Chapter 5: Brooms and Friends

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Clases had seemed to go easily, she had Herbology with Ravenclaws along with Potions. She had Charms with Gryffendors, which Rose quite honestly felt disheartened in. She also had a History of Magic with Gryffendor too, but at least in that class there were no questions that Hermione could answer.

"N-Now... turn your book to page 167." Rose flipped her book to the page Professor Quirrel requested as she heard a small noise. Class was going to start in a few minutes and she had gone in early to get some help in her paper about the hijinks of Cornish Pixies. Professor Quirrel was a skittish teacher, he smelled quite funny with his large purple turban. At least Professor Quirrel had paid some attention to her, even stating a few times that she was a smart first year, before comparing her to Hermione Granger again. They were just discussing their ability to use a wizard or witches wand when her chair had moved, Alice would never be this early. Rose watched as Quirrel walked to the front of the class to most likely grab his wand as the blonde boy from the train was sitting next to her. He seemed to look at the page number before she whispered, "Page 167. Third paragraph, fourth sentence." The boy looked at her again and nodded before turning exactly to where she stated, "N-Now as we were discussing."

After class:

"Rose! Did you see?" She looked up from her book confused as Alice bounded over, "What?" Alice smiled brightly, "We have flying lessons tomorrow with Ravenclaw." Rose looked quite confused before she remembered Cedric's discussion about quidditch. She looked nervous, "We are going to fly on a broom?" Alice smiled brightly as she nodded, "Of course it's quite easy, I've been flying since I was four." Rose nodded her head at her unhelpful friend, growing more nervous as the time grew.

"I-I'm going to go talk to Harry." Rose quickly hurried towards the Gryffindor table, Neviel was showing them a glass ball the size of a marble She moved close enough, "It's a remembrall! Gran knows I forget things. This tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look you hold it tight like this and when the smoke turns red- Oh." The smoke began to turn red in front of everyone as Neveil looked as if he didn't know what he forgot. Rose smiled softly and was about to state that it was his large robe when the remembrall was taken out his hand. Harry and Ron leaped up to their feet as Rose looked surprised, after Mcgonagal diffused the situation Rose turned to Neveil, "You forgot your house robe Neveil." He looked surprised before quickly running off, "Harry?" Harry looked towards Rose quite confused, "Yeah Rose?" She was looking towards the blonde boy, "Who was that?" Harry scowled as he looked towards the boy, "Malfoy." Rose looked towards the boy before she looked back at him, "Malfoy? Well surely he has a first name." Harry looked irritated as he quickly stated, "He's like Dudley. No, worse than Dudley." Rose shook her head as she sighed loudly, "Harry, he doesn't seem that bad." Harry seemed done with conversation as if she was fighting a troll. Rose marched away, Harry was looking at his food before he heard Ron speak again.

"What the bloody hell is she doing?" They watched as Rose walked towards the Slytherin table, a lot of the hall now looked surprised, no other houses ever went to Slytherin. Harry wished she would leave Malfoy alone, he didn't want her hurt by him. Malfoy had turned his head upon seeing the canary yellow inner robe, "Wha-" Rose gave him a sparkly smile as she asked, "Hello, Malfoy. May I ask what's your first name?" A girl with a pug-like face sneered towards her, "Why would a daff Hufflepuff like you want to know?" Rose seemed to ignore the girl as she looked at the surprised pale boy, "What?" Rose looked towards him, "How about I introduce myself first? I never really did introduce myself." She smiled warmly to him before happily stating, "I'm Rose Park. May I ask your name?" Malfoy, ignoring the bitter remarks from Pug-face, started with a proud tone albeit confused, "Draco Malfoy." Rose looked happy to finally know the mystery boy's name, "And how about you two?" Draco looked towards the two boys near him all the time, "Vincent Crabb and Greggory Goyle." Rose happily greeted them as she waved goodbye while the girl seemed to complain loudly about her, "Who does she think she is?" Rose happily walked towards her table again as everyone looked at her before conversation started again. This time it was about her, but Rose didn't care, she made a new friend.

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