Chapter 49: Sisters and Disagrements

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Rose awoke with a big stretch and a fluffy Merlin near her. She looked out the window, unseen to the wizarding world below. She finished getting dressed and sighed loudly, "Merlin, do you want to walk into Diagon?" Merlin seemed unwilling to leave the warm blankets causing Rose to smile, "Alright. You stay warm. Perhaps Alice or Cedric is up." Rose walked down the steps hearing nothing and realizing the two might have gone out. I guess I'm alone today. She strolled down the stairs and towards the bricks before hearing a familiar voice, "Rose!" Rose felt her face form a large smile as she turned to a flaming ball of red hair. She enveloped the girl in a hug with a squeal, "Ginny!" Ginny smiled brightly as she looked at her, "You're here! That's so awesome-How- Did you get my letter? How was korea?"

Rose smiled brightly as Molly Weasley tapped her shoulder, "Ginny dear, let her reply. Hello Rose. I've heard a lot about you." Rose was pulled into a hug, "Hello Mrs. Weasley. I heard all about your trip!" Molly Weasley looked well rested and pleased as she nodded, "Yes it was rather wonderful to see our dear Bill. Ginny and I was about to go with the twins to do some shopping." Rose smiled at Ginny and held her hand, "Sounds wonderful. Where are George and Fred-" A loud whistle sounded causing Rose to glance towards the twins, "Well look at Rose. Looks like she grew-" "Yeah George, but only two centimeters. Ickle Rosie." Rose laughed at the two smiling boys. They were just as freckly as Ginny, a large grin on their faces. Rose waited till Molly Weasley left to question them, "No luck in trapping Percy huh?" Fred sighed dramatically as he leaned towards George, "Alas, mum spotted us just before we could shut the tomb." George sighed as well as he feigned innocence, "He was talking on and on about protections in the tomb so we figured he could see it himself." Rose laughed as the twins smirked as Ginny joined in the laughter. Soon Rose followed the family, Ginny was whispering about hieroglyphics and even speaking about tje muggle tourist. However Percy Weasley had caught up, "Ah Rose, Such a pleasant moment to meet." His voice sounded like one of those politicians she would see on the television. Fred began to mock him before Mrs. Weasley shot a glare at them. Soon the family and Rose went everywhere, Rose began to giggle with Ginny as the twins mocked Percy when he would introduce themself-in low voices so their mum wouldn't hear. Rose even helped Ginny pick out some new potions ingredients, and bought Ginny a gift without Mrs. Weasley spotting the new glossy Quidditch through the Ages book.

"Ginny, I'm having a girls night tonight with Alice in my room. You're more than welcome to join us." Rose said as the quartet was finishing up their shopping in a second hand store. Percy had wandered off to the ministry books and the twins were looking at pranks as Rose and Ginny spoke in the female section. Ginny smiled looking thrilled to be included, "Sounds wonderful. What will we be doing?" Rose smiled as she picked up a rather revealing nightgown causing the girls to blush and move away to the beauty section. "Painting nails, makeup stuff, and of course all talks about girl stuff." Rose had just finished when Fred and George appeared, "Oh? A girls night?? Sounds so charming. What will we be doing?" Fred smiled brightly as he tossed a random feather bowa over him, "Well obviously we need to talk about our hair, and boys." Ginny and Rose laughed as the twins continued, "And pillow fights for some random reason." Ginny rolled her eyes at the duo while Rose waved a feather out of her face, "You really think that's what we do? Obviously we talk about quidditch and magical beasts. Boys are the most uninteresting thing ever." Rose said as Ginny turned pink, George leaned towards her, "Oh? Says the girl who had half the school try to protect her." Rose was silent as she began to mess with stuff, Ginny noticed and looked at her brothers, "You two are hardly any sort of girls... except when they got scared by a two headed rat in one of the pyramids-" Rose looked at her with a small smile, "Really? Maybe we should ask them to join us... but they might be too girly then." Ginny snickered before Geroge turned red, "Oi-" Rose and Ginny began to laugh as Fred and George fussed before the group split again. Rose walked back towards other items before Ginny turned red as her mom approached, "Ginny, let's get you some new undergarments." Rose laughed as Ginny looked mortified.

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