Chapter 13: Letters and Dinner Parties

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A deep sounding hoot sounded from outside a 12 year old's room. Alerting a specific witch to the presence of her beloved owl, "Merlin." Rose giggled as she opened her window and affectionately welcomed back her friend, who had multiple letters in his grasp. A sweet little nudge was given to her finger as Rose giggled, her locket shining sweetly around her neck. She had recently come back home from visiting her family to celebrate her grandmother's 106th birthday. Her mother was extremely excited about this trip, because Rose had just got her period for the first time, and with her mother's career as an OBGYN she was quickly educated about her growing body. 

"What have you been up to?" She sat petting the massive dark owl, a large contrast to her sweet friendly face. "Rose, Come down please!" Rose smiled happily getting a sense of nostalgia, just last year, this exact day she was told she was a witch. She smiled to herself before motioning Merlin to follow, taking the letters in her hand, "Appa! Merlin came back!" She ran down the stairs into their sweet living area, her father was smiling as her mother was applying some makeup. Rose was wearing a soft green gown, it was formal to say the least. Her shoulders were revealed due to the off the shoulders design. The family were going to a dinner party at their neighbors on 4 Privet Drive, the Dursleys. Her father's business partner and his wife, who adored Rose, were attending for Vernon Dursley to make a business deal. Her mother was just excited to spend some time with Petunia Dursley, her favorite person to gossip with. Her mother and father were going to have a formal date before the party, they had deemed Rose old enough to stay home alone, besides they knew Petunia would happily allow her inside. To Petunia, Rose was her own child, the daughter she wanted. Her mother was wearing a stunning gown that she was giggling about, a tea length gown in beautiful red chiffon, the same material Rose's gown was. Though her mother had a slit in the leg, giving her a moment of what her father called, "Sexy peaks." Rose gagged when he stated that, while her mother turned bright red and smacked him lightly on the chest. 

"Now, I need you to be on your best behavior while we are gone. Don't make any teapots dance-" Rose laughed as she shook her head, "Appa, no magic outside of school remember?" Rose was underage, meaning it was against wizarding law to perform magic outside of her school, Hogwarts. Her mother laughed as she kissed her forehead, making sure she did it before she put on her lipstick. Her mother had gotten Rose her first piece of makeup in Korea, a lip tint. Her mother got her the lip tint because "If you're grown up enough to have a period, your grown up enough to have a little bit of makeup if you want." Her father was a little more hesitant, stating she was still a little girl, but one look from her mother and her father agreed. "We know sweetheart, we'll be off now. Make sure to go inside the Dursley's before 7. I'm sure Petunia wants to see you." Rose smiled before she nodded, and waved her parents goodbye. The moment they left Rose went outside to the back yard and sat down opening the first letter, Merlin sitting next to her. 

Dear Rose, 

My gran said she would like to meet you one day. She hopes you'll help tutor me in charms, I got an A for my final. I hope Korea was amazing, how is your grandmother? Also, I got a new wrapper from my mother today, she kept her hand against mine for a little bit longer. My father still hasn't looked at me though. I'm so excited for school this year. 


Neville Longbottom

Ps. Sorry for the ink blot, I tipped over my pot.

Rose laughed softly, Neville Longbottom was quickly becoming close friends with her. He was a clumsy boy, often mistaken simple spells for more complicated ones, but Rose thought he was loveable. He was sweet and loyal, she would often joke he was a wonderful Hufflepuff in disguise, but when he fought with her being in the wrong house she refused. There was a blotch, right next to his grade he received. She folded the letter properly and placed it back in the envelope. Once she picked up the next one she recognized the strangely messy but neat writing of Cedric Diggory. Cedric was two years older than her, and was already a fourth year. He was quickly becoming the most popular boy in Hogwarts, but Rose just saw him as the same teen who startled her her first time on the train. 

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