Chapter 44: Confessions and Relief

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"And then, the house transformed. It became brighter and cleaner, even changed the outside." Rose tried to explain how wonderful it was to be at the house and village as it changed. She tried to explain the unique house and the village. She began trying to explain the different people from the village, from the sour older people to the new children that laughed at everything silly. Cedric sat wide eyed the entire time as Rose finally finished looking at him, "So… I'm the heiress of a wizarding village." She felt as if she had just taken off a large weight, but felt nervous. What if Cedric didn't believe her?

"Wow, and I thought Alice going to Paris would have been cool. Who knew your grandma would have been like that?" He smiled at her and squeezed her arm, "I told you, you belong here. I'll make sure of it." Rose smiled as she hugged him tightly, "Thanks Ced. Now I need to tell Alice-" Cedric shook his head, "Listen, I know you want to tell her. However, you just found out yourself, and no offense to her but, she'd tell everyone." Rose paused, she didn't want people to learn just after she did, what if people treat her differently all over again? Yet she wanted to believe Alice would keep the secret, "Maybe we can test it?" She felt rather gross as her and Cedric came up with a secret, "How about telling her I became a prefect? If I get any letters or something about it then we know she told the secret. If she doesn't, then we can tell her." Rose nodded and soon Merlin had flown away as guilt found its way to her stomach. Cedric had played a random game of exploding snaps with her, Rose was rather lucky until her mind wandered again. She was brought back with a sharp sting as one of the snaps exploded on her hand, "Ouch!" Cedric shook his head, grabbing her hand and glancing at it gently. Rose paused as she stared at him before pulling her hand back, "I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Clearly it wasn't that card." Cedric smiled as he nodded, both enjoying a pleasant time in the quiet household. Cedric's mother could be heard humming in the kitchen as Amos was heard reading some newspaper discussing random wizarding things until…

"They still haven't caught Sirius Black?" Cedric watched as Rose's head picked up as they walked to the living room downstairs. Rose turned the corner to see the deranged man in the newspaper, his hair was wild. His whole body looked dark and spooky, white it was also incredibly skinny. He looked lifeless apart from his eyes, they burned with life. Rose shivered as Cedric walked to a sofa and sat down, "He's from the wizarding world?" Cedric looked surprised, "The muggles know?" Rose sat cautiously on the couch, "Yes, it's said he has a.. gun. A metal contraption to kill muggles with." Cedric tilted his head before he looked to his dad, "It's alright Rose. He does not have a gun. But you both need to be cautious." Amos looked to Cedric, "Make sure to keep her safe, and please be careful this year. Don't wander off." Cedric smiled, shooting a playful look to Rose, "Tell that to her. She's the one who always wanders into trouble." Rose went into defensive mode, "Do not!" Cedric rolled his eyes and stated, "You practically ran to the bathroom, not to mention your fights with 2/3rds of the 'golden trio'." Rose ignored the bathroom comment saying, "They deserved it." Mrs. Diggory was heard calling everyone to dinner, "Cedric, please set the table." Rose snickered as Cedric smiled warmly, "Yes mum." As he quickly began to pick up the plates and set them out nicely, Rose helped bring the food to the table. The seating was comfortable as she looked around, Cedric laughing at something his father said as Rose automatically replied back to a random question from Cedric's mom. She smiled to herself but she felt her heart hold a pebble of weight, "Alright Rose?"

"Hmm? Yeah I'm good- WOAH!" Rose shrieked as Errol flew in, landing directly in her lap in a grey lump. Rose jumped as Amos shouted with his son calling for the Hufflepuff founder, "HELGA!" Mrs. Diggory squealed before Rose picked up the old owl, "It's just Errol. Is it okay if I take him to Merlin?" They all agreed before Rose gently walked up the stairs, yet as she walked away from the table, the pebble stayed, only being slightly smaller. Rose spoke gently to Errol, "You're alright Errol. I have you. You made it. I'm very proud." Merlin seemed intrigued and happy to see Errol, eyeing him with a content hoot. Errol had seemed to recover after Rose spoke to him, blinking his eyes gently and stepping onto the massive cage Merlin had. Rose had taken the letter off of him, and gave both of the owls treats and affection. She smiled at them, "If you want to leave, when you're ready, just tell Merlin. He'll find me." Errol hooted before closing his eyes and sleeping with Merlin, Rose joined the table again and finished the dinner. Turns out, Mrs. Diggory had made a brilliant pudding like Petunia did the year prior.

"Alright, don't stay up too late kids. We will be going to the lake tomorrow." Rose smiled as she nodded wishing them well as Cedric and herself walked upstairs. Cedric's room was right across from the guest room, so they would be happy to enjoy time either way. Cedric sat with Rose, both discussing their ideas of the lake as well as hopes of the year. Cedric spoke about hoping to win a game, "I mean, we do win. But it would mean a lot as the new quidditch captain."  Rose patted his hand comfortingly before she smiled, "I know, but we have a wonderful team. Plus we are practicing as hard as we can." Rose smiled at him before she gave him a tight hug, "You'll do your best and that is what matters, Ced. I'll be there with you." He smiled as he held out his pinky, "Swear it?" Rose laughed as she hooked his pinky with hers, "Swear on your vainness." Cedric laughed, tackling her to the bed, "Take that back!" Rose laughed as she howled and fought back, "Get off my hair! Take that!" Cedric and Rose roughoused before they soon bid each other goodnight. Rose waited until he had left to open the letter, it was from Ginny Weasley again.

Dear Sis,

How was the trip? What is it like flying in that metal death trap? We are finally back at home. Never thought I would miss my room so much! You know, when you see Dad, be ready for a ton of questions. He loves muggle things, I think his eyes were going to pop out of his head when I mentioned an 'airplane'. Egypt was wonderful, there were so many pyramids! Plus I learned so much about the wizarding world in Egypt. We will be in Diagon Alley the last day before term, will you be there? How is Merlin? Oh I can't wait to see you again!

With love,
Ginny Weasley

Rose smiled happily as she hugged the letter to her chest, she couldn't wait to see Ginny again. And to go back to Hogwarts, "This year," she said. She turned her body to the sleeping Merlin and Errol, "This year will be a good year."

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