Chapter 45: Conversations and Unicorns

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Rose awoke the next morning by Merlin and Errol flopping on her bed on top of her body. Feathers had gone into her mouth causing her to cough and sputter loudly, her door opened revealing Cedric's mother having a small camera. She had taken the photo with a click and a small laugh. Rose blinked in her stupor as Errol seemed more energetic than she ever saw him, Merlin nuzzling her with a happy 'ooh'. She sat up coughing as Mrs. Diggory walked gracefully and gently patted her back, "Morning Dear." 

"M...Morning." Rose managed to cough as she pulled a grey feather out of her mouth looking at Errol and Merlin. She held it out to them and stated, "Whose feather tried to kill me, you two?" Errol looked to Merlin, who looked back at him and then to the grey feather. Rose narrowed her eyes, the feather was too dark to be Errol's. She playfully hit Merlin with his own feather, who leaped off the bed in stunned shock, before smiling happily and looking at Mrs. Diggory. She had beautiful brown hair, long and wavy, almost like a model. As Rose's father described her mother, "She's in a league of her own." Mrs. Diggory fixed Rose's hair for her before guiding her towards the kitchen, waving her wand causing Rose's packed camping bag to float towards the front. Merlin and Errol followed her as they quietly discussed things, "Now… I know your mother has talked to you about this, but Cedric told me about your issues with this Malfoy." Rose looked away as she stated, "I'm alright." Mrs. Diggory held her hand, "Honey, It's okay not to be alright. You've grown enough to start understanding more complex feelings. If you ever feel overwhelmed, Just write to me. Or search for Cedric, you're part of our family Rose." Rose sighed as she looked down, "Why do people act differently around certain people?" Mrs. Diggory sighed as she had her coffee in her hand, Rose holding her own mug of warm tea, "Well dear, that's a complicated thing." The ladies walked outside as Merlin and Errol sat on a railing, "You see, some people are taught about image. From what I understand, You already know about this." Rose looked into her mug before she nodded, "I do." Mrs. Diggory tucked Rose's hair behind her ear gently, "The Malfoy family's image is a pureblood family with strong beliefs. Perhaps the Draco you see is the Draco he wants to be. However, you can't let that stop you from protecting yourself." Mrs. Diggory looked outside, "Just because they act better alone, does not mean they have a right to hurt you near their friends. He follows his family's image in public, this is something he chooses. He could follow it without hurting you, but instead, he hurts you as he does it, and you must understand you shouldn't allow him to. You are special and deserve to be treated so, never settle for less." 

"How do I know when it's too much?" Rose whispered, she held her mug and looked upset. She knew she was hurt, but remembering how sweet he was to her originally made her confused. Mrs. Diggory sighed before she lifted her chin with her finger, "That's up to you dear. When you realize your happiness is larger without them, that's when you leave. You're a wonderful girl, and people will try to take your kindness for granted." Errol and Merlin flew off into the sky as Rose smiled, she heard Cedric slip down the stairs. Laughter entered the home again as Amos Diggory chuckled at a thoroughly embarrassed Cedric, whose hair stuck up where he fell. Mrs. Diggory had laughed and began to look over at him while Rose bellowed with laughter. Cedric threatened to put Rose in the lake the moment they got there, Rose dared him to try. Soon the Diggory family plus Rose were on their way to the lake, hiking through the forest. Amos decided to tell Rose about the creatures inside it, "There are tons of Bowtruckles in these woods. There are also Unicorns, and non magic animals too." Rose looked rather excited as she looked around for movement. She saw deer and squirrels, beautiful birds singing aloud, Cedric teased her by saying he saw a bowtruckle before laughing as she jerked her head to see nothing. She kicked the closest pinecone at him hitting him square in the nose, Amos cheered as he laughed at her good aim. Cedric scowled as Rose smiled cheekily at him before she looked around, she felt comfortable in the forest. Cedric watched her before he smiled and walked beside her as she whispered pointing at the nearest deer. 

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