Chapter 19: Start of Punishments

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"You what?" Rose had been standing there as Cedric sighed, sitting Alice down, "Alice, They called her-" Rose interrupted just stating plainily, "A mudblood. Draco called me a Mudblood." Rose walked towards the fireplace that had started to be lit often, "So I made him hang by his ankles… I… I feel terrible about it." Rose looked down as she felt the guilt flood her again, this time sorrow added inside. She stared at the fire as she sighed, "I have detention for 7 weeks, maintain the potion ingredient garden, and lost 35 house points." Alice looked at her before sitting near her. 

"I think he deserved it. No one calls my best friend that." Rose was quiet as she took a breath and slowly felt a mask appear for her, "Thank you Alice." In her mind her hand reached for the mask, quickly placing it back on as she felt her lips tug into the small fake smile that seemed to fool Alice, and by a little bit at least, Cedric. The trio spoke quietly about the different foods they had for that dinner, before Rose stood up, "I need to go to Detention now. Or else Professor Snape will be even more disapointed." Rose stood up as she took a breath, "See you in a little while." Rose smiled towards them, leaving before they realized her voice cracked. Her feet led her towards the potions room, the chill of the dungeons seeming to bounce off her already numb body. She opened the door with a great heave before seeing the double cauldrons before her, "You're early. Good. Stand over there and follow my lead." Rose scrambled to the cauldrons sitting next to the irritated professor. Rose was silent as she watched Snape hand her the first ingredient, it was a peppermint plant. Rose looked over the plant, searching for unbrushed leaves, but not too small or floppy, upon picking the four Snape told her to choose she displayed them to him. He analyzed the leaves for what felt like an hour before he gave a tight lipped nod of approval. The silence from Snape was welcomed sometimes, like last time when they brewed a potion together. However all she wanted now was him to speak, to chastise, or even just correct her with a simple, Clockwise. Rose placed a Mandrake leaf inside the cauldron, and then some bicorn horn. All the while the only sound she heard was the bubbling of a cauldron's containments. Snape was focused on working on his own potion, every now and then leaning his hooked nose towards her potion. Rose would stiffen with anticipation to just hear him say anything, but she would only get a nod. Her shoulders drooped at the last glance he spared towards her potion, she just finished casting the final spell after placing Jewelweed into the concoction. After performing the counter-curse of the bogies curse, she started at her red potion. 

"Goodnight Professor." Rose stood up to leave after she finished bottling the potions. There were hundreds of smaller vials, and one massive bottle that took ages and another batch to fill. She started to think of the food she could eat, but Snape finally broke his silence. "Ms. Park, you need to deliver this to Madam Pomfmry. And deliver this to Lockhart. He said he has been feeling under the weather and specifically requested you." Snape looked even more sour than before, he slowly helped her gather the vials into a multi layered tray and the large jug was levitated by Rose so she was able to hold the smaller vials. Rose was finally released as she looked around, cursing herself for forgetting how to get back to the Hospital Wing. A small 'meow' alerted her to a red eyed cat, this was the caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris. Rose spoke lightly, feeling at least happy to see her, "Hello there. Are you doing well?" Mrs. Norris mewed again before it moved forward, turning her head towards her, "Do you want me to follow you?" Rose smiled as she watched the cat's tail wiggle before it began to strut away. Rose followed the cat, keeping her jug high in the air, and sure enough, Mrs. Norris had led her to the Hospital wing. Rose praised the cat quietly as Madam Pomfry relieved her of the ever growing heavier tray of vials. Rose quickly helped place it away, Madam Pomfry had her reorganize the entire medical potion cabinet. Rose was exhausted, she smelled strongly of the peppermint, and her hair was thrown back in a hasty braid. She received a sandwich as Madam Pomfry said, "You need to keep your strength up. Don't let Severus overwork you now." Rose only placed a grateful smile as she drank the ice cold pumpkin juice, she shared a small piece of the meat with Mrs. Norris as a thank you. 

"Now to Professor Lockhart." Rose followed Mrs. Norris again, who looked incredibly proud and satisfied. Rose carried the vial gently, the portraits greeted her softly as it had grown increasingly late. Mrs. Norris nudged the door as Rose knocked, "Enter." The cheery voice of Lockhart beckoned her inside, "Hello Ms. Park! I see Snape remembered my request." Harry looked to be in a daze as he wrote on envelopes, Rose handed Lockhart the vial before he made her pause, "Dearest Girl, I heard about the nasty remarks towards you today." Rose didn't notice Harry return to hear him, "To be called such a horrible word. Why, the nerve. I thought I would give you a little bit of a sneak peek towards the grades." Rose was receiving all O's so far, and then Lockhart gave a wink towards her, "And expect something in your dorm." Rose looked towards him with a small nod before she scrambled out of the room. She was exhausted and as much as she enjoyed the nice treatment, she was not in the mood. Rose heard a weird voice dark and hissing things, she thought she was just tired. Rose bumped into someone, Ginny Weasley had feathers on her. She blinked from an odd gaze, "R-Rose." Rose looked concerned as she looked at her, "Are you alright?" Ginny looked faint as she stumbled. 

"Where… How did I get here?" Rose looked concerned as she helped dust her off of feathers, "I'd say you got in a nasty pillow fight. Do you need help?" Ginny blinked before she shivered, Rose instantly pulled out her wand, "Hold still." She casted a warming charm that instantly seemed to bring back some color towards her pale cheeks. Ginny stopped shivering as she whispered, "What happened?" Rose looked concerned before she picked up the black book at her feet, "You dropped your journal. You should head back to the dorm. It's getting late." Rose watched Ginny walk slowly back to her room before running back to her dorm, not wanting Percy to catch her. Her whole body ached as she thought about her delivering all of the potions and then lifting all the potions again to redo the medicine cabinate. Nothing prepared her for the surprise she had in her dorm. 

"You're finally back…" Alice looked as if she stayed up the entire time, her eyes were droopy. Merlin was seen dozing off next to a large package, with a simple direction, "Tap me." Rose looked almost unamused but even Alice looked intrigued as she glanced towards the box, "What is it?" Rose shrugged, "I have no idea." She pulled out her wand one last time and gently tapped the box, white feathers flew around her, as a fancy letter and quill was next to a signed photo of Lockhart, and what made her even more curious, a photo of Rose on a broom. Rose instantly looked at the photo in shock, "Alice-How-What-" Alice shot up and raced towards the photo, "How odd! Looks like someone took a photo of you. But you look good." Rose looked at her as Alice snickered before pawing at the letter and quill, "What's in here." Rose gently picked up the letter, the feathers hovered in the air around them, Most likely charmed when I touched this letter. 

Rose opened the letter and read aloud, "My dearest Student, when I heard the awful words said towards you, why, I know I had to comfort you." Alice snorted, "Sure a signed photo-" Rose looked at her, "hush-'If anyone is pure it would be your lovely self. Which is why I sent you a lovely batch of pure white flowers. The quill I sent is much like my own autograph quill, a little bit of a bonus for my favorite student. Plus, a student managed to snag a photo of you in action. Best of luck to you on try outs, if you need any advice, you know who to ask. Guilderoy Lockhart…" Rose looked at all of the awards he listed before closing the letter. Alice shook her head, "That was weird." Rose nodded before she waved her wand and all the feathers disapeared, "At least now I have a new frame for my photo of my family." Alice and Rose climbed into bed, deamibg it late enough. Rose laid in her bed for what felt like hours, guilt was swallowing her, and now, a new moment came, Anxiety

In one week, she was trying out for Quidditch. 


Hello lovelies!!!

I wanted to thank everyone who comments on my stories. It means a lot to me and makes my day. I love seeing your comments and try to respond to each and every one! As a thank you:

Double update!

I love ya'll! Happy 4th


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