Chapter 28: Justin and Traditions

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"Sit down." Rose and Alice sat together excitedly as they looked at their cauldron, it was time to make another potion. However, Snape had something different in mind, "Ms. Park." Rose looked up as he loomed closer to her, "Yes Professor?" Alice looked cautiously towards him before he spoke, "Due to the odd numbered students, You will work alone. Ms. Charmingale, you will work with Mr. Macmillian." Alice looked appalled as she turned towards Earnie, who seemed pale, "But Professor-" Professor Snape lifted his hand and motioned for her to go. 

"Now, Everyone start your potions." Rose felt scared now that she was alone, she wondered if this was a bit of retaliation, from her lashing out the day before. She turned her head towards Alice who looked at her concern before Rose sighed and walked to the stores, picking out the best of the ingredients and slowly shuffled towards her station. She began to go through the potion step by step from memory, crushing pufferfish eyes with her mortar, slowly adding them as she stirred, eventually she had to sit down and wait for it to ferment. She felt lonely as the familiar tingle of homesickness etched it's way into her body. Alice was quietly gossiping behind her as everyone else began their potions, someone's bubbled dangerously and Snape floated to them muttering of incompetence. Rose sat silently wishing it was holiday break already, ready to go home and away from Hogwarts. Rose suddenly felt something hit her in the back of the head, whipping her head she saw Earnie looking guilty. She glanced to the ground before seeing a puffer fish eye on the ground and a thoroughly disgusted Alice glaring at Earnie. She turned around to be face to face with Snape, "I see you're taking the opportunity to try to speak with friends? Perhaps you feel second year potions are too easy for you." Rose turned pink as she stammered, "I-I was not-" Alice sat straight looking annoyed, "Professor, she only turned around because he flicked a puffer fish eye at her." Snape looked up at Alice as Rose shyed away, "This is not a discussion for you to join Ms. Charmingale. F-" Alice looked at him aggressively as she stated, "It is if you are messing with my best friend. She does nothing but be an excellent student, so obviously assuming she would talk to someone like Earnie is an insult." Rose whispered, "Alice-" Snape looked thoroughly angry as he stated, "Detention Ms. Charmingale. And ten points from Hufflepuff for your actions, Mcmillian." Rose leaned back in her seat as Snape looked at her, "As for you Ms. Park. Speak with me after class." Snape turned away in a billow of robes and went to the front as Alice was holding her tongue. Rose however wasn't mad, she knew she had a true friend on her side. 

"Time is up. Those who have not turned in their potions already, bottle them now and hand them in." Rose sat still with her clean desk and cauldron as she heard some students rise from their seats and rush towards Snape's desk. Alice was heard speaking with some other students as she tapped Rose's shoulder, "Yes?" Rose turned around looking at her as Alice smiled, "Hannah and I will wait for you outside okay?" Rose smiled warmly as she nodded, "Thank you Alice." Rose watched the two leave as Alice's happy face started to fade as Hannah whispered something to her. Rose looked towards Snape who motioned for her to approach, "Ms. Park. Headmaster Dumbledore wishes for me to tell you personally, there has been another attack." Rose looked concerned, "There has? Are they alright? Who-" Snape held up his hand, "I am not finished. Though I do not understand why I must be the one to tell you, Justin Fletchly and Sir Nick were the ones attacked." Rose instantly looked shocked as she whispered, "J-Justin? But-" Snape nodded as he stated, "It appears he saw through Sir Nick and was petrified. Headmaster Dumbledore has told me to warn you of straying alone. Now, proceed to your friends." Rose was promptly shooed out, her bag placed in her hand and into the hall. Alice instantly pulled her into a hug, "Now we absolutely can't let you be alone! Everyone thinks you'll be next!" Rose could barely talk, Alice and Hannah were like two faithful guard dogs, next to her every step. By the time the next week came along Rose was followed by multiple Hufflepuffs every day. She felt rather ridiculous, and Fred and George would constantly joke about her. Even Peeves found it rather silly. 

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