Chapter 38: Finally Free

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The exams had been canceled, which Cedric whooped with joy. He didn't have to do big exams after his OWLS, Alice was thankful to not have a potions exam. Rose was just happy to be back. Dumbledore had told them Lochart had some issue and couldn't return, Rose couldn't help but laugh at Alice's booming cheer that caused people to look at her.

"Can you believe everything that happened?" Rose sighed as she sat in the grass under the Whomping Willow, the tree was completely healed. Willow had actually picked her up in the air, which scared her half to death, before she realized it was some sort of hug and celebration to see her. She sat with Merlin, who had carried a rat with him. She had to save the rat, who was missing a toe, from a grizzly fate. She felt the cool breeze on her face, as the warmth of the sun peeked through the shade of Willow's leaves. Merlin was resting against her, more clingy than ever, glaring towards the creature as Rose petted the rat. She sighed as she looked at the rat, "You are Scabbers correct? You're very weird… just be lucky Merlin came to me this time." The rat seemed to understand as it ran away back to the castle. Rose looked to the rat whispering, "I feel so weird about that rat." Rose saw her friends waving at her from the window, "See you next year Willow. Let's go Merlin." Merlin took off towards the castle as Willow waved a sad branch towards her departure.

"There you are! Ready for the train?" Rose smiled as she ran with them, "Absolutely! Let's go!" Rose and her friends laughed as they raced to the train, their trunks already on board. Rose waved and dodged students that greeted her as she ran towards their usual seats. The cabin was empty when they arrived, soon Nevilie entered with Ginny popping by to say hello. Cedric displayed some flashy spells he learned, as Alice told them about the gossip Ginny shared. Percy had a girlfriend, Rose laughed as Nevilie smiled at her before getting dizzy when he ate a bertie botts bean.

"Confirmed plan Rose?" Rose nodded as she looked to her dearest Merlin, who wanted to stay with her again, "We will be staying in the Leaky cauldron for three days before term. I'm going to Cedric's house before, and Alice and I will do our school robe shopping together while Cedric gets new potions ingredients." Alice smiled as she hugged her, "I'm so excited for this summer." Rose laughed as Cedric began to try and gloat, resulting in the Beans to be tossed at him by Alice. The group laughed as they pelted them at each other, Alice had answered the door but from what Neville told her, she told someone to "Bug off." Rose dodged a black spotted bean she knew as pepper before nailing Cedric between the eyes with a cinnamon one. Soon they were enchanting the place to be clean before the trolly witch came. Rose laughed as Cedric ordered a licorish wand, as Alice got Drewbals and she got her usual Bertie and Chocolate Frogs. Alice and herself went to the restroom to change, and when they came back Cedric was swearing a storm.

"What happened?" Cedric motioned to Merlin who looked extremely proud, "He bit me when I went to pet him!" Neville laughed as Alice went to comfort Merlin, "Poor Merlin, that dirty man touching you." Merlin fluffed before trying to nip her, causing a gasp to erupt from Alice. Rose laughed as she whistled for him, "Now Merlin, you know better than to bite my friends. No matter how overbearing they are." Cedric gave a hollow laugh before going to change as Neville went too. Alice and Rose spoke about their ideas for a girls night during one of the three nights at The Leaky cauldron. Rose whispered about painting their nails and her looking up some different makeup in South Korea. Alice talked about discussing something new for both of them, "Plus, we have to talk about boys." Rose looked confused, "Boys? Why?" Alice suddenly turned red before smiling, "The boys are cuter right?" Rose sighed as Cedric entered the room with Neville entering behind. Alice quickly became silent as she offered a Bertie Botts bean to her. Rose smiled as she pulled out her wand to cast a few last charms, her heart shivering. She was 13 now, she could perform magic in front of her mom and Dad in Korea. She smiled brightly as she levitated a treat for Merlin to catch, getting him to stretch his wings for a small moment before soon they all stopped. Rose promised all of them that she would write, joking with Alice about a postcard. She found Ginny and embraced her in a tight hug, "Don't forget to write."

"Hello Rose dear! How are you?" Rose turned to see Molly Weasley, who smiled at them, "I'm well, thank you. Sorry I need to go to my family." Rose raced outside to the muggle platforms of Kings Cross. Merlin sitting in an unlatched cage she looked around for her family, slowly going towards the outside of the station. She looked around suddenly becoming scared, Merlin's noises didn't help though he tried. She felt her breathing become rappid before she heard it.

"ROSE!" Rose turned around seeing her mother and father standing one foot away from her. Her mother looked as if she was older by many years, her father held tears in his eyes. She whispered, "Appa? Omma?" Her family came running to her before Rose released a small quiet hiccup before jumping into their arms. Her family held tightly to each other as she held her family, afraid to let go. Rose was more than relieved, she was finally done with her worst year yet. She had lost her dearest friend, been petrified by her largest fear, and yet, she was home.

"Let's go home dear. Petunia made a wonderful pudding for your homecoming." Rose smiled softly, thankful to resume her life in the muggle world, "Okay Omma. Merlin?" Merlin flew out of his cage and looked at her, "Ooh?" Rose smiled largely as she giggled.

"Let's go Home."

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