Chapter 23: Tutor and Dumbledore

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The next few days brought on all kinds of rumors, some thought a prank was put on Filch, but it was quickly dismissed. Another was that someone wanted to harm Mrs. Norris, but the biggest one was that Harry could be the person behind the attack. Rose was always quick to stop people from starting this though, becoming angry when they accused him. On a chilly afternoon Rose walked with Alice towards Potions, both having pleasant conversations about the holidays. Alice invited Rose to Germany with her family but Rose gently shook her head, "My family always goes to my grandmother's home for christmas. I can't give that up." Alice smiled as she nodded, "Well, I'll bring you some treats, my father wants to go to the wizarding village in the countryside of Germany. He had to discuss a lot of buisness with dragon breeding recently, apparently there was a boom in successful hatchings in Romania." Rose looked impressed, smiling brightly, "That's wonderful! Maybe you'll see a dragon?" Alice laughed as she entered the potions classroom, "I doubt that. From what my father told me, Germany has a very strict breeding law." Rose sighed as she sat down next to her in their potions seats, however something altered, "Ms. Park. Come up here." Rose looked up towards Snape and slowly stood up walking to him, "Yes sir?" Snape looked up at her picking up his quil, "I'm assigning you as a tutor."

"Er… are you sure? I'm not-" Snape began to write in his quill, "You're top of your year and making advanced potions during detention as well as two weeks ahead of your course work in all classes but Transfiguration. You'll be a tutor for the first through second years. If you continue this work you can be a tutor for your time as a student." Rose blinked surprised before she smiled softly and nodded, "Okay. Um, when do I start-" Snape handed her a sheet of paper, "Tomorrow afternoon. In the library." Rose picked up the paper confused before thanking him and quickly scurrying to her seat. Alice whispered, "What happened?" Rose began to open her notebook as students entered the room, "I'm apparently a tutor now." Alice snickered at her as she leaned near her as if looking at her book, "Who's the one that needs it?" Rose shrugged about to reply but Snape stood and started the lesson. A few students started to tell everyone about History of Magic's lesson telling the story of the Chamber of Secrets. Rose rolled her eyes as more people thought it was Harry. 

"Now, pick up your books and start writing detailed step by step instructions to brewing the Swelling solution." Rose smiled to herself thinking about how just the other day she had created the solution in detention, Alice on the other hand joined the students in a quiet groan and begam writing. Rose finished writing rather quickly, and began to doodle the ingredients list on the bottom of her parchment. Rose waited till two students went up before putting her assignment down and setting her books back in her bag to wait for Alice. By the time Alice finished Rose laughed at her on the way out of the potions room, "My hand is aching! Can you believe that? A list of steps to a potion we never made?!" Rose laughed louder before excusing herself, "I'm going to go see Myrtle. She has yet to tell me about the Deathday party." Alice waved her away as she entered the great hall, most likely going to talk to Hannah Abbot. Rose followed the steps up to Myrtle's bathroom, greeting a few students here and there. She paused, seeing Percy, "Hello Percy. Are you doing well in your classes?" Percy greeted her quite warmly, "Hello Rose. Thank you for asking, as a matter of fact I'm acing them." Rose smiled as Percy led her towards the bathroom, "Must be careful after that night. I hope you're doing well." Rose thanked him for asking but just before she asked about the news of Mrs. Norris, Percy turned incredibly red, "Ron! That's a girls bathroom! What were you-" Rose looked shocked turning pink seeing Harry catch sight of her, Harry turned pink himself being caught. 

"Just having a look around. Clues you know." Percy swelled like a bullfrog hurriedly marching to them, "Get away from there! Don't you care what this looks like?" Rose heard Myrtle sobbing, she became upset, even as Percy flapped his arms, "Coming back here while everyone's at dinner." Hermione looked towards Rose who was watching Percy, "Why shouldn't we be here? Listen, we never laid a finger on that cat." Hermione walked towards Rose who snapped out of the conversation and looked at her, "What do you want Hermione?" Hermione looked at her and asked forward, "What are you doing here?" Rose looked at her in shock, "What does it look like? I'm going to the bathroom, clearly you upset Myrtle." Hermione stuck her nose up, "We already learned about things from Myrtle. Don't bother asking." Rose felt the fire rise in her stomach, "Do you get a kick of being in people's business? You think you know everything but in reality you don't. Don't bother Myrtle again or else you'll deal with me." Rose hit her shoulder hard against Hermione's who yelped, Harry turned towards her, "Rose-" Rose turned around and looked at him.

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