Chapter 51: A beautiful mystery

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"R-Rose… Rose?" She felt movement under her, she felt cold, very cold. Her head started to sting sharply as she managed a tiny groan. She heard people talking, before hearing Alice speak, "R-Rose? Cmon rose… Don't scare me like this." She heard another voice, "It's alright. She might be taking a little longer to stir." Rose began to sit up before feeling someone gently push help her lean against something, "Easy now. You hit your head on the way down. Can you open your eyes for me?" Rose began to blink towards the light of the train, it was moving again, she looked at the man again. She reached towards her chest to try and warm herself, the man smiled gently, "You know. I never did tell you my name." Rose looked up at him as he smiled, "My name is Remus Lupin, you can call me Professor Lupin." Rose managed to stir some from her fog-covered mind, "Defense against the Dark arts right?" Lupin smiled and nodded, "Correct." Rose widened her eyes as she quickly turned her head, "You're alright-ouch! You're okay Alice?" Lupin began to look over her again as Alice gave an exasperated laugh wiping away her tear stained face. Lupin managed his own chuckle to her response, "You faint into a fit… and you ask me if I'm okay? Honestly Rose." Rose managed her own little smile as she stretched her neck under the guidance of Lupin. She heard a small 'snap' before seeing Lupin hand her something, "Here, this will help." Rose felt her stomach churn as she stared at the chocolate bar she gave him, "I'm not hungry… thank you." Lupin frowned and shook his head, "No, you should eat this. I will come back to check on you." Rose watched as he stood up and shut the door behind him, he must have pulled out his wand and raised the blinds. Alice sat on the floor next to her, "I'm sorry." Rose was confused, "What?" 

"I'm sorry for what I said that day." Rose noticed her starting to cry, "A-Alice, it's okay-" Alice shook her head, "No it's not! I didn't listen to you, I was so angry I lashed at you." Rose felt her heart sink as she saw the tears fall down her face, "A-Alice…" Alice hickuped as she continued, "A-And then you stood between me and t-that d-dementor… I-I couldn't d-do that for you… I'm such a horrible friend." Rose felt her eyes water as she pulled her towards herself, "Alice, no. You're not." Alice cried as Rose held her close, "Friends argue and grow apart… Best friends will always come back. You stayed with me the whole time. Through everything these past two years." Alice sniffed as Rose smiled at her, "Just because you won't jump in front of that thing, does not make you a bad friend. You still stayed with me." Alice smiled as she hugged her tightly, "Of course Rose. You're my best friend." Rose smiled as she felt warm for the first time since the dementor appeared. Rose and Alice heard stomping as if someone was running to the door. Alice pulled out her wand before seeing the familiar tall fifth year, Cedric looked disheveled and worried. He opened the door quickly, "Are you two okay? Rose you look terrible- Were you really gonna shoot a spell at me?" Alice managed a sarcastic response, "Oh yeah, your heavy footsteps made me feel extremely safe." Cedric seemed ready to fire back as Rose muttered, "Love it when I'm told I look terrible. The sweetest thing ever said Ced." Cedric sighed as he knelt towards her level as she nibbled on the piece of chocolate, the warmth sparked from her friends starting to bloom into a cozy fire. Cedric looked towards Alice, "Are you two alright?" Alice nodded before she looked at Rose who was quietly savoring the chocolate with a new little smile, seeming to slowly come out of the odd fog of her brain. Alice sighed, "She stood up to a Dementor, Cedric." Cedric looked shocked as he looked to Rose who seemed ready for a lecture, "Are you sure you're in the right house?" Rose lightly hit Cedric's arm, albeit weakly, causing him to laugh, "Cmon Alice, help me get her in a chair." The two helped her up before sitting her down on a softer chair, "How are you feeling now Rose?" Rose smiled towards them, feeling a small rock in her chest as she lied, "Better, Though… I'm hungry." Cedric laughed as all the tension left his and Alice's face. Rose pushed back the mixed emotions in her mind, as she continued to eat the chocolate. The door opened with a gentle knock, "I see you made it Mr. Diggory." Lupin was smiling at the trio fondly as he observed Rose again, "You're looking much better Ms. Park. We will be pulling into the station in five minutes, I'll ask you two to keep an eye on her." Cedric smiled and nodded, "Of course, Professor. Thank you." Rose nodded gently before smiling at him, "Thank you." He smiled and shut the door before walking away, Alice immedently began to speak. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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