Chapter 20: Tryouts and Friends

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The week leading up to practice was exhausting, on top of all of her school work, as well as helping the gardens, including Hagrid's pumpkins, the new cold chill made Pepper-up potions a necessity to create daily. Rose was actually dropping off a new batch with the frazzled and thankful Madam Pomfry at that moment. 

"Thank you so much dear. How are you feeling today?" Rose had grown very fond of Madam Pomfry, who became a new mother figure towards her. She was learning all sorts of magical medical properties and techniques. Rose was thriving however, even though her body ached every night, all new information was making her mind expand and satisfied her craving for knowledge. Madam Pomfry was even giving her more responsibilities, "Dear, please bring a vial of that potion, a pain potion, and some medical wrapping." Rose smiled as she reached into the medical cabinet, "Right away Ma'am!" Rose clutched the items as she entered the main area of the hospital wing, before her was a student who seemed to have an injured wrist, and two people a little farther having a debate. She handed the medical supplies but Madam Pomfry smiled, "You can administer this potion okay?" Rose nodded as she walked towards the arguing students, "Oh! Hello Ginny! Good afternoon Percy." Ginny looked relieved to see Rose, as Percy looked towards Rose, "Rose!" Rose had once again made a friend, and Percy complimented her on her work ethic, "Someone is feeling under the weather and needs to take the potion." Ginny looked anxious but Rose gently comforted her, "It's okay. I made it myself, so I promise you'll be okay." Ginny took the potion and Rose apologized for her upset face at the smoke exiting her ears, but Ginny did speak. "Good luck on tryouts today." 

"Thank you Ginny!" Rose smiled as she started to wiggle in her stance, looking as pale as Ginny did. Percy decided to speak, "I'm sure you'll do wonderfully. Cedric talks of you a lot." Rose smiled as she rolled her eyes gently, "He's only trying to encourage me. He taught me all summer." Percy raised an eyebrow before he stated, "So you already have a guaranteed win huh?" Rose tilted her head confused, “What? What do you mean?” Percy looked towards her before lightly laughing, “Did you not know? Everyone knows Cedric Diggory is basically the next captain of Hufflepuff Quidditch. If he taught you then you’re going to be accepted instantly.” Rose looked shocked before she gained a look of irritation and quickly smiled, "Thank you for telling me Percy. It's a shame I had to learn from someone else." Rose turned her head as Madam Pomfry asked her to tidy up the bed, and then she could go to practice. She bid them farewell before Ginny grabbed her hand, "Um… Could I hang out with you today? Or watch you practice?" Rose looked towards her before nodding softly, "Sure-" Percy seemed to turn pink before he reached for Ginny's arm, causing the small ember in Rose to blip, "She's fine-" Rose stood in front of Ginny and spoke sternly towards him looking down before looking up. 

"Surely you're not trying to take a patient from me, Percy?" Ginny had looked surprised as Rose held a sweet smile holding Percy's wrist, "I mean, of course you're worried about her. I mean I heard about siblings worrying about the younger ones. However, to use your power as a prefect to force a student to take a potion… I mean-What would Professor McGonagal think?" Percy looked pale at the way her lips seemed to sharpen the smile, "But if you let me look after her, I promise I'll keep an eye on her. If not well-" Percy quickly ripped his arm back as he stuttered, "N-No! I mean… no, thank you for looking after her. No actions will be necessary. Good luck Ms. Park." Percy promptly turned around and fled the wing, Rose took a breath before turning to Ginny, "Sorry for that. We Hufflepuffs may be quiet, but we stand up for others." Ginny gave her a happy smile before helping her set up the bed and then ran with her to the girls locker room where Squibbles left the clothes for her. Ginny sat with her, seeming nervous, "Ginny? Are you okay?" Once Rose placed on her muggle athletic shirt Ginny spoke, "W...What did you see when you stopped me the other night?" Rose looked confused before she smiled softly, "Ginny, it's totally okay. You were in feathers and looked as if you had been sleepwalking." Ginny looked down before Rose sighed and pulled her off the bench. She hugged her tightly as she looked at her smiling. 

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