Chapter 16: Returning to Hogwarts

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"Rose get up! We have a train to catch!" Rose groaned as she heard Cedric's voice, "Shut up…" This seemed to entice Cedric, who body slammed her bed knocking all of the air out of her lungs, "WAKE UP." Rose promptly shoved Cedric off of her, thanks to quidditch practice with him she gained more muscle. "Do that again and I'll make sure you never get to play Quidditch again!" Cedric laughed loudly before running off causing Rose to turn her head to the bed, "CEDRIC DIGGORY YOU GIVE ME BACK MY LION RIGHT NOW!!" Rose threw the covers off of her storming after the tall boy. Loud bouts of laughter echoed from the living room as Rose raced down the stairs, seeing a guilty Cedric holding the stuffed lioness she had received from the zoo last year. 

"Look who's finally awake." Rose snarled as she chased Cedric around the living room, "Give that back!" Cedric laughed before they both halted at the femimine but stern voice of Cedric's mother, "That's enough. Cedric, give Rose back her lion. Rose please go back up stairs and get ready to leave." Cedric quickly handed Rose her lion before Rose stole up the stairs suddenly hearing Cedric's mother lightly chastise him, "What good did that do? Don't you dare say wake her up." While it seemed that Cedric's mouth was glued shut Rose threw on her clothing and brushed her hair, before placing her lioness and the new supplies in her trunk. She grabbed her enchanted bag and placed Merlin's cage into the trunk. Rose placed her hairbrush, coin purse, toothbrush and paste,  face wash and various little items she had out in the room. She smiled as she heard Amos diggory knock before stating, "All clear." Amos entered with a large smile on his face before waving his wand and making her trunk float to follow him, "We are headed to the car. Is Merlin meeting you at Hogwarts?" Rose smiled as she nodded her head gently, "Yes. Thank you for letting me stay." Amos chuckled as they walked down the stairs, "It's always a pleasure to have you over dear." Once in the car Cedric began talking with her as he tried to figure out a good time to get a final practice in before tryouts, "Perhaps we can practice the weekend we get back?" Rose looked at him, "I don't want to practice the day after we have the feast Cedric. Why not the next weekend? Then we have practice before tryouts three days before." Cedric instantly tried to explain, "If we don't practice early then how will you be ready?" Rose looked at him shaking her head, "It doesn't help much if I overwork myself Cedric." Rose watched Cedric go to say something before he closed his mouth, seeming to decide against it. Rose looked out the window as they arrived at Kings Cross, "Alright, are you going to be okay going by yourself?" Rose smiled as she nodded softly, "Yeah, I think so." Cedric smiled, "She won't be alone, she has me." Rose smiled as they placed their trunks on separate trolleys, her chest becoming tight as they walked to the wall of platforms 9 and 10. She stared at the wall, the same feeling from Diagon Alley slowly crept up her legs, glueing them to the floor. 

"Rose, I'm here." Cedric gently patted her shoulder as he tried to help her, "Alice is waiting for us just past the wall." Rose looked towards him before she smiled softly, "Okay… I'm ready." The duo ran into the wall passing through the magical barrier, where the beautiful Hogwarts Express was waiting for them. A familiar blonde was racing towards them with a massive smile, "There you guys are!" Rose laughed as she hugged Alice, as Cedric also returned a hug from her as they strolled towards the train, "I'm so excited! I wonder what the feast will be like?" Cedric laughed as he put his trunk up, "Like it always is. Lots of food, scary first years, and ghosts." Rose smiled as she looked towards the two bickering, both already going on the train, "We'll get a compartment Rose!" Rose waved before she began to set her trunk with the helper, "Thank you." A small sound alerted her to the struggling redhead girl, "Here, let me help." Rose picked up one side of her trunk as they helped load it onto the train, "T-Thank you." Rose looked towards her before she recognized her, "You're the girl whose cauldron was tipped over. I hope everything was okay." The girl turned red before she nodded, "Y-Yes." Rose smiled before she happily stated, "If you ever need help, let me know. Sorry but I have to go see my friends, see you at the feast." Rose quickly walked on the train and the moment she sat down the train was on the way to Hogwarts. Rose smiled brightly as they discussed random things, Rose had handed Cedric and Alice candy from Korea, enjoying their expressions. The laughter bubbled through the cabin and out of the crack of the door throughout the hall. The laughter had paused upon a familiar bushy haired girl opening the door with a bossy tone, "Rose. Have you seen Harry or Ron?" Rose looked towards her before shaking her head, "No, I haven't." Hermione looked at her before stating, "Are you not Harry's neighbor? Surely you know where he is." Rose suddenly stood as Alice shared a look of surprise with Cedric, "Just because I live next to Harry does not mean I track his whereabouts. Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom." Rose moved past Hermione leaving her to the two annoyed people in the cabin, Alice instantly began to grill her. 

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