Prolouge: A Sweet Rose

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Rose Eunji Park was a sweet girl, her family consisted of herself and Her father and Mother. Her mother was a female doctor, excellent with her work and always was ready to help her daughter. Her father was about to get a promotion at the company Park Construction firm. Her mother was happily bouncing her daughter in her arms, sweet toddler Rose was giggling away. Her father chuckled as he kissed the little girl on her head before getting in the car, "Have a nice day at work, Dear." He was speaking in Korean as the wife waved at her husband and watched as he backed out of the drive.

"Well my little Rose, time to take you over." It was a usual day as she was about to walk over to their neighbor. While Privet drive was always quiet, often not many things happened, the doctor's attention was brought when her daughter pointed. She looked to see what she was pointing at, "Kitty!" She laughed softly at the strange tabby cat, from what she could see it had markings almost like glasses around its eyes. She closed and locked the front door of number 3 Privet Drive and walked to number 4, to drop her daughter with the Dursleys. With a polite tap on the door it was opened by a skinny woman, she had a long neck and was brown haired. She looked stern before seeing little Rose, her smile grew brightly, "Hello Sunji! And hello Rose." Mrs. Park was always happy to see her best friend, "Good morning Petunia. I have to go to the office-" Petunia happily picked up the sweet little toddler as she smiled, "Say no more. You know I love little Rose like my own."

"Well, thank you so much, I look forward to catching up. Rose, be good for Mrs. Dursley." Rose waved at her mum before giggling as the door shut, "Well little Rose, let's go see Dudley." Dudley was Petunia's son, a blonde hot-headed toddler who was spoiled rotten, and Petunia thought he was just the most perfect boy on earth. Dudley was playing with some sort of toy as Rose was set down near him. It was clear Dudley did not want to share with his toy and when Rose reached for the toy he pulled it away saying, "Won't!" Petunia suddenly cheered and pampered her son with attention upon hearing a new word. Rose looked upset before she decided to play with the little doll Petunia had given her. Dudley was playing with his new toy train and Petunia was just smiling as she pictured how perfect the two would be.

The whole day was perfectly normal, Dudley would use his new word every now and then and during Rose and Dudley's nap Petunia looked over her neighbor's fence of 5 and watched as she fought with her daughter. Petunia was thankful that Rose was a good child, never throwing a fit and always happy to play dress up in the new dresses Petunia gave her. It was a few hours later when Mr. Park picked up Rose and thanked her. Rose was walking out in the front garden and was playing with the same tabby cat she had seen before. The cat was stiff as it allowed the girl to play with them, the girl smiled and waved to the cat when her father picked up the girl. With Rose going back into the house and playing with her toy iguana Iggy, Mr Park thought about the odd day he had.

There was owls everywhere at his latest construction site, and tons of oddly dressed people. He wondered if there was a convention going on, he had to admit, it was interesting to see but he still had decided to ignore it. Once Mrs. Park came back they tucked their little girl in her bed, had a sweet romantic dinner and turned in to bed together. It was another normal day for their family, unaware that Petunia and her husband's life was about to change forever.

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