Chapter 7: Recovery and Friends

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"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Rose had a terrible pain in her head, her whole body felt sore. There was bright lights as she heard a soft voice, "Shhh! Madam Pomfry said she'll be fine." Cedric's voice had helped her open her eyes, her hand felt warm, "Rose? Rose you're awake!" Alice sounded like she had been crying as she started rambling, "You had me worried sick! Why didn't you just use the bathroom in the dorm?" Rose groaned at her head pounding from Alice's yelling, "What happened?" Alice looked as if she was about to shout but no sound came from her mouth, her lips were moving, but Rose heard nothing. 

A stern but gentle voice drew her attention to the foot of her bed, "You were attacked while protecting Ms. Granger from a mountain troll." Rose tried to remember but it was just painful, "Don't strain yourself dear." A woman in white was gently patting her leg, she seemed to be doting on her. Cedric decided to help as he explained holding her hand, "You hit your head, so you might not be able to remember. Don't worry, You'll be okay." Professor McGonagal was looking at her with concern, while Alice still was moving her mouth. Rose looked towards McGonagall, "Professor?" She looked towards her with a concerned look, "Yes dear?" Rose smiled as she motioned with her finger, "What is the spell you used on Alice? It could come in handy." McGonagal seemed to give a small laugh before she shook her head, "I'm sure a witch as bright as you, will figure it out." The professor escorted Alice and Cedric out, she heard Alice say, "Don't you dare leave that bed until you're allowed!" Rose sighed softly, but even that hurt quite a bit now that her distraction had left. She looked towards the nurse-like woman, "Miss?" The woman turned before smiling sweetly, "Madam Pomfrey. Thank heavens you woke up when you did. We were going to send you to Saint Mungos if you hadn't woken up by two." Rose desperately tried to keep track of what she said, "How long-" The doors opened as Rose barely turned her head, not because she didn't care, but because her head hurt so badly. 

"Rose! You're awake!" Madam Pomfrey immediately glared at the two people who were running so quickly and shouting, "Keep your voices down! This girl has had a massive head injury and is sensitive to loud noises." Rose looked towards the students who had immediately slowed down and lowered their voices. The same round nervous boy had come over with something in his hands, and the bushy haired girl looked as if she was about to cry. Rose smiled as she reached for Hermione, "You're okay." Hermione burst into tears as she took hold of her hand, "I'm so sorry." Rose looked concerned as she squeezed her hand, "It's okay, we didn't know. Hey Neveil, how are you?" Neveil looked towards her surprised he had been noticed, "I-I'm okay. I have some notes from the past 2 weeks for you." Rose looked shocked as she tried to sit up, quickly being sat back down, "Two weeks?!" Rose was gently patted as Neveil looked nervous before Hermione sniffed. Madam Pomfrey immediately made the two leave for riling up her patient. After Rose had been given a few potions she slipped into a dreamless slumber, the next time she awoke, she was looking at Professor Snape. He was sitting next to her bed as Madam Pomfrey was tending to his leg, they had been quiet as not to stir her. Rose felt so much better, and was noticed by Madam Pomfrey, who had gently finished Snape's bandage, "You have much more color in your cheeks today." Rose smiled before looking concerned towards Snape, "Professor? Are you okay?" Pomfrey laughed gently as she sighed, "She's certainly a Hufflepuff. Bed ridden for the past two weeks and yet worries over her Professors." Rose immediately liked Madam Pomfrey a lot more. 

Snape looked towards her before stating, "I am fine. When you are better I expect our detention to be at 5 that day. I will be holding you after to catch you up on your missing potions." Rose nodded softly before looking at him, "Yes sir." Rose seemed a little nervous, but she knew it shouldn't be too terrible. Rose watched Madam Pomfrey walk away with the leftover equipment floating behind her. Her head was less sore but at least she could move without feeling like she would throw up. Professor Snape seemed to look over her injuries before he nodded and stood up, "Madam Pomfrey has informed me you should be better in one more week. There will be the first quidditch match two days afterwards. I'm sure Diggory and Charmingale will force you to go." Rose smiled as she thought about how excited Alice and Cedric must be for the match. She watched as Snape stood up slower than she had seen him in any classes, "Professor?" Snape looked at her as she looked down towards his leg, "I know this might be a muggle way… but my grandma always told me to irrigate the wound with sterilized water at least once a day." Snape looked at her before turning his head away, "Tend to yourself." Rose smiled as she looked away, her cheeks turned pink as she noticed multiple gifts before her on a table. There were cards that wished her well, loads of candy before her, she even noticed a small animal that was hidden under a cloth. It looks like Snape came before Madam Pomfrey could remove Merlin's present. Her books were stacked on one side as Rose noticed Madam Pomfrey walk over, "Sorry Dear. When duty calls." Rose nodded as she observed her tap the cloth covered animal before the whole bit disappeared. Rose was given two potions, one tasted like the watermelon she used to eat in Korea. While another made her want to toss all of the contents in her stomach out. 

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