Even the sight of Ron belching slugs did nothing. The moment they left and Slytherin was alone did Draco smile towards her, wiping away his tears of laughter, "Hello Rose. Did you enjoy the-'' Inside Rose a switch was flipped, she became calm as she looked at him with pure fire, "Draco Lucius Malfoy, are you pleased with yourself?" Draco looked confused as the whole Slytherin team looked at her the moment she said his full name. 

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